The best varieties of cucumbers for greenhouses

The best way to get an early harvest of cucumbers is to grow them in a greenhouse. But in order to collect even and tasty cucumbers in early spring, it is very important to choose their variety correctly. Most often, parthenocarpic and self-pollinated breeding species are selected for growing in a greenhouse. Consider the main selection criteria and the advantages of planting certain varieties.

The best varieties of cucumbers for greenhouses

What varieties to choose for a greenhouse

Gardeners who have been growing vegetables in greenhouses and greenhouses for a long time will immediately say that the best varieties of cucumbers for early ripening are self-pollinated hybrids. This breeding species perfectly adapts to environmental conditions, shows high yields and resistance to many diseases characteristic of greenhouse cultivation. In order for a plant to be pollinated in a greenhouse, the presence of bees is not at all necessary, as happens in open garden beds.

Before you start buying seeds, decide what exactly you will use the resulting crop for. This is also a criterion that allows you to make the right choice.

Possible Uses for the Cucumber Harvest

For conservation

We choose hybrids of the first generation. The fruits are even, small in size, with a thin skin, and the content of pectin acid and sugar is somewhat exceeded in terms of indicators. These varieties include: Ira (F1), Naf Fanto (F1), Marinda (F1) and others.

For fresh consumption and salads

The fruits, which have a dense skin, are well tolerated by transportation and light-colored thorns (some species are without thorns). Such cucumbers cannot be preserved, since the fruits do not absorb saline and acetic solutions well.

Universal grades

Small fruits, barely reaching 7-8 cm in length. Equally good for canning, salting and eating fresh. The skin of the fruit is of medium density with black or brown spikes.

Advice! When buying seeds for planting, be sure to consult with experts or read the instructions. The wrong choice can cause a sick and poor harvest.

The main thing is that the following characteristics are reflected in the instructions for the seeds:

  • self-pollinated;
  • Ripening period – early and medium;
  • The method of use is universal;
  • Hybrid;
  • The fruit is short or medium in size.

In addition, the seeds are divided according to the harvest period – spring-summer, summer-autumn, winter-spring. Therefore, it is necessary to determine which varieties you need.

Which varieties are the most productive

To obtain an early quality harvest, breeders have bred new varieties of cucumbers, the seeds of which are suitable for planting in greenhouses. They are highly resistant to diseases, versatile in use, due to their small size and thin skin.

Today, the best F1 hybrids are very popular with gardeners growing vegetables in greenhouses and greenhouses:


The best varieties of cucumbers for greenhouses

Self-pollinated early-ripening varieties, the fruits of which have a dense structure and even shape. Harvest can be obtained already 1,5-2 months after the first shoot of the seedling. Cucumbers are universal in use, and by type they are classified as gherkins.


The best varieties of cucumbers for greenhouses

Seeds of this variety are planted in small greenhouses of small areas. The fruits are dense and small (do not exceed 7-8 cm). Flowers are self-pollinating, and early harvests average from 10 to 12 kg per square meter.


Parthenocarpic universal variety with small fruits of medium density. Seeds are resistant to changes and sharp drops in temperature, you can grow cucumbers even in light film greenhouses, which are built exclusively for harvesting seasonal vegetables.


The best varieties of cucumbers for greenhouses

Cucumbers are incredibly hardy, and, unlike other varieties, they are not at all whimsical to regular watering. From one bush during the harvest period, you can collect up to 15 kg of fruit. The fruits are universal, do not exceed 10-12 cm in length.

“Amur F1”

The best varieties of cucumbers for greenhouses

This variety belongs to ultra-early and fruitful hybrids. “Amur” is unpretentious in care; during the harvest period, from 25 to 30 kg of cucumbers can be harvested per square meter.


Another variety worthy of the attention of gardeners who want to get a quick and rich harvest. From a bush, on average, up to 22-25 kg of fruits are harvested. The variety is resistant to many greenhouse diseases, frost-resistant, and dense small fruits are convenient for long-term transportation.

