The best tomatoes of Siberian selection for open ground

Tomatoes of the Siberian selection for open ground have their own distinctive features. Most of these factors are associated with the peculiarities of the climate of the north of Our Country, because there is a very short and cool summer here – not every crop will be able to bear fruit in such conditions.

The best tomatoes of Siberian selection for open ground

How to choose a variety suitable for Siberia, and which of the tomatoes bear fruit better in this region – in this article.

What to look for when choosing seeds

Going for tomato seeds, you need to know about some of the features of this heat-loving crop. For example, about the timing of maturation or care requirements.

In addition, we need tomatoes intended for outdoor cultivation, and such varieties also have their own characteristics.

The best tomatoes of Siberian selection for open ground

In general, the requirements for tomato varieties for Siberian beds look like this:

  1. Fast ripening times – the growing season should be from 70 to 100 days. Only in this way will the tomato have time to ripen before the onset of cold August, the spread of late blight and the threat of rotting of leaves, stems and fruits in conditions of high humidity.
  2. Strong stems and a minimum of side shoots with a high growth of the bush. The Siberian summer is characterized by an abundance of precipitation, the predominance of cloudy weather, as a result of which too dense plantings will be poorly ventilated, which will lead to decay and infection with other diseases.
  3. Possibility of tying indeterminate tomatoes. If the purchased tomatoes are tall varieties, you need to think in advance about the method of tying them up (this can be a trellis, pegs, supports).
  4. Resistance to low temperatures – an indispensable quality for the north. Here, most tomatoes are planted only in early June, since night frosts are possible until this time. And then, during the summer, it is likely that the daily temperature will drop, sometimes for a long period. Ordinary varieties of tomatoes in such conditions shed their leaves and fruits, and hardened “northerners” do not lose their yield.
  5. Disease resistance.
  6. Unpretentiousness to the composition of the soil. As a rule, the soils in the suburban areas of Siberia are not very fertile – you need to choose tomatoes that can grow in such conditions.
  7. Universal purpose. If in the middle lane or in the south you can grow varieties with different ripening periods, then in the north you will have to limit yourself only to early ripening tomatoes. Therefore, their fruits should be suitable both for fresh consumption and for canning and processing.
Advice! When planting tomatoes for the first time, it is better to choose several different varieties at once. This will increase the chances of a “favorable outcome” of the event.

And next year, the gardener will be able to plant only the most successful varieties.

The best tomatoes of Siberian selection for open ground


The tomato is determinant, the height of bushes with strong lateral shoots reaches 40-60 cm. The plant is intended for cultivation in open ground. Early ripening makes the tomato of this variety suitable for growing in Siberia. The fruits ripen already on the 85th day after the seeds were sown for seedlings.

The surface of the tomatoes is smooth, the shape is rounded. The mass of each tomato can range from 50 to 110 grams. The taste of the tomato is sweet and sour, its flesh is dense, fragrant. These tomatoes tolerate transportation and long-term storage well.

The fruits of the “Dubok” variety ripen very amicably and quickly, this allows you to harvest before the onset of cold weather and the development of the most dangerous disease for tomatoes – late blight.

The plant is resistant to cold, does not require pinching, so growing tomatoes is quite simple.

Medium-sized tomatoes are great for whole-fruit canning, juicing, and sauces.

The best tomatoes of Siberian selection for open ground


A determinate tomato that grows up to a maximum of 75 cm. Neither tying nor pinching is required for this tomato. The fruits ripen in clusters, each of which contains about 15 tomatoes. The maturation rate is high – from 95 to 100 days.

The fruits ripen together. The biggest advantage of the variety is its high yield, up to 18 kg can be harvested from each square meter, which is a lot for tomatoes in open ground.

This variety is allowed to be grown not only with seedlings, but also with seeds sown directly in the garden. With the latter method of cultivation, seeds are sown in the ground after May 5th.

Tomato “Countryman” was originally selected for the regions of Western Siberia, so the culture reacts normally to low temperatures, resists most diseases, gives high yields and does not require complex care.

Small fruits can be used for any purpose. They are also great for transport and storage. Tomatoes are allowed to be picked unripe, they ripen well in boxes.

The best tomatoes of Siberian selection for open ground


The variety acclimatized at the Siberian breeding stations can be planted both in greenhouses and in open beds. Plant of indeterminate type, reaching a height of more than 160 cm.

A distinctive feature of the bushes “Kenigsberg” – increased productivity. The bushes are, as it were, strewn with red fruits – with good care, 2-3 buckets of fruits can be obtained from each powerful bush.

The tomatoes themselves are large, weighing about 300 grams. The shape of the fruit is unusual, eggplant-shaped, elongated. These tomatoes are delicious fresh, canned, used in salads and other dishes.

