The best varieties of celery root

Celery root is a healthy and tasty vegetable. It is grown for the sake of large root crops that have a spicy smell and taste. The culture is unpretentious and ripens in any weather conditions. A photo of celery root and its characteristics will help you choose the right variety for growing on the site.

A variety of varieties of root celery

Celery is a biennial plant that belongs to the Umbelliferae family. Its homeland is the Mediterranean. In Our Country, it became widespread during the time of Catherine II.

Root varieties form a powerful root crop with a diameter of up to 20 cm. A rosette of leaves up to 50 cm high grows above the ground. The root crop has a thin skin, the flesh is usually white or yellowish. Lateral roots depart from it. Flowering occurs in July and August. The harvest is taken in September.

Important! Celery root is rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins, organic acids. Regular intake of root vegetables strengthens the immune system and stimulates the stomach.

Depending on the ripening period, all root varieties are divided into groups:

  • early ripe;
  • mid-season;
  • later.

For personal use choose early hybrids. If vegetables are stored, then preference is given to medium and late varieties. In the middle lane and in the south, different types of crops are grown. For the northern regions, it is not recommended to choose late varieties, as they will not have time to ripen.

Old varieties of celery have many lateral roots. They take a lot of useful substances and do not allow the root crop to form. Gardeners have to rake the ground around the root celery and remove the offshoots by hand.

To avoid unnecessary work, choose varieties without lateral roots or with small shoots. Basically, these are new hybrids that form aligned root crops.

The best varieties of celery root

The best varieties of celery root

When choosing celery for planting, its yield, quality of root crops, resistance to diseases are taken into account. Most varieties are included in the state register.

Celery Root Diamant 

Medium-early root variety, the growing season is 150 – 160 days. The height is medium, the plant is slightly spreading. The leaves are green, large, petioles are not very long. The vegetable is rounded, powerful, gray-yellow in color. A popular variety of root celery without lateral roots. Root crops have a mass of 200 to 300 g. The flesh is snow-white, retains color after cooking. 

Celery Root Diamant is valued for its good flavor. The plant does not shoot arrows and rarely suffers from septariosis. Productivity from 1 square. m landing is from 2,3 to 4,0 kg. The variety is included in the State Register and recommended for cultivation in all regions of Our Country.

The best varieties of celery root

Celery root Egor

Root celery Egor gives a crop in the middle terms: the period from the appearance of sprouts to technical ripeness takes 175 days. The leaves are collected in a semi-raised rosette. Celery is round, powerful, grayish-yellow, with a smooth surface. Weight from 250 to 450 g. The pulp is white, fragrant. 

The root variety Egor is characterized by productivity, high content of sugars, essential oils, mineral salts. From 1 sq. m clean up to 3 kg. The hybrid is recommended to grow up in the Central, Northwest and East Siberian region.

The best varieties of celery root


Well-known root variety of Czech breeding. Ripens on average 160 days after germination. Forms rounded roots, up to 13 cm in girth. The pulp is white, fragrant, retains color after heat treatment. Leaves up to 40 cm high are used as greens for salads and other dishes. 

The root variety Albin contains minerals, organic acids, vitamins. Lateral roots are few, located in the lower part. Harvested in September-October. Variety Albin is suitable for planting in all regions.

Attention! The shelf life of root celery is from 3 to 6 months.

The best varieties of celery root


An industrial variety of root celery. Forms aligned root crops weighing from 300 to 400 g. The leaves are collected in an upright rosette. The pulp is white, juicy.

Anita root celery ripens in medium-late terms. The culture is resistant to cold weather, tolerates temperatures as low as +4 °C. The plant is sensitive to moisture deficiency, prefers light and fertile soil. Harvest is stored for a long time in a cool place.

The best varieties of celery root


The oldest root variety obtained by domestic breeders. Ripening is medium early, no later than 150 days. It forms root crops of a rounded shape and weighing up to 150 g. Little side shoots are formed. Pulp with pleasant aroma, white color and good taste. 

The Gribovsky variety is valued for its unpretentiousness and stable yield. It is used fresh and dried for the winter. Vegetables are stored for a long time in cool conditions. Variety Gribovsky is suitable for growing in different regions.

