The Best Treatments for Psoriasis
Top 5 best psoriasis treatments used in modern medicine. Together with experts, we have analyzed the main ways to combat this disease, from drugs to phototherapy.

Psoriasis is a non-infectious inflammatory skin disease that is diagnosed in 1–2% of the world’s population.1. With this pathology, the growth of epithelial cells is accelerated. “New” cells force out the “old” ones ahead of time, which is why layers or plaques of different sizes, shapes and colors appear on the skin. The disease affects different parts of the body, causes excruciating itching and burning, and worsens the appearance of a person. The patient is often embarrassed by his appearance and avoids other people, which seriously complicates life in society.

Modern methods of treatment of psoriasis reduce the external manifestations of the disease, prevent the development of complications and improve the patient’s quality of life.1. Together with our experts, we found out what approaches are used in the treatment of this pathology and what measures help prevent relapses.

The best method of treating psoriasis is complex, with the use of medications, physiotherapy, balneological therapy. The treatment regimen is selected and adjusted by a doctor, usually a therapist or dermatologist. Often the patient needs the help of a psychotherapist to cope with subconscious fears and internal conflicts that provoke the development of the disease.

Tablets for psoriasis

Psoriasis tablets are used for moderate and severe forms of the disease, and most often during an exacerbation2. Most drugs have a whole “bouquet” of side effects, so they are selected individually and taken under the supervision of a doctor. As a rule, patients are prescribed the following pills for psoriasis.

  • Methotrexate. It has a cytostatic effect – it inhibits the excessive formation of epithelial cells.
  • Acitretin. Synthetic analogue of retinoic acid slows down the formation of psoriatic plaques2.
  • Cyclosporine A. The drug suppresses the excessive activity of local immunity and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

The above tablets for psoriasis are prescription drugs that are recommended for use in a hospital setting.4. In addition, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antihistamines can be prescribed to patients with psoriasis.

Ointments and creams for psoriasis

Ointments for psoriasis reduce inflammation, dissolve dead cells and accelerate the healing of the skin1. Local agents are prescribed for a small area of ​​​​damage – up to 20% of the skin surface1. The list of the most popular ointments for psoriasis includes:

  • Preparations based on corticosteroid hormones. Ointments with hydrocortisone, betameson, methylprednisolone and other glucocorticoids suppress the inflammatory process, eliminate itching, reduce the growth and flaking of psoriatic plaques4.
  • Means with naftalan, ichthyol, birch tar. They have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects and are suitable for patients who have passed the acute stage of the disease.4.
  • Preparations based on salicylic acid. They have an antimicrobial and keratolytic effect, dissolve dead skin cells and accelerate tissue regeneration.
  • Preparations with derivatives of vitamin D3. The active substance calcipotriol inhibits excessive cell growth and keratinization, resulting in a decrease in the number and size of psoriatic plaques.4.
  • Means based on zinc pyrithione. Creams with this active ingredient activate apoptosis – the natural death of pathological skin cells. Zinc pyrithione accelerates epithelium renewal and reduces skin flaking.

Ointments for psoriasis are prescribed taking into account the stage of the pathological process and the volume of the affected skin. Experts do not advise choosing external means on your own. Uncontrolled use of creams, ointments and other topical products can increase inflammation, trigger allergies and other health problems.

Phototherapy for psoriasis

Phototherapy is one of the best treatments for psoriasis.2. The patient is prescribed photosensitizing drugs and UV irradiation sessions2. Photosensitizers increase the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet rays, which have an anti-inflammatory effect, suppress local immunity and pathological cell growth. Phototherapy for psoriasis can be general and local. In the first case, the entire surface of the body is irradiated, in the second, only the affected areas.

Children are treated with UVB therapy, which does not require the use of photosensitizers. For adults with severe forms of the disease, PUVA therapy using drugs from the psoralen group is recommended.2. Phototherapy for psoriasis is prescribed after a comprehensive examination. The technique is contraindicated for people with diabetes mellitus, acute infectious diseases, oncology, severe pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.

