The best varieties of lilac
Lilac is one of the most popular ornamental shrubs in gardens. It strikes with a variety of varieties, and today we will talk about the most popular and incredibly beautiful

The world selection includes more than 2500 varieties of lilacs. This shrub is equally loved by both the owners of palaces and castles and the inhabitants of village farmsteads.

The outstanding Soviet lilac breeder Leonid Kolesnikov dreamed that every spring the streets and boulevards would be buried in clouds of lilac fog and aroma. He created varieties that are admired by the whole world. Almost every year his Beauty of Moscow is recognized as the queen among lilacs, the first beauty, regardless of who participates in the polls – amateurs or professionals.

Rating of the top 30 best lilac varieties according to KP

Our rating contains lilac varieties created in different countries, at different times. But the majority are domestic, and rightly so, because it has long won the glory of the ” lilac”.

1. Beauty of Moscow

One of the best varieties in the history of lilac breeding. Created by Leonid Kolesnikov in 1947.

A multi-stemmed deciduous shrub up to 4 m high is distinguished by a beautiful harmonious crown, strong branches covered with large bright green leaves, against which large paniculate inflorescences 25×12 cm in size stand out effectively.

Rose-purple buds. The flowers are white when blooming with a slight purple bloom in the middle. Densely terry large up to 2,5 cm. Raised petals are slightly bent inward. Blooms for 3 weeks in May and June. The aroma is saturated.

View – common lilac.

Frost resistance and drought resistance are high (1).

2. Red Moscow

One of the best red varieties. Creation of Leonid Kolesnikov. Luxurious shrub up to 4 m high with a wide crown and large dark green heart-shaped leaves. Panicle inflorescences are massive, 18×9 cm, very dense, with a ribbed shape. The flowers are fragrant, large, simple, with yellow stamens, rounded petals, the edge of which is slightly raised. Violet-purple in buds, bright purple when blooming. One of the few varieties in which the flowers do not fade in the sun. Blooms in May.

View – common lilac.

Frost resistance and drought resistance are high.

3. Sensation

 One of the best Dutch varieties, created in 1938 by Dirk Maarse. It differs in the original color of the flowers – purple-red with a clear white border around the edges. The flowers are large, 2,2 cm in diameter, the aroma is weak. Collected in panicles 18×8 cm. Flowering later, in June. Bushes are vigorous, ankle-shaped, up to 3 m high.

The variety is mainly propagated by microcloning, so plants with pure white flowers may appear or white or pale pink flowers can be found in panicles.

View – common lilac.

Frost resistance and drought resistance are high (2).

4. Primrose

Dutch variety of Dirk Maars. Valued for the unusual color of flowers – light yellow, fading in the sun to white. All other characteristics are common: a bush up to 3 m high, sprawling, dense, flowering is plentiful in late May – June, flowers are simple, medium in size. The aroma is strong, typical of lilacs.

View – common lilac.

Frost resistance and drought resistance are high.

5. India

Another post-war masterpiece by Leonid Kolesnikov. A bush with a beautiful spherical crown up to 2,5 m high, erect large inflorescences (25×17 cm) become huge in some years. Flowers up to 2,9 cm in diameter, purple-violet, with a red-copper tint, purple in the center. Very fragrant! Blooms up to 3 weeks from the end of May.

View – common lilac.

Frost resistance and drought resistance are high.

6. Victory Day

Created by a group of breeders ” lilac” Sergei Aladin in the 2000s. Shrub up to 2 m high with a spreading crown, green leaves of medium size, large inflorescences (26×24 cm). The buds are dark purple, the flowers are large, up to 3,5 cm in diameter, simple, purple in color, the edges of the petals are slightly raised at first, at the end of flowering they become asymmetric and bend back. Color fading is negligible. The aroma is average. Blooms up to 3 weeks in May.

View – common lilac.

Frost and drought resistance are good. Resistant to spring frosts (3).

7. song

A masterpiece of Nikolai Vekhov, one of the best varieties of purple lilac. Fast-growing shrub up to 3 m high with a wide crown, large dark green heart-shaped leaves. Differs in large densely double lilac-violet flowers, collected in dense large inflorescences. During long flowering, the color changes slightly. But it doesn’t fade in the sun. Blooms in May-June. The aroma is strong with rose notes.

