The best varieties of pepper for the Moscow region for open ground 

Сладкий перец – теплолюбивое растение южноамериканского происхождения хорошо прижилось и на подмосковных участках. Путем долгих стараний селекционеры давно «подогнали» эту культуру под суровый климат средней полосы России и вывели большое количество сортов перца, которые не только хорошо растут в отапливаемых теплицах, но обильно плодоносят на приусадебных огородах.

The best varieties of pepper for the Moscow region for open ground 

The best varieties of pepper for open ground

Before you start growing peppers in your garden, you need to choose the right variety. In harsh climates, early or mid-ripening varieties of pepper are best suited for open ground.

Gingerbread Man

An early ripe variety of pepper with good survival is ideal for growing in the suburban area. An unpretentious plant is resistant to temperature extremes. With good care, pepper begins to bear fruit 2 months after the seedlings are transferred to the garden.

Pepper fruits of bright red color of spherical shape with thick pulp are suitable for canning and salads. The recommended planting density is no more than 5 bushes per 1 sq. m. A stunted plant does not need a garter.

The best varieties of pepper for the Moscow region for open ground 

Montero F1

Productive hybrid of early maturing. Seedlings are planted in the garden at the age of 52-65 days. It is recommended to plant seedlings in the ground by mid-April, in order to harvest the first crop in June. Subject to a planting density of no more than 4 plants per 1 sq. m, from this site you can collect up to 10 kg of sweet pepper.

Невысокое растение с очень крупными плодами (до 300 г), в форме призмы, ярко-красного цвета нуждается в подвязке. Толщина стенок зрелого плода – более 7 мм.

Едино F1

Урожайный гибрид раннего созревания. Перец радует стабильным плодоношением при неблагоприятных условиях. После переноса двухмесячных саженцев на грядку, первые плоды появятся через 40-50 дней. Этот перец хорошо переносит снижение температуры. Кусты невысокие, но нуждаются в подвязке, так как плодоношение обильное, а сами перцы очень крупные (до 350 г). С одного куста за сезон снимают до 4 кг плодов. Растение компактное, кусты высаживают достаточно плотно (на расстоянии 40-45 см).

The best varieties of pepper for the Moscow region for open ground 


The mid-season Topolin variety, with good care, will give a bountiful harvest 100 days after transferring the seedlings to the ground. Productivity – more than 5 kg of pepper per 1 sq. m (with a planting density of 60×40). The fruits are elongated, cone-shaped, bright red. Topolin pepper is suitable for salting, canning and salads. The plant is low (50-55 cm), needs a garter to the trellis – a thin stem cannot withstand the weight of the fruit.

The best varieties of pepper for the Moscow region for open ground 


A variety of medium maturity, grows well and bears fruit in the beds near Moscow. Pepper seeds are sown at the end of February. In May, plants can be taken out into the open ground, and at the end of July, the first fruits can be tasted. They are sweet, fleshy and large in this variety. On one low bush, 6-7 bright red fruits can be removed at a time, each of which will weigh from 150 to 250 g.

The best varieties of pepper for the Moscow region for open ground 

Gift of Moldova

Среднеранний сорт перца дает урожай на 120 (максимум 140) день после массовых всходов семян. Хорошо плодоносит при неблагоприятных условиях – до 5 кг на 1 кв. м. Плоды красные, гладкие, в форме конуса, пригодны для консервирования. Куст невысокий (до 50 см). Растение нуждается в формировании и подвязке. В период цветения убирают нижние побеги до первой развилки. Этот сорт перца устойчив к заболеваниям.

The best varieties of pepper for the Moscow region for open ground 

Growing pepper seedlings for open ground

A good pepper harvest begins with strong, healthy seeds, from which seedlings must first be grown. Seeds are sown in February so that the seedlings have time to ripen for open ground. You can learn more about growing pepper seedlings from this video:

How to sow pepper seedlings. Sowing sweet pepper seeds.

Уход за перцем на открытом грунте

After transplanting pepper seedlings, you need to ensure that young plants take root well. And for further growth and fruiting, it is necessary to create conditions in which a heat-loving plant will give a good harvest in an unfavorable climate. Sweet pepper for open ground in the climate near Moscow requires appropriate care.

Compliance with temperature conditions

Pepper seedlings develop well and bear fruit at temperatures above 20 degrees.