Diet for psoriasis

A diet for psoriasis helps improve skin condition and reduce the risk of recurrences. People with this disease are advised to stop eating chocolate, citrus, spicy, fatty and smoked foods. Tomatoes, eggplants, potatoes and other vegetables of the nightshade family should be excluded from the diet. The psoriasis diet forbids high-fat dairy products, white flour pastries, and alcohol.

Allowed lean fish, meat and poultry, cereals, vegetable oil, most vegetables and fruits. For heat treatment of products, frying cannot be used, but only stewing, baking and boiling.

Water treatment for psoriasis

Hydrotherapy, or hydrotherapy, gives good results as part of the complex therapy of psoriasis in remission. Treatment with hydrogen sulfide waters is carried out at the resorts of Yeysk, Goryachiy Klyuch, Pyatigorsk. Patients with psoriasis can be helped by radon and siliceous waters of such resorts as Khosta, Belokurikha, Matsesta, Sochi, Molokovka. Hydrotherapy has a local and general effect: reduces irritation and inflammation of the skin, calms the nervous system.

Psychotherapy for psoriasis

More than 50% of patients with psoriasis associate the development of the disease with severe shocks and negative emotions.3. In addition, there is a clear relationship between the psycho-emotional state of a person and the severity of the disease.3. Therefore, psychotherapeutic methods play an important role in the treatment of psoriasis. A competent psychotherapist will be able to find and eliminate the root cause of the disease, which often lies in the subconscious. Thanks to the specialist, the patient will be able to realize the value of his own personality and accept himself with all the shortcomings, which will significantly increase the effectiveness of treatment.3.

The number and duration of psychotherapeutic sessions depends on the anamnesis of a particular person. Sometimes, along with psychotherapy, the patient is prescribed antidepressants that stabilize the nervous system and alleviate the course of the disease.

Popular questions and answers

Popular questions about the causes, methods of treatment and prevention of psoriasis, we asked our experts: therapist, doctor of the highest category Elena Orlova and psychotherapist Irina Novogran-Dzhabrailova. Experts told what can provoke the disease, what role stress plays in the development of psoriasis, and how effective traditional medicine is in this disease.

Why does psoriasis occur?
Psoriasis develops due to genetic predisposition, endocrine disorders, malfunctions of the immune system. The disease can be provoked by injuries and infectious diseases of the skin, taking certain medications: beta-blockers, oral contraceptives, interferon and its derivatives.

Psychoemotional factors play a significant role in the development of psoriasis. In adults, psoriasis often occurs after stressful and traumatic situations, in children – due to family relationships.3. Excessive coldness, aggression or overprotection of parents worsen the emotional state of the child and can cause illness.

Most often, psoriasis is diagnosed in suspicious, anxious and conflicted people who find it difficult to find a common language with others.3. A significant proportion of patients have a critical level of anger and anxiety, especially during exacerbations.

Is it possible to treat psoriasis with folk remedies?
Traditional methods of treating psoriasis are used only as part of complex therapy and on the recommendation of a doctor. A specialist can advise applications with olive oil and aloe juice, baths with medicinal herbs: chamomile, celandine, succession, St. John’s wort. Self-medication with the help of traditional medicine is not recommended, as it can cause allergies and exacerbation of the disease.
Can psoriasis worsen due to stress?
There is a close connection between the nervous system and the condition of the skin, so psoriasis is often exacerbated by stress. Financial difficulties, a job change, an upcoming operation, divorce and other difficult situations provoke the production of “stress hormones”: adrenaline, cortisol and norepinephrine. Due to an excess of hormones, immunity decreases and metabolic processes are disturbed, which can cause a relapse of the disease. Therefore, positive thinking and a philosophical attitude to life is one of the most effective measures to prevent exacerbations.
  1. Federal clinical guidelines for the treatment of patients with psoriasis. Moscow 2013.
  2. Psoriasis. Clinical guidelines. Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. 2020
  3. Nervous and endocrine mechanisms of the pathogenesis of psoriatic disease. Department of Pathophysiology, Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases, Kursk State Medical University.
  4. Psoriasis: clinic and treatment. Znamenskaya L.F. Journal “Attending Doctor” dated 16.12.2002/2002/12.

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