View – common lilac.

Frost and drought resistance are good.

8. Banner of Lenin

Variety of Leonid Kolesnikov, created in 1936. Shrub up to 2,5 m high with wide cone-shaped inflorescences (23×14 cm) on straight peduncles. The flowers are simple, large, up to 2,4 cm in diameter, purple-red with a cherry hue. The petals first form a scoop, then fold back, rounded with a point, brighten when fully dissolved. They don’t fade in the sun. The aroma is weak but pleasant. Blooms profusely in June-July.

View – common lilac.

Frost resistance and drought resistance are high.

9. Madame Lemoine (Mme Lemoine)

An old French variety, a recognized masterpiece among white lilacs. Large snow-white terry flowers up to 2,5 cm in diameter are collected in loose narrow-conical inflorescences (18×10 cm). The lower petals are rounded, the middle ones are pointed, sometimes both tiers of the petals are curved in a spiral. Flowering lasts 2 – 3 weeks in May-June.

The advantages are undeniable, but it should be borne in mind that dry air and full sunlight provoke a rapid completion of flowering.

View – common lilac.

Frost and drought resistance are good.

10. Hope

One of the best late varieties of Leonid Kolesnikov. Valued for its beautiful double lilac flowers with a blue tint, which become light blue as they open. Corollas are large, up to 3 cm in diameter, collected in large pyramidal inflorescences (20×10), arranged in pairs on peduncles. Blooms in June-July.

View – common lilac.

Frost resistance and drought resistance are good (4).

11. Mulatto

The variety was created by Nikolai Mikhailov and Nina Rybakina in 1980. One of the most spectacular modern varieties of lilacs with bright purple-lilac flowers with chocolate hues, which gradually open up to purple. The flowers are simple, 2-2,5 cm in diameter with rounded petals and a strong aroma. The inflorescences are large, openwork, arranged on peduncles in several pairs.

View – common lilac.

Frost and drought resistance are good.

12. Memory of Kolesnikov  

The variety was created by Leonid Kolesnikov himself, but selected from seedlings and named by Nikolai Mikhailov. Creamy buds open into pure white large, up to 3 cm in diameter, densely double flowers, collected in large inflorescences. The zest of the variety is given by the structure of flowers, like in polyanthus roses. Lilac has a light aroma. Blooms in June for up to 3 weeks.

View – common lilac.

Frost and drought resistance are good.

13. Kolesnikov Olympics  

The variety was created by Leonid Kolesnikov and is dedicated to his faithful companion and wife. A beautiful narrow bush with abundant flowering from the end of May for 3 weeks. The flowers are large, delicate lilac-pink in color, of the original form, collected in large fragrant inflorescences (25×18 cm). The petals of a double flower are slightly twisted in different directions, which creates the impression of movement, vortex. Charm comes from the contrast between the lighter lower petals and the brighter upper deep purple buds.

View – common lilac.

Frost and drought resistance are good.

14. Sky of Moscow  

The bluest variety created by Leonid Kolesnikov. A sprawling bush up to 2,5 m high is decorated with large (25×16 cm) dense inflorescences with double flowers up to 3,3 cm in diameter. In semi-opening, the flowers are deep purple, in the dissolution lilac-blue, and some are blue. Aromas are strong and rich. Blooms in May-June.

View – common lilac.

Frost and drought resistance are good.

15. Lights of Donbass

The variety was created in 1956 by Ukrainian breeders under the leadership of Leonid Rubtsov. It stands out for its luxurious reddish-purple color of flowers, which does not change during the entire flowering. A sprawling bush up to 3 m high is decorated with large inflorescences (20×10) of double flowers up to 2 cm in diameter.

View – common lilac.

Frost and drought resistance are good.

16. Dream

One of the best varieties of Leonid Kolesnikov, created on the eve of the Great Patriotic War. Differs in effective plentiful blossoming. This lilac has the largest flowers, simple, deep lilac in color with a blue-violet tint. They are collected in large inflorescences (30×16 cm), so heavy that they droop on strong peduncles. Another feature of the variety is that annual shoots are slightly curved.