Attention! The fact that the plants are cold is recognized by the lilac tint on the leaves.

In open ground, you can create an optimal climate with the help of temporary film shelters. Metal arcs are stuck into the ground on both sides of the beds and covered with a film in such a way that a tunnel is obtained. In the evening, as soon as the thermometer drops below 15 degrees, the plants are closed. In early June, the shelter can be removed completely.

The best varieties of pepper for the Moscow region for open ground 


Watering plants is carried out in the morning or in the evening. Before the flowers appear on the peppers, the seedlings are watered once a week. During the fruiting period, plants need more moisture and are watered every other day.

Advice! After transplanting, the temperature of the water for irrigation should correspond to the temperature of the soil – too cold water can cause root rot in peppers.

The best varieties of pepper for the Moscow region for open ground 


Before flowering, plants are fed once – 10 days after transplantation. To do this, you need to prepare such a solution:

Chopped leaves and stalks of nettle and plantain in a barrel are mixed with rotted manure and ash is added. The barrel is filled with water. After 5 days, this solution can be watered around the bushes.

After the appearance of the fruits, a different composition is prepared to feed the pepper: bird droppings are mixed with cow dung, water is poured and insisted for a week.

The best varieties of pepper for the Moscow region for open ground 

Растения подкармливают каждые 10 дней после появления цветов. Органическое удобрение для перца можно использовать в течение всего вегетационного периода – на вкусовых качествах плодов это никак не отразится.

Pepper diseases, pests and ways to deal with them

Two problems that can arise when growing peppers outdoors are disease and insect pests. A garden on a personal plot limits the gardener in taking timely preventive measures to prevent these misfortunes. Indeed, in greenhouse conditions it is much easier to plant seedlings in disinfected soil or protect plants from pests by treating the walls of the greenhouse. In open ground, an unprotected plant becomes a real bait for insects, and in moist soil, ideal conditions for the reproduction of pathogens.

The best varieties of pepper for the Moscow region for open ground 


The causative agent of this disease is a fungus. It enters the plant through the roots. When peppers are infected, leafy vessels are affected, making the plant unable to absorb moisture. There are several forms of this disease. With brown verticillium, the leaves become gray in color. With regular watering, the plant almost does not lag behind in growth, but looks wrinkled and drooping. Flowers and ovaries on a diseased pepper bush do not form, and the plant dies.

The best varieties of pepper for the Moscow region for open ground 

dwarf verticillium

The disease manifests itself 30-40 days after planting seedlings. Pepper seedling stops growing, sheds flowers and leaves. At the same time, the main stem remains alive and forms new shoots, which soon fall off. In this state, the plant can live for several months, but the infected pepper will no longer produce fruits.

green verticillium

Эта болезнь может погубить здоровое растение за несколько дней. Зеленый саженец перца с большим количеством завязей при поражении этой формой болезни стремительно сбрасывает листья и засыхает.

The best varieties of pepper for the Moscow region for open ground 


In the people, this fungal disease is called “dry spotting”. Pepper bushes planted in the garden where tomatoes grew last year are especially often infected. The disease is characterized by the appearance of dry brown areas on the leaves, trunks and fruits of the plant. After the rain, these spots are covered with a black coating. The plant lags behind in growth, ceases to bloom and bear fruit.


Septoria fungus spreads in rainy weather. Gray-white spots with a rim appear on plants. On the surface of these spots, you can see frequent black dots – these are the spores of the fungus, which first infects the leaves, and then moves to the trunk and fruits of the pepper.

The best varieties of pepper for the Moscow region for open ground 

Ways to fight and prevent

To prevent the occurrence of pepper diseases, prevention is carried out even before sowing the seeds. To do this, they are pickled in a disinfectant solution, dried and planted in the treated soil.

Of great importance are the crops that grew in the garden last year. Fungus spores can remain in the soil after other nightshade plants – tomato, eggplant, potatoes. Root crops, greens and legumes are not susceptible to infection by the fungus. Rotating plantings and mulching the soil around the peppers with straw and ash will help prevent disease development.

The best varieties of pepper for the Moscow region for open ground 

When the first signs of infection appear (spots, wilting, dropping leaves and flowers) on one plant, it is immediately removed, and the rest of the bushes are treated with fungicides. It is recommended to sprinkle the soil around the plants with ash or water with a solution of ammonia.

