The best varieties of asparagus beans

Asparagus bean varieties differ from the rest in their tender pulp, juicy pod flaps without hard fibers and parchment partitions. Such hard flaps are needed for beans to protect the beans from mechanical damage and pest attacks. Specially selected asparagus varieties, on the contrary, have very tender pods, for this quality they are valued by gastronomic gourmets all over the world.

The best varieties of asparagus beans

The names and photos of the best asparagus bean varieties can be found in this article.

The best varieties of asparagus beans

Like all other beans, asparagus varieties are divided into:

  • bush (up to 60 cm);
  • semi-curly (up to 150 cm);
  • curly (up to 500 cm).

The method of growing these crops is approximately the same. The only difference is that tall asparagus must be tied to supports. But from one such bush, which takes up a minimum of space in the garden, you can get a good harvest.

The best varieties of asparagus beans

Asparagus beans can be of any selection: domestic, Italian, American, French or Dutch. Today, more and more often in gardens you can find an exotic subspecies of asparagus beans – long-stringed cowpea, whose homeland is Asia and India.

The best varieties of asparagus beans

Advice! Varieties such as Vigna have a longer growing season (about 80 days), this crop loves a warm climate, so in most regions of Our Country it is better to grow it in greenhouses.


Beans of domestic selection, which is considered early ripe – asparagus ripens on the 55-65th day after planting seeds in open ground. The bushes of this variety are undersized, compact – about 40 cm high.

Mature pods reach a length of 15 cm, have an elongated rounded shape, a slightly curved tip. The pod itself is fiber-free, tender and juicy. Inside it are five white beans.

This asparagus bean can be grown in any region of Our Country, both in Siberia and in the Moscow region, asparagus takes root well and gives high yields. The bushes are resistant to diseases, and pods and beans can be eaten.

The best varieties of asparagus beans

“Blue Lake”

A super-early variety of beans belonging to climbing species. The bushes of this plant grow more than one and a half meters. Such asparagus must be tied to supports, so you will have to take care of their availability in advance.

Beans ripen on the 50th day after planting the beans in the ground. The pods grow long, about 16 cm, painted in a bright green hue, even and smooth.

There are absolutely no hard partitions and fibers inside the pod, so Blue Lake asparagus is considered a dietary product ideal for preparing low-calorie and healthy dishes.

Inside the pods are small white beans, they can also be eaten.

In order for the variety to bear fruit well, the bushes need to be regularly watered and fed. Beans love light, so beans need to be planted in sunny areas.

The best varieties of asparagus beans

“Sweet Courage”

A bush variety of asparagus beans with a short vegetation period – asparagus ripens already on the 41-50th day after the first sprouts appear from the ground. Plants are low, compact, about 40 cm in height.

You can recognize the asparagus of this variety by the cylindrical pods, which have a smooth bend and are painted in bright yellow. In length, the beans reach 14-17 cm, have a delicate taste and a lot of vitamins in the composition.

The best varieties of asparagus beans


Another early bean is Neringa asparagus, which begins to bear fruit by the 55th day after planting the seeds in the soil. The fruits of this variety are long pods of small diameter, round in section. Their maximum length reaches 16 cm. The leaflets of the seed box are fleshy, juicy, without hard fibers and parchment flavor.

The fruiting of beans is friendly – a bountiful harvest can be harvested all at once. Suitable for food and pods, and the beans inside them. The variety is suitable for cultivation in any region of the country, tolerates heat, low temperatures, rarely gets sick.

The best varieties of asparagus beans

«Pencil Pod Black Wax»

Mid-season asparagus variety of Italian selection, fruit ripening occurs 60-65 days after planting. The bushes are small, about 40 cm, differ in productivity, endurance, compactness.

Ripe asparagus is light yellow in color. Pods are valued for their excellent taste, suitability for long-term storage and transportation. The pods remain dense and juicy for a long time, their presentation does not deteriorate. The length of the asparagus is about 15 cm. Inside the pods are beans – glossy black beans.

The best varieties of asparagus beans


The bushes of this asparagus variety are very compact. The beans ripen early – on the 50th day after planting, the first pods can already be harvested. The French love this asparagus very much, especially appreciated the juiciness and crispness of the pods, the absence of fibers in their wings.

Small bushes can be grown even on a balcony or window – this will allow you to feast on tender asparagus all year round, even while in a city apartment, and not in a suburban area.

The yield of the variety is very high, the pods are colored green, long (about 15 cm), cylindrical in shape.

The best varieties of asparagus beans

«Kentucky Blue Pole»

Americans love this variety of asparagus the most because it is sweet and very juicy, and it also produces high yields. The ripening period of this bean is extended to 65 days. Bushes are considered tall, asparagus – curly. The height of weaving vines often exceeds 250 cm; these plants must be tied up or planted near fences, trees, and arches.