View – common lilac.

Frost resistance and drought resistance are high.

17. Hydrangea

Another outstanding variety of Leonid Kolesnikov. Valued for abundant flowering in May-June and high decorative qualities. Bush 2,4 m high with erect large inflorescences, in which up to 800 flowers are collected. The flowers are large up to 2,5 cm in diameter, the petals are pink, wide, rounded at the time of dissolution, they seem to be corrugated, very similar to hydrangea flowers. The aroma is strong, especially in hot weather.

View – common lilac.

Frost resistance and drought resistance are high.

18. Katharine Havemeyer  

Breeding variety of the Lemoine family. Valued for the rounded shape of the crown when grown on a trunk and abundant flowering. Inflorescences are large (28×15 cm), dense, consist of large double flowers up to 3 cm in diameter. Very effective at the beginning of flowering, when violet-purple buds emphasize the delicate lilac-pink color of the petals. On alkaline soils, the flowers become pure pink.

View – common lilac.

Frost and drought resistance are good.

19. Buffon

This hybrid was created by Victor Lemoine in 1921. Spreading bush, up to 2,5 m high with faded green foliage. Inflorescences wide-conical (24×14 cm) have a drooping shape. The flowers are simple, large, purple-lilac with a purple tint, becoming whitish by the end of flowering. Flowering early, from mid-May. Often used in the form of a tree on a high stem.

View – hyacinth lilac.

Frost and drought resistance are good.

20. Charles Joly  

Another old variety of Lemoine-father, which is often grown in standard form due to the rounded shape of the bush and hard branched shoots. Large inflorescences consist of large double purple-red flowers with a silvery sheen. Flowering later, in June-July, is very plentiful. The aroma is saturated.

View – common lilac.

Frost and drought resistance are good.

21. Dusk

The variety was created by Leonid Kolesnikov in the mid-50s of the last century. It is considered the darkest variety of lilac. It has a strong pleasant aroma with citrus hints.

The flowers are large, up to 2,5 cm in diameter, simple, dark purple-blue in color, the petals look velvety.

View – common lilac.

Frost resistance and drought resistance are high.

22. Monique Lemoine

Created in 1939 by Lemoine-son and he surpassed in beauty the famous snow-white variety Mme Lemoine. Luxurious creamy buds turn into snow-white very large densely double flowers. Everything is elegant in them: delicate aroma, pure color, pointed curving petals, narrow pyramidal shape of inflorescences and even the neat compact bush itself. Blooms in June for up to 3 weeks.

View – common lilac.

Frost and drought resistance are good.

23. Маленький принц (The Little Prince)

The variety was created in 1989 by Peteris Upitis in Latvia. Valued for the compactness of the bush – no taller than a person. Flowering is very long (from the end of May for 18 – 24 days), abundant. The flowers are white, with a pearly sheen, simple, with slightly raised edges at the petals, collected in medium-sized inflorescences.

View – common lilac.

Frost and drought resistance are good.

24. Rochester

This American variety can be safely called “happy lilac”, because simple flowers have 5 – 6 and even 12 petals. The flowers are white, large, collected in large narrow pyramidal inflorescences. At the same time, the buds have a delicate greenish tint. Shrub up to 3 m high, with dark green leaves of an elongated shape.

View – common lilac.

Frost and drought resistance are good.

25. Congo

One of the darkest old Lemoine selections. Shrub up to 3 – 4 m high with a wide crown and abundant flowering in May-June. Dark purple buds, opening, become large bright purple-red fragrant flowers with wide oval petals, collected in large inflorescences (20×12 cm). Compared to modern dark cultivars, the petals gradually fade to light purple.

View – common lilac.

Frost and drought resistance are good.

26. Morning of Our Country

Luxurious variety of Nikolai Vekhov. The highlight of the variety is purple double flowers with mother-of-pearl tips, with petals of different widths and slightly deformed, which gives them a curly look. The flowers themselves are large, up to 3,5 cm in diameter, very fragrant, collected in dense pyramidal inflorescences (24×13 cm).

View – common lilac.

Frost resistance and drought resistance are high.

