The best varieties of radish for open ground: top most popular

Radish is an annual or biennial spring vegetable. All varieties of radish fall under the general classification by ripening time: early (16–20 days), early (25–30 days), mid-ripening (31–35 days), late (36–45 days). Below is a top of the best radish varieties for open ground, recommendations for seed selection, vegetable and soil care.

Early fruits

Early ripe fruits are suitable for both unprotected and greenhouse soil. The main advantage is the shortest ripening period of root crops.

“Radish 16” is designed for early forcing in unprotected soil. It is allowed to grow vegetables in specially prepared film shelters. The high-yielding variety is distinguished by round-shaped fruits that turn bright red during ripening. The pulp is juicy and tender, acquires a white color. During cultivation, the fruits do not crack and do not shoot. Ripening time: 16 days.

The best varieties of radish for open ground: top most popular

“Heat” is suitable for early forcing (open protected soil is suitable). Also, the vegetable is suitable for winter sowing. In this case, the seeds must be laid to a depth of 3 cm. The peculiarity of the root crop: dense juicy pulp, neutral taste (slightly sharp), takes on a smooth, rounded shape and a raspberry hue during growth. Ripening time: 20 days.

“Presto” – the root vegetable takes on a bright red hue, a rounded shape and juicy pulp in front of the cathedral. The fruits of “Pesto” have the most aesthetic presentation, compared with other varieties of radishes. The grade does not arrow and does not crack in the course of cultivation. Vegetable ripening time: 16 days.

Early fruits

The use of early varieties is typical for greenhouses, where ripening and harvesting occurs at approximately the same time intervals (for further use of the soil for other varieties of vegetable crops). Gardeners use the seeds of early fruits mainly in summer.

The best varieties of radish for open ground: top most popular

“Borka” in the process of maturation acquire a red tint. The tip of the root crop is painted white. Medium-sized fruits (about 30 grams), with white juicy pulp. The pulp is sharp, leaves a pleasant sweetish aftertaste.

“Zlata” has the peculiarity of forming yellow rounded fruits. The vegetable reaches a mass of 24 grams. The pulp acquires a white color, it is juicy, tender, with a neutral (slightly sharp) taste. The advantage of Zlata seeds is high yield, regardless of external weather conditions. The variety is especially resistant to high temperatures.

“Quart” – a very small radish (the maximum weight of a vegetable is 15 grams). The best period for planting: late summer (in unprotected soil or in a greenhouse). The resistance of the root crop to “flowering” and high yields are noted. The peculiarity of “Kvarta”: the root crop is not completely immersed in the ground, and not ⅔, which facilitates harvesting.

Mid-ripening fruits

The use of mid-ripening fruits is most common for several reasons:

  • optimal ripening time;
  • high level of productivity;
  • pronounced taste qualities.

The best varieties of radish for open ground: top most popular

“White Nights” may have gotten its name from the fact that the peel and flesh of the root vegetable becomes white. Seeds of the variety give plants resistant to “flowering”, as well as massive root crops that can reach 5 centimeters in diameter. The pulp is dense, sharp, leaves a sweet aftertaste. A feature of the vegetable is a long shelf life, regardless of external weather conditions.

“Saksa” is a variety of folk selection, created specifically for growing in unprotected soil.

Rounded red root crops reach a weight of 15 grams. The pulp is tender, juicy, the taste is neutral, without bitterness. The disadvantage of this vegetable is its short shelf life. Unfortunately, root crops quickly lose their elasticity and taste, become flabby and give off bitterness.

“Resistant” – a variety of vegetable that is resistant to “flowering”. It has an attractive aesthetic appearance: red roots of a raspberry hue. The size of the vegetable may vary (permissible weight – from 12 to 23 grams).

late fruits

The ripening period of root crops is increased compared to previous varieties of vegetables. But at the same time, late varieties give a much larger yield.

The best varieties of radish for open ground: top most popular

“Rampoush” has a characteristic feature – it has a white color of the pulp and peel. The vegetable takes on an oblong, elongated shape (similar to a spindle). The sharpness of the root crop is moderate. The advantage of the radish “Rampoush”: the most developed resistance to shooting.

“Würzburg” is one of the most fruitful vegetable varieties. Gardeners prefer Wurzburg radish, calling it the best vegetable variety for unprotected soil. A feature of the fruit is its versatility. Fruits can be grown outdoors in the late period or in greenhouse conditions (under the film) in the early period. The vegetable grows massive, large, acquires a raspberry-red hue.

The best varieties of radish for open ground: top most popular

“Dungan (12/8)” is resistant to drought, does not shoot, is able to reach a mass of 8 grams. On the peel, which takes on a raspberry color, white or pink grooves are noticeable (located across the root crop). The pulp is sharp, has a sweet aftertaste. The maximum allowable storage temperature for Dungansky (12/8) radish is 4 °C.

The “Red Giant” is capable of reaching a weight of 120 grams, which makes the root crop one of the most massive and large.

This radish takes the form of a cylinder, turns bright red (white flesh). Suitable for storage in the cold season (late autumn – winter), so it is recommended to sow the seeds in July or August.

The best varieties of radish for open ground: top most popular

General recommendations:

  • select radish seeds based on the geographical area in which the planting will be carried out. Consider the presence of diseases, pests, soil features in order to choose the most optimal variety of vegetable;
  • the most suitable period for planting a root crop: the first summer month (before the heat sets in);
  • before planting, it is necessary to sort the seeds (select the freshest and largest). Soak them in a solution of table salt (about 5%). Those that remain at the bottom, use for sowing (pre-washing under running water). It is permissible to additionally soak the seeds in a special microelement solution to accelerate ripening, improve taste and additional protection against diseases;
  • choose a bed that will be optimally lit by sunlight. Make sure that the soil is fertile, with enough necessary fertilizers;
  • strictly follow the instructions on the back of the package in which the seeds were bought. Each type of root crop requires special care and sowing rules. Strictly follow the technology for maximum results;
  • use additional preparations to protect and nourish vegetables.

Video “The best varieties of radishes”

This video will show you what grows from the seeds of popular radish varieties so you can decide which radish to plant.

The best varieties of radish. Conclusions. Cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse 13.05

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