The best varieties of cabbage for storage, salting and timing

Cabbage is traditionally our gardeners’ favorite vegetable. There are quite a lot of varieties of it, and they differ not only in terms of ripening, but also in external and taste characteristics. In this article, we will tell you how to choose the best varieties of cabbage, focusing on the terms of ripening, the degree of keeping quality and quality suitable for pickling for future use.


Early ripe cabbage is able to reach technical maturity in up to 125 days. The peculiarities of early cabbage are the ability to produce tasty products in a short period of time, to endure the weather vagaries of a cold spring, and possible frosts. This type of vegetable can develop normally in a limited space, calmly tolerates a lack of nutrients in the ground. For a high yield, early varieties are recommended to be fed.

The best varieties of cabbage for storage, salting and timing

What varieties of your favorite vegetable are well suited for the middle zone of our country and other regions? Let’s consider some of them.

  • Rinda F1 is a hybrid, the appearance of heads from which occurs after 76 days. Possesses vegetables of a round form with excellent internal structure. They are not very dense, the leaves are devoid of bitter taste and have a good taste. Such cabbage can be eaten fresh and cook delicious dishes from it. Feels good in different climatic zones. It is not advised to plant such a crop too tightly, then you can get a rich harvest. Landing on the beds is carried out in spring or summer;
  • June – compact-shaped heads fit well in the beds, the crop is harvested after a couple of months. It has a round or flat-round shape, reaches 2 kg in weight. If it outgrows, it begins to bloom. Able to endure frost in the spring;
  • Transfer F1 is a hybrid maturing in 87 – 115 days. It has dense heads, outer leaves have a light green color. Excellent taste, reaches a weight of 1 kg. The crop is consistently high, is immune to disease and weather conditions;
  • Cossack F1 is an ultra-early hybrid that matures in 40 days. The head of cabbage has a low density, weighs up to 1 kg. The leaves are not bitter. Shows immunity to diseases.


The best varieties of cabbage with an average ripening time, which can be grown in open ground in the Moscow region and other regions, have a growing season of up to 135 days. They are high in healthy sugars. They can be well stored up to 5 months. Let us dwell on the characteristics of some species. 

The best varieties of cabbage for storage, salting and timing

Glory 1305 – matures after 113 – 119 days. Has excellent taste. The head of cabbage has a rounded flattened shape, weighs up to 5 kg, the outer leaves have a pale green tint. Resistant to infections, grows normally in a cool climate and with a sufficient amount of moisture.

Gift – has a ripening period of 120 to 135 days. It has a rounded flattened shape of heads of cabbage, which weigh up to 4 kg. The leaves are light green above, white inside. Cabbage is juicy and with spicy acidity. The grade has good transportability and degree of keeping quality. Dobrovodskaya – has heads of medium density, weighing about 7 – 9 kg, with sweet leaves of light white color. The variety has immunity to diseases, can be stored for about 5 months.

Video “Sorta Megaton F1”

Cabbage Megaton F1. Hybrid characteristics


Late cabbage needs a lot of time to curl the head. Its crop can be harvested in autumn. The leaves of such vegetables are not particularly juicy and tender. These varieties are not afraid of spring frosts. Subject to storage conditions, late cabbage is normally stored in the cellar until a new crop is harvested. Let’s take a closer look at some varieties.

The best varieties of cabbage for storage, salting and timing

Aggressor F1 – ripening time – from 115 to 120 days. Heads of cabbage have a flat-round shape, have a weight of up to 4 kg. Shows resistance to cracking, has a high degree of productivity. Retains taste qualities during salting, fermentation, storage up to six months. Shows resistance to some infections.

Snow White – matures in 145 – 160 days. Differs in flat heads of flat-round shape, reaching 3 kg in weight. It has a good taste without bitterness. Suitable for preparing baby food. Shows immunity to diseases, is well transported, has a shelf life of up to 8 months.

Mara is a variety of Belarusian selection. Such cabbage ripens in 156 – 167 days. Heads are ball-shaped, dark green in color. Each head weighs up to 3 kg, is quite dense. It shows resistance to cracking, has excellent taste characteristics and a high degree of keeping quality.

For storage

For cultivation on the soil of the Moscow region and other regions of Our Country, many gardeners prefer to choose varieties of cabbage that have a long shelf life. For long-term storage, varieties with late ripening periods are most suitable. They have a denser head, a degree of frost resistance and a high yield.

They have one feature – their taste qualities are fully revealed after more time than immediately after harvest. Hybrids of the Dutch selection – Marathon, Bartolo, Lennox – are perfect for subsequent long-term storage. Domestic varieties of cabbage do not lag behind them in terms of characteristics – Wintering 1474, Kolobok, Monarch. Let us dwell in more detail on some varieties with long shelf life.

The best varieties of cabbage for storage, salting and timing

Blizzard is a medium-late type of cabbage. It has good taste qualities when used fresh and when fermented. Resistant to phomosis and blackleg. It is stored for a long time and reveals its excellent taste after a while. Lying F1 is a late-ripening variety with a high yield when grown on normal soil. It has an average resistance to bacteriosis, keel, gray rot.

Rusinovka is a mid-season variety with excellent taste qualities, both fresh and fermented. Shows resistance to cracking, has a high yield, is immune to mucous bacteriosis and black leg. Differs in a long storage term when the proper conditions are created.

For pickling

Cabbage is a storehouse of useful minerals and trace elements. Therefore, many prefer to salt it for the winter. It is important to choose the right variety for pickling. For harvesting for the future, varieties with medium and late ripening terms are well suited. It is necessary that the heads of cabbage be large, have a white color – in such there is more sugar, which is needed for salting. The most suitable head for processing should be creamy white when cut, firm to the touch, and taste sweet and crunchy.

The best varieties of cabbage for storage, salting and timing

For salting, choose cabbage varieties such as Slava-1305, Gift, Anniversary F1. The first ripens after 95 days, is high-yielding. The second is suitable for salting, pickling, preparing marinades. In sauerkraut, such cabbage is stored for up to 5 months. The third is stored no less, one head of cabbage has a weight of up to 4 kg.

Of the varieties with late ripening terms, one should name Amager, Geneva F1, Turkiz. The first type improves its taste characteristics every day. The second can be stored until the next harvest. The third can be collected after 4 months. You get dense heads that are not prone to cracking, which can be set aside for winter sourdough.

Video “Paradox F1: characteristics of a hybrid”

You will find everything related to this hybrid variety of cabbage in the video clip below.

Cabbage Paradox F1. Hybrid characteristics

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