Advice! For planting peppers in open ground, it is recommended to buy those seeds whose varieties are resistant to the most common diseases.


Перец — одно из любимых насекомыми блюд. Вредители поражают листья, стебли и корни растений, в результате чего они останавливаются в росте и погибают.

Melon Caviar

Despite the name, the insect eats not only gourds. This parasite can be seen on tomatoes, cucumbers, greens, root crops and other plants. Aphids do not disdain weeds. The colonies of these insects are located on the underside of the leaf, gradually moving to the stems and sepals. Leaves and flowers fall, the affected plant dries quickly.

The best varieties of pepper for the Moscow region for open ground 

При появлении тли растения обрабатывают химикатами (фуфанон, карбофос и др.) Если нападение паразитов произошло в стадии цветения или завязывания плодов у перца, то лучше воспользоваться народными средствами. Опрыскивание перца отварами душистых растений надолго отпугнет насекомых с грядки. Для их приготовления используют картофельную или томатную ботву, махорку, чеснок, луковую шелуху. Эффективно действует и окуривание растений табачным дымом. Такую обработку можно производить после каждого дождя – вреда растениям она не причинит, и на качество плодов никак не повлияет. Также необходимо регулярно избавляться от сорняков.

The best varieties of pepper for the Moscow region for open ground 

spider mite

It is impossible to see this insect with the naked eye. Its appearance is eloquently indicated by the presence of a thin web on the underside of the leaf. The pest feeds on plant sap. The affected leaves turn yellow and fall off, and the tick moves to the stems and stalks. As a result of the attack of the spider mite, the pepper is deformed and soon dies.

The best varieties of pepper for the Moscow region for open ground 

To prevent the appearance of spider mites, it is necessary to clear the soil from previous plants before planting. Especially often this pest settles on cucumbers, and if this crop grew in place of pepper last year, then it is advisable to treat the soil with fungicides or dig it up with ash. Spider mite larvae overwinter not only in the soil, so it is necessary to completely remove grass, fallen leaves and the remains of cultivated plants from the site.

If pepper infection nevertheless occurred, then you need to get rid of heavily affected plants, thoroughly clean the ground from weeds and debris, and treat the remaining bushes with a solution of wood ash, infusions of onions and garlic.

The best varieties of pepper for the Moscow region for open ground 


Naked slugs live and breed in moist soil. At night, they come to the surface and feed on the green mass of plants. The stems and leaves of sweet peppers are severely affected by slugs. This pest is a permanent resident of areas near Moscow, where all conditions are created for it – humidity and cool air.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to permanently rid your garden of an invasion of slugs. But it is quite realistic to destroy most of them or create conditions on your site that are unsuitable for the life of pests. To do this, there are many effective folk ways. Preventive measures to prevent the appearance of slugs in your area should be started at the end of May, when pests begin to be born from eggs in the soil.

  1. Sprinkling the soil around the plants with spices. Hot pepper, dill, cilantro or a kitchen set of dry seasonings repel slugs with their smell. Pests are forced to change their place of deployment.

    The best varieties of pepper for the Moscow region for open ground 

  2. If slugs are found in your area, you need to do beer traps. Для этого в бутылку или банку наливают немного пива и прикапывают на участке. Уровень горлышка должен быть вровень с поверхностью земли. В ночное время слизни сползаются на пивной запах и, попав в ловушку, уже не могут выбраться на поверхность.

    The best varieties of pepper for the Moscow region for open ground 

  3. Salt effectively acts against naked slugs – when it hits the body of the parasite, it literally corrodes it. But this method must be used every day, since the salt dissolved in the soil becomes harmless to the slug. A mixture of table salt and ash is sprinkled every evening around the pepper in such a way that it (the mixture) does not touch the plants.

    The best varieties of pepper for the Moscow region for open ground 

Outdoor plants need special care. It is necessary to constantly inspect each pepper bush for diseases in order to have time to take the necessary measures. Preventive work consists in carefully preparing the site for wintering. All foliage, debris, dry plants need to be removed – this is an ideal environment for overwintering pests, fungi and harmful bacteria.

The best varieties of pepper for the Moscow region for open ground 

Autumn harvesting will not only help protect future plantings of pepper from diseases, but will also facilitate spring work, when sowing, transplanting and caring for plants take up most of the time.

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