The Best Treatments for Blepharospasm
A selection of the best treatments for blepharospasm used in modern medicine. Together with expert ophthalmologists, we analyzed the main ways to deal with blepharospasm, starting with botulinum therapy and ending with massage

Blepharospasm – involuntary contraction of the circular muscle of the eye, in which the eyelids close1. This problem occurs in 5-15 people out of 100 and is most common in women over 000.1,2.

With the clonic form of blepharospasm, a person often blinks and involuntarily closes his eyes. This condition resolves if the precipitating factor can be eliminated, for example, a foreign body can be removed from the eye or blepharitis can be cured. If the cause cannot be eliminated, the disease can go into the tonic stage. At this stage, the spasm becomes more prolonged, and in severe cases, mechanical blindness develops.1. Patients cannot work normally and take care of themselves at home and actually become disabled3.

Our experts will tell you about the causes and best methods of treating blepharospasm. Physicians, ophthalmologists and neurologists are involved in the diagnosis and treatment of this disease. Doctors advise seeking medical attention as soon as possible, for example, if you start blinking frequently or find it difficult to keep your eyes open.

Botulinum therapy for blepharospasm

According to many experts, botulinum therapythe best treatment for blepharospasm. In the course of treatment, the patient is given injections of botulinum toxin type A. The drug is injected into the circular muscle of the eye and the muscles of the eyelids1.

Botulinum toxin relaxes the muscles, so they stop contracting involuntarily and at the same time do not lose their function. After the injection, the person can control the opening and closing of the eyes again. The effect of the procedure comes on the same day, increases within 3-4 days and lasts for 3-4 months, and sometimes longer1.

Botulinum therapy for blepharospasm should be regular3. Local injections are repeated at regular intervals depending on the patient’s condition.3.

Botulinum therapy for blepharospasm shows excellent results, provided that injections are made by a qualified specialist. Botulinum toxin preparations can only be administered by doctors with special training and experience with this group of drugs.1.

Pink glasses for blepharospasm

Wearing pink sunglasses with a FL-41 filter is a relatively new method in the treatment of blepharospasm.2. Photophobia and photoallodynia are common in patients with this pathology.2. This means that sunlight causes them discomfort and pain, increases eyelid spasms and reduces their ability to work. Even against the backdrop of successful botulinum therapy, more than 90% of patients complain about the negative effects of light2.

Studies have shown that FL-41 pink lenses block light waves in the range of 480-520 nm, which provoke tearing and eyelid closure.2. Due to this, the light of the unwanted spectrum does not reach the retina of the eye.2.

Pink glasses with blepharospasm reduce sensitivity to sunlight and reduce the intensity of spasms. Wearing glasses does not cure blepharospasm, but it facilitates the course of the disease and prevents relapses.

Massage for blepharospasm

Massage for blepharospasm alleviates the symptoms of the disease and improves the results of therapy. With the help of massage movements, you can relax the muscles of the face and neck for a while and prevent the occurrence of spasms. Massage for blepharospasm is prescribed as part of complex therapy, which may include botulinum toxin injections, physiotherapy, reflexology.

Therapeutic exercises for blepharospasm

Therapeutic gymnastics, like massage, slightly reduces the manifestations of dystonia and improves the general condition of the patient. Experts recommend gymnastics as an adjunct therapy.

There are other ways to reduce the symptoms of the disease. Most patients note that with a certain position of the eyeballs, the symptoms of blepharospasm disappear. Spasms practically do not occur with half-drooped eyelids, so patients do not experience discomfort when washing, knitting, moving with half-closed eyes.

Dystonia rarely bothers a person in a prone position or when turning the eyeballs to the right or left. You can reduce muscle tension and relieve spasm for a while if you press on the points through which the trigeminal nerve passes.


The choice of medicines for the treatment of blepharospasm depends on the cause of the disease. If the problem appeared against the background of blepharitis or conjunctivitis, antibiotics, antiviral and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. In other cases, drugs from the following groups can be used:

  • anticonvulsants;
  • muscle relaxants;
  • antidepressants;
  • anxiolytics.

Anticonvulsants suppress the transmission of nerve impulses and prevent contraction of the orbicular muscle of the eye4. Muscle relaxants reduce muscle tone and thereby prevent spasm4. Antidepressants and anxiolytics (anti-anxiety drugs) stabilize the emotional state and reduce pain4. Most often, drug treatments for blepharospasm are used if the patient for some reason does not receive botulinum therapy or makes injections irregularly and in an insufficient dose.4.

Surgical intervention

In some cases, dystonia of the orbicular muscle of the eye is treated with surgery. One option is blepharoplasty. During the operation, the patient is removed excess skin and soft tissues in the area of ​​the upper and sometimes lower eyelids. After the procedure, the patient responds much better to botulinum therapy, so the disease can be brought under control.

Sometimes another type of surgical intervention is used – bilateral dissection of the facial nerve. As a result, the nerve fibers that regulate the movement of the eyelid stop working, and the involuntary spasms of the circular muscle of the eye stop.

Popular questions and answers

Blepharospasm is not life threatening, but severely limits social activity and can cause disability. In a modern person, the risk of developing pathology is very high due to the intense load on vision. Therefore, many are interested in why blepharospasm develops and how effective the treatment of this disease is. Our experts answer popular questions from readers: ophthalmologist Lola Semenova and doctor of medical sciences, professor Vladimir Brzhesky.

Why does blepharospasm occur?

Congenital blepharospasm is caused by genetic disorders.

Acquired blepharospasm develops against the background of various diseases and pathological conditions:

● meningitis and other neuroinfections;

● long-term strain of vision and mimic muscles;

● CNS diseases;

● traumatic brain injury;

● poisoning with manganese, disulfiram, methanol, cyanides;

● taking certain medications: metoclopramide, antidepressants, anticonvulsants;

● ophthalmic diseases: conjunctivitis, blepharitis.

However, very often the cause of the pathology cannot be established. In this case, they speak of an idiopathic form of blepharospasm.

Is it possible to treat blepharospasm with folk remedies?

With such a serious illness, folk remedies do not help. Only acupuncture, a popular technique of Chinese traditional medicine, can give a temporary effect.

Can blepharospasm be completely cured?

Most often not. But with regular therapy, remission can be achieved for many years, so in most cases the prognosis will be favorable. Despite this, one should not forget about the high risk of relapse. Therefore, patients with blepharospasm should take care of themselves: lead a healthy lifestyle, reduce the load on the organs of vision, avoid stress and painful manipulations on the neck and head.
  1. Topical issues of the use of botulinum toxin type A in the treatment of blepharospasm. Journal “Clinicist” No. 3-4 for
  2. Blepharospasm: the search for new therapeutic options. Timerbaeva S. L. Scientific Center of Neurology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.
  3. Botulinum therapy in the treatment of focal dystonia. Vizilo T. L. Kemerovo State Medical University.
  4. Tactics of a neurologist.

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