27. Anna Shiach

The variety was created by Theodor Havemeyer in 1943. Despite the fact that it is recognized as one of the best purple varieties, it is rarely found not only in ours, but also in US gardens. The flowers are large, deep purple, with a very pure color, simple, collected in large lush inflorescences. The variety is unpretentious, the bush is neat, it is considered ideal for hedges.

View – common lilac.

Frost and drought resistance are good.

28. Leonid Kolesnikov

One of the first varieties of Leonid Kolesnikov received his name in 1924. Everything in it shimmers with purple – young shoots, flower buds, buds and inflorescences. The flowers are large, double, lilac-violet with lighter and inward-wrapped petals of the third tier. The inflorescences are medium, but dense, beautifully shaped.

View – common lilac.

Frost resistance and drought resistance are high.

29. Marshal Vasilevsky

This variety of Leonid Kolesnikov can be called artistic, because the petals are painted in pink and purple tones, as if with a thin brush. Large up to 2,7 cm in diameter, terry flowers with rounded petals of the original shape – the lower ones are bent, and the upper ones are bent. Inflorescences of a wide-conical shape (20×16 cm) are lush, heavy, sometimes drooping. The variety is very early, the aroma is strong.

View – common lilac.

Frost resistance and drought resistance are high.

30. Alexey Maresyev

A variety of Leonid Kolesnikov from the so-called “aviator series” – with petals twisted like propellers. Valued for a low wide bush, resistance to rain and winds, friendly and abundant flowering. Large cone-shaped inflorescences (27×13 cm) consist of simple large light purple-purple flowers. This variety may not like only a sharp, rough aroma.

View – common lilac.

Frost resistance and drought resistance are high.

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How to choose a lilac variety

You need to choose a variety based on what role you are preparing for her – a tapeworm (single plant), a companion for group planting or for creating a hedge.

The most difficult question is to choose from a huge number of magnificent varieties the only one that you want to see as the soloist of your garden. And here everything is important: the time of flowering, the habitus of the plant, the characteristics of not only flowers, but also inflorescences.

For those who can afford only one lilac bush in the garden, now there is an opportunity to buy a multi-varietal seedling – when 2-3 varieties are grafted into the crown.

For group plantings, it is important to choose varieties that are harmonious in color. The solution seems to be to add a variety with white flowers to the groups. In the garden, it is desirable to have varieties with different flowering periods and a delicate aroma.

For hedges, it is better to choose varieties that are resistant to weather and soil conditions, well leafy and branched, with strong peduncles.

Ideally, before buying seedlings, you need to visit gardens and parks with blooming lilacs and see with your own eyes what this or that variety looks like at the time of mass flowering.

Popular questions and answers

We asked about the classification of lilac varieties agronomist Oleg Ispolatov – he answered the most popular questions of summer residents.

Are there red varieties of lilacs?

According to the international classification, there are no red varieties of lilac. Today there are 7 color groups of lilac:


1 – white;

2 – purple;

3 – blue;

4 – lilac or purple;

5 – pink;

6 – magenta;

7 – purple.


Sometimes red lilacs include varieties India и Red Moscow. Magenta is interpreted as crimson, but this is not entirely true – they have many shades of purple.

Is there a yellow lilac?

Yes. The real sensation was the introduction of the variety by Dirk Maars Primrose with yellow flowers. So far, this is the only yellow lilac. However, for a pale shade, this variety is officially classified as the first group – white.

Is it possible to grow lilac on a trunk?

The standard form of lilac is very popular in gardens, where they are looking for geometry in a landscape solution. However, you need to understand that, in general, grafted lilacs are less durable and more finicky to care for. It is better to be patient and grow your own rooted lilac, forming it in the form of a tree on a trunk. It is necessary to clearly understand which varieties can be grown on a high trunk, and which only on a low one (15 – 25 cm).

Sources of

  1. International register of cultivar names of the genus Syringa L.
  2. Rubtsov L.I., Mikhailov N.L., Zhogoleva V.G. Types and varieties of lilac cultivated in the USSR // Kyiv: Naukova Dumka, 1980
  3. Aladina O. New varieties of lilac.
  4. Luneva ZS, Mikhailov NL, Sudakova EA Lilac // M .: Agropromizdat, 1989

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