The best varieties of celery root


Esaul root celery bears fruit in medium terms. The crop reaches technical maturity 150 days after germination. Vegetables have a rounded shape and an average weight of 350 g. The maximum weight is 900 g. The color is whitish-gray, the surface is smooth, the lateral roots are located in the lower part of the root crop. 

Esaul celery is easy to harvest due to the average immersion in the soil. The pulp contains essential oils and minerals. The yield of the Esaul variety reaches 3,5 per 1 sq. m. Appointment table, suitable for side dishes and salads.

The best varieties of celery root


Root celery Cascade bred by Dutch breeders. Maturation is medium early, the vegetation period is 150 days. It has a low root position for easy cleaning. The socket is high, raised. The leaves are large, green. Vegetables are round, white, medium in size. The flesh is whitish, does not change color during cooking. 

The Cascade variety is recommended for cultivation in the Central region. Productivity is high, up to 3,5 kg per 1 sq. m. Resistance to cercosporosis is high. Vegetables tolerate storage and transportation well.

The best varieties of celery root

Prague giant

Root variety of medium early fruiting, yields 150 days after seed germination. The Prague giant is large in size and weighs up to 500 g. The pulp is fragrant, rich in vitamins, and has a delicate taste. 

Celery Prague giant is resistant to cold weather, grows best in sunny areas. Seeds are planted in beds in April or May. From 1 sq. m clean up to 4 kg. The crop is stored for a long time after harvesting.

The best varieties of celery root


Variety President bred by Dutch specialists. Ripens in medium terms. Vegetables are large, weighing up to 500 g, round and smooth. The core is dense, white. The taste is delicate and spicy. The leaves are medium, dark green. Harvest is easy to harvest and clean. 

Celery President gives a crop of 3,3 kg per 1 square. m. The plant is resistant to adverse conditions. The variety prefers sunny areas with fertile soil. Recommended for planting throughout Our Country.

The best varieties of celery root


Celery Size is large. Individual specimens reach a mass of 2,5 kg. The planting site affects the yield: illumination, light fertile soil.

Advice! To collect large root crops, special attention is paid to care. Plants are regularly watered and fed.

The pulp is juicy, with a pleasant aroma, has a slight nutty flavor. On average, the mass of the Size variety is from 0,8 to 1,3 kg. The harvest is in September. The hybrid is suitable for growing in the middle lane and colder regions.

The best varieties of celery root


Celery Strong of medium-late ripening. The crop is harvested 140 days after seed germination. The leaves are powerful, dark green. Vegetables are round, yellow in color, weighing from 90 to 200 g, reaching 12 cm in girth. Inside, the core is juicy, white.

Variety Strong is grown throughout Our Country. The yield is within 2,3 – 2,7 kg per square meter. Fresh and dried celery is used in cooking. Vegetables are harvested as they ripen.

The best varieties of celery root


Well-known root hybrid, included in the State Register in 1961. Ripens early, within 120 – 150 days after the appearance of sprouts. It has a spicy aroma and good taste. The rosette consists of 20 dark green leaves.

Vegetables are rounded, slightly flattened. The pulp is juicy, white, with a delicate aftertaste. The average weight is 150 g. The harvest is well stored and transported, it retains its taste when dried.

The best varieties of celery root

Varieties of root celery for Siberia

Root celery is a cold-resistant crop that grows successfully in Siberia. For planting choose varieties of early and medium fruiting. It is best to grow hybrids that do not have lateral roots.

In Siberia, seeds of root celery are planted in early February. The first sprouts appear after 14-20 days. Seedlings are watered and fed with mineral complexes. It is transferred to the beds in May – June, when the frosts pass. Under the culture allocate a sunny place with fertile soil. Plants do not require hilling, it is enough to water them and apply fertilizer.

For planting in the Siberian regions, the varieties Esaul, Egor, Anita, Prague Giant, Makar, Diamant, Maxim are chosen. Celery Gribovsky and Apple give too small root crops.


A photo of root celery and its description will help you choose a variety for growing on the site. The best hybrids are included in the State Register, have good taste and high immunity to diseases. 

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