The best early varieties

Breeders who put a lot of effort into breeding new types of cucumbers also made sure that the crop in the greenhouse could be harvested as early as possible. Here is just a small list of names of early early maturing species:


The best varieties of cucumbers for greenhouses

Seeds are planted for growing in special containers, and then determined in greenhouse conditions. The fruits ripen one and a half months after the emergence of the first seedlings. The size of a cucumber when fully ripe can reach 20-23 cm, so the variety is determined for fresh consumption.


The best varieties of cucumbers for greenhouses

A versatile variety with medium sized fruits. The flowers of the hybrid are self-pollinating. The crop is harvested 40-45 days after the appearance of the first ovary.

Dutch cucumber seeds for greenhouses

When buying varieties brought to us from Holland, you can be sure that the hybrids will be completely protected from pests and diseases during growth, and the fruits will not taste bitter. In addition, all varieties of Dutch cucumbers are self-pollinating, and the seeds have high germination rates (almost 95% of all planted in the ground quickly produce seedlings).

The best varieties of cucumbers for greenhouses

Attention! When purchasing these varieties of cucumbers for growing in greenhouses, remember that the methods of planting and moving seedlings are somewhat different from the usual ones.

Care for Dutch cucumbers is carried out according to the scheme specified in the instructions.

Seeds of varieties from Holland are planted in the ground as follows:

  • In the middle or end of March, the required number of seeds are sown in ordinary planting containers (the distance between grains should not exceed 2 cm);
  • The soil in the landing container should consist of a mixture of fertile soil, sand, peat and manure, in a ratio of 3:1:1:1 (respectively);
  • As soon as the seedlings are ready for planting, they are moved to pre-prepared greenhouse beds (trench depth – 40 cm);
  • The distance between the beds with Dutch cucumbers should be at least 80 cm;
  • Dutch varieties are planted and grown using the “square” method;
  • You can start feeding the plant only after pinching the first regrown “antennae”.

The best varieties of cucumbers for greenhouses

If you follow all the above rules for planting and caring for seedlings, you can get fast ripening and high yields.

Which varieties from Dutch breeders are better

The best seeds of varieties brought from Holland, according to gardeners, are the following:

“Bettina F1”

The best varieties of cucumbers for greenhouses

Early gherkin cucumbers. The peculiarity of the variety is adaptation to any illumination in the greenhouse, which can significantly reduce energy costs. The fruits do not have bitterness, are universal, and therefore are used both for preservation and for making salads.


The best varieties of cucumbers for greenhouses

Self-pollinated early cucumbers with small (up to 15 cm long) and dense fruits. The hybrid has gained popularity due to its high yield and excellent taste.

“Hector F1”

The best varieties of cucumbers for greenhouses

The best cucumbers for canning and pickling. The fruits are dense, the length does not exceed 10 cm. In addition, this variety is famous for its resistance to long-term storage.

These and other varieties of Dutch cucumbers are self-pollinating, resistant to diseases that affect vegetables in the regions of Central Our Country, and are early and early hybrids. All varieties and subspecies produce a plentiful and tasty versatile crop.

The most delicious cucumbers in greenhouses and greenhouses

Summer residents, who spend only a few months a year on their plots, equip small light greenhouses in order to get a seasonal harvest to the table and do some conservation for the winter. For this, early ripening seeds of the most delicious, according to gardeners, varieties are selected.


The best varieties of cucumbers for greenhouses

A variety bred specifically for the greenhouse. The advantage of planting a hybrid is a high yield (up to 25 kg from 1 m2). Seeds are planted both in greenhouses and on open ground.


An early variety, the ripening of the fruits of which occurs on the 35-40th day after the appearance of seedlings. Cucumbers have established themselves as the best for conservation and pickling.


The best varieties of cucumbers for greenhouses

An excellent option for pickling hybrids. High yield and resistance to low temperatures allows you to harvest from the beginning of May to October inclusive.


Choosing a variety of cucumbers for growing in a greenhouse today is not difficult. The variety of hybrids is so great that it will easily satisfy the needs of the most demanding gardener.

How to choose cucumber seeds for a greenhouse. garden head

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