The length of the pods reaches 20 cm, they have a green color. Distinctive features of beans are durability, unpretentiousness and high yield. In general, the characteristics of the American hybrid resemble the Blue Lake variety.

The best varieties of asparagus beans

«Gold Mine»

Bush asparagus, which is characterized by very sweet pods. The culture is considered early ripe – the vegetation period of the variety is 55 days.

The bushes are powerful, upright growing, asparagus is tied in clusters, which significantly increases the yield of beans. About 800 grams of asparagus can be harvested from each bush of this variety.

The taste of the pods is unusual – they are very sweet, so children love this bean most of all.

The best varieties of asparagus beans


Mid-season beans belong to the group of asparagus called Vigna – the length of the pods reaches 50 cm. Moreover, the diameter of the pods does not exceed 1 cm, their pulp is tender and juicy.

Bean variety “Fakir” is a climbing plant, the length of the vine can reach 300 cm. Therefore, supports are required to grow this variety of asparagus beans.

The variety belongs to the development of domestic breeders, so asparagus feels great in dachas and vegetable gardens, rarely gets sick, gives high and stable yields.

The best varieties of asparagus beans

Advice! Despite the description of the Fakir bean, this asparagus is grown in the open field only in the south of the country. Whereas, in the north and in the middle part of Our Country, it is better to plant Vigna in greenhouses.


One bush of curly beans subspecies Vigna gives about five kilograms of crop. Pods with good plant care can reach 55 cm, their diameter is small – only 1 cm.

A distinctive feature of asparagus is the tender and juicy pulp of the pods, the absence of hard partitions and peel. This asparagus also does not have a characteristic bean flavor.

The plant belongs to early ripening – the beans ripen on the 60th day after planting the seeds.

The best varieties of asparagus beans


Variety of asparagus from French breeders. Differs in long pods, gentle pulp, and pronounced fresh taste. This bean does not have hard valves and partitions, it is easy and quick to prepare, contains a lot of useful substances.

The length of the pods reaches 20-30 cm, but not only asparagus is valued in this variety. The French also eat the chocolate-colored beans that are found inside the pods. Beans ripen late – the growing season is 75-80 days. Therefore, it is better to grow French beans in a greenhouse or in vegetable gardens in the southern part of the country.

The best varieties of asparagus beans

«Red Podded Asparagus»

Powerful curly bushes of this variety are decorated with many long pods of a purple hue – such beans will definitely not go unnoticed, they will become a landmark of their summer cottage.

The length of the pod can reach 80 cm, but experienced gardeners recommend eating asparagus, the length of which is about 0,5 meters – in this form, the beans are more tender and juicy.

The best varieties of asparagus beans

«Asparagus Yardlong»

The classic asparagus of the Vigna subspecies, all varieties of which are distinguished by long pods. Climbing bushes can grow up to four meters in height, they must be tied to strong supports.

The pods themselves are also gigantic – their maximum length is 80 cm. The culture is considered unpretentious, protected from diseases, and very productive.

The vegetation period is 80 days, so Vigna belongs to the late-ripening varieties of asparagus. It is better to grow it in greenhouses, because the climate of most of Our Country is characterized by short and cool summers – under these conditions, the beans simply do not have time to ripen.

You can eat not only the pods, the beans inside them are also very tasty, with a slight nutty flavor. Beans make amazingly tasty dishes, fragrant and very healthy.

The best varieties of asparagus beans

Rules for growing asparagus beans

All types of legumes are quite unpretentious, they do not need special care.

The best varieties of asparagus beans

To grow good asparagus, you must follow a number of simple rules:

  1. Sow seeds in well-heated soil (above 12 degrees) or pre-grow seedlings.
  2. Plant beds with beans on the sunny side of the site.
  3. The earth should be loose and nutritious. If the soil is very acidic, it is necessary to add ash or dolomite flour to it.
  4. Beds with planted beans are not watered until green shoots appear.
  5. They protect the bushes from the strong sun, the beans can drop flowers from the heat.
  6. When the plants have four leaves, watering is stopped before the beans begin to bloom.
  7. For the entire growing season, asparagus needs to be fed twice.
  8. You need to pick the pods in time, until they become hard and rough.
Important! Overripe asparagus can also be eaten, all rigidity will disappear after heat treatment. The only caveat is that it will take longer to cook such beans than usual.

The best varieties of asparagus beans

Vibrant photos of asparagus just insist on trying it. After all, this product is considered dietary – asparagus is very useful for both adults and children, it contains a whole complex of vitamins and microelements.

Asparagus beans Vigna in a greenhouse

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