Carrots are one of the most popular vegetables among summer residents, therefore they invariably grow on every personal plot. At the moment, through the efforts of breeders, many varieties of this root crop have been bred, which differ from each other in terms of ripening, taste characteristics and features of agricultural technology. That is why almost all gardeners are interested in how to choose the best varieties of carrots for planting.
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Specialists do not stop research work, creating more and more new varieties of carrots, as well as improving existing ones, increasing the content of sugars and carotene that are useful for our body. Although there are not only seeds of domestic, but also foreign selection on the market today, it is recommended to give preference to seeds that are produced in Our Country and are maximally adapted to our climatic conditions.
Вchoosing the best varieties of carrots for sowing today, it is worth taking into account the fact that they are divided by ripening time – early, medium and late, yield levels, carotene content, storage terms, as well as the shape and color of the root crop. Let us dwell in more detail on the very first criterion for choosing carrots – varieties with different ripening dates for root crops.
The beauty of acquiring such seeds for open ground lies precisely in the fact that with a relatively low degree of yield and a lower sugar content than similar root crops, but with a late ripening period, it is possible to get the first crop of vitamin root crops after 80-100 days. Let us dwell in detail only on some varieties of early varieties.
Lady – by buying seeds of this variety, you can harvest the crop in 90 days. Root crops of this species boast a good content of the important element carotene and excellent taste. It has even and smooth to the touch vegetables, cylindrical in shape and red in color, capable of reaching 20 cm in length. The variety is characterized by high yield, shows resistance to flowering, cracking, has good immunity to diseases. Ideal for landing in all climatic zones – including the middle lane and the Urals.
Zabava is a hybrid that appeared thanks to the efforts of breeders at the West Siberian Vegetable Experimental Station. The period of ripening of root crops – from the appearance of the first shoots to full maturity – can be at least 90 days. It has an excellent pleasant taste, the mass of root crops is from 80 to 200 grams, and they can grow up to 20 centimeters in length. They also have firm and juicy flesh. They perform well in the preparation of various dishes, as well as storage.
Nantes 4 is one of the best seeds that domestic breeders have successfully worked on. Ripening terms fluctuate in a fairly wide range – 80 – 100 days. The fruits have a high content of carotene, they can grow up to 14 cm in length, have a characteristic cylindrical blunt shape and orange color. Reach in weight from 90 to 160 grams. Well stored under all conditions, suitable for cultivation in all corners of our country. Widely used for the preparation of children’s, as well as medical nutrition.
Sugar finger is an ultra-early variety of carrots, since the period of its ripening to full readiness is about 50 – 65 days. It has beautiful, cylindrical and rich orange fruits, with a juicy tender center, the length of which can be up to 12 centimeters. It has a fairly high content of sugars and carotene useful for our body.
Video “How to choose the right variety of carrots”
Root crops, which are characterized by the average ripening period of vegetables, combine the best features of early and late varieties. By purchasing these seeds, you can be sure that you are getting the best varieties of carrots to store. They are especially recommended for planting in areas with a rather short growing season.
Balero F1 is a hybrid variety with a ripening period of vegetables from 110 to 120 days. It is characterized by the presence of a cylindrical shape of root crops that can grow up to 20 cm long. They easily cope with an unpleasant soil crust, can honorably endure small frosts on the soil surface, and at the same time do not lose their excellent taste characteristics. The content of dry matter in such vegetables ranges from 10 to 5%, and sugars – from 12 to 6%. From carrots of this variety, not only excellent salads and juices are obtained, it can also be frozen for the winter, canned, grown for beam products.
Vitamin 6 is another excellent mid-season variety, which is characterized by a high content of carotene and sugars. It was zoned in the Moscow region, and has proven itself well due to its high yield and excellent taste. It has cylindrical fruits with blunt ends. It has a good degree of keeping quality, perfect for conservation. It is very loved by gardeners due to its high content of vitamin A. If you use it raw, rub it and add healthy olive oil, it will have a beneficial effect on your eyes. And the presence of a large amount of beta-carotene will help everyone strengthen the body’s immune system, will also help strengthen hair and bones, and can improve the functioning of the thyroid gland.
Honey – by purchasing seeds of this variety of domestic selection, you get root crops from 16 to 18 centimeters long, having a regular cylindrical shape and a beautiful red-orange color. Such carrots are able to grow and develop normally on loamy and sandy soils, and the period of its full ripening is approximately 70-100 days. It has a greater presence of sugar and carotene than in other mid-early varieties. It shows high immunity to various diseases that can cause a lot of trouble to vegetable crops.
Olympian F1 is a mid-season variety of a root crop, which is really worth eating after 108 days. It has vegetables that are similar in shape to cylinders, also having a small cone, reaching a length of 20 – 23 centimeters. Such carrots can weigh from 115 to 130 grams. They have quite juicy and tender flesh of a beautiful orange color (both vegetables and the middle). The yield of carrots is approximately 7 – 8 kg per square meter.
The latest varieties of carrots of domestic selection have a ripening period that ranges from 110 to 130 days. They not only have high taste characteristics, but are also able to be stored very well for a long time.
Boyadera – the harvest of such a root crop can be harvested on your own personal plot in about 4, 5 months. Such vegetables are large in size, can reach up to 30 cm in length, they are also very juicy and sweet in taste. Well suited for both fresh consumption and preservation for the winter.
Carlena is another beautiful late-ripening carrot that has a characteristic rich orange fruit. Such root crops are recommended to be planted only on fairly fertile and loose soil, and also to provide them with good timely watering.
Red giant – the ripening period of vegetables of such a crop can be delayed even up to six months. As a result, quite large-sized fruits ripen, the length of which can be up to 27 centimeters. They have a flat and smooth, pleasant to the touch surface, have a characteristic cone shape. Harvest can be stored without problems, following some simple rules. These vegetables are very sweet and tasty. They are advised to grow on heavily fertilized plots of land, while watering often and to a large extent.
Flyovi – the term for ripening such a culture can take up to 4 months. Its fruits, which have a bright orange color, can grow up to 25 centimeters, and also have the correct cylindrical shape. They are also very sweet and juicy. They can be well stored for a long time, have a universal purpose.
Video “Sowing in open ground”
How to properly plant this crop in open ground – you will learn from this video. The main techniques and secrets are described.