In growing a variety, it is very important to follow the planting pattern – there should be no more than three plants per square meter.

The best tomatoes of Siberian selection for open ground

“Honey Savior”

Determinate plant (70-140 cm in height), on which the fruits ripen in clusters. A distinctive feature of the variety is the unusual color of the fruit, ripe tomatoes become orange-orange (both inside and outside).

You can grow tomatoes both in the garden and in the greenhouse. The yield of the variety largely depends on the growing conditions. Usually on the bushes there are from 7 to 9 brushes, in which fruits of the same size and shape ripen.

The mass of each tomato is about 300 grams, their shape is round, the taste is very sweet. These tomatoes contain a small amount of acids, so they are often used to prepare diet meals, purees and juices for baby food.

The best tomatoes of Siberian selection for open ground

“Olya F1”

The height of the bushes of this variety is approximately 1,5 meters. About 15 brushes are formed on each plant at the same time, and they are formed three at a time, poured and sung at the same time.

The variety is considered high-yielding. Still, it is better to grow a tomato “Olya F1” in a greenhouse, this will increase the yield to 25 kg per square meter. But in Western Siberia it is quite possible to plant a tomato in the beds.

The variety is considered ultra-early, so the fruits will have time to ripen before the onset of night cold weather. The growing season is from 95 to 100 days.

Tomatoes have the shape of an oblate ball, their surface is even or slightly ribbed. The average weight is about 120 grams. The taste of tomatoes is sweet and sour, fragrant.

Plants staunchly resist most diseases, rot and fungi. Bushes tolerate both a sharp cold snap and extreme heat.

The fruits ripen at the same time and very early, giving the harvest together and in large quantities. These tomatoes are most commonly used in fresh salads and are great for commercial cultivation.

Unpretentiousness in care, good adaptation to the climatic features of the region make the Olya F1 variety one of the most suitable for inexperienced gardeners or weekend summer residents.

The best tomatoes of Siberian selection for open ground

“Eagle’s Beak”

Medium-sized plants are suitable for growing in open ground and in greenhouses. The variety is distinguished by interesting fruits – rather large tomatoes of an elongated slightly curved shape.

The average weight of tomatoes is 800 grams. Their color is deep crimson. The taste is quite high, the pulp is elastic and sugary. Tomatoes tolerate transportation well and are great for long-term storage.

120-centimeter bushes need to be tied up and moderately stepson. There are few seeds inside the fruit, they are quite small.

The best tomatoes of Siberian selection for open ground

“Parsley the Gardener”

This variety belongs to the Altai selection group and is relatively new. Bushes grow low (up to 60 cm), with powerful stems and shoots. Each plant is decorated with pink, oval fruits weighing approximately 200 grams.

Tomatoes of the “Petrusha gardener” variety are very tasty in any form, they have an appetizing, sugary pulp and a rich “tomato” taste.

The variety is considered medium-early, the plants bear fruit at the same time, which is great for the climatic features of the Siberian region.

The best tomatoes of Siberian selection for open ground

“Rocket Red”

One of the most famous and favorite varieties of gardeners. The bushes are small, determinate type, not strongly branched, slightly leafy. The main stem “decorates” 3-4 inflorescences, each of which consists of 4-8 tomatoes.

It is necessary to plant tomatoes according to a thickened pattern – there should be about 11 plants per square meter. The variety is intended for cultivation in open ground, more than 6 kg of tomatoes can be harvested from each meter.

The tomato sings approximately on the 115th day after the appearance of the first shoots. The fruits are red, with a glossy surface, elongated, with a characteristic “nose” at the end. The mass of each tomato can be from 30 to 60 grams. Tomatoes are transportable, tasty, dense, resistant to damage and overripe.

The short stature and unpretentiousness of the variety make it suitable for growing in summer cottages. Small fruits are suitable for canning and fresh consumption.

The best tomatoes of Siberian selection for open ground

“Siberian precocious”

Determinate bushes in open ground must be formed into three stems. Thus, the yield of the variety will be about 1,2 kg from each bush. The bushes are compact, strongly leafy, giving a harvest together.

The fruit is colored red, has the shape of a flattened ball, a smooth surface. Inside, the tomato is divided into several chambers, has a large percentage of solids in the composition. This provides the tomatoes with good keeping quality and the possibility of transportation.

Tomatoes treat the cold well, but some diseases are still “feared”.

This variety is one of the most beloved and sought after in Siberia. Due to the fact that the crop ripens quickly, and the plants themselves are resistant to cold weather, tomatoes can be grown in the harsh climate of Siberia, even in open beds.

The best tomatoes of Siberian selection for open ground


Super-early tomato of determinate type, belongs to new varieties. The fruits ripen on the 95th day after planting. The bushes are ordinary, undersized – up to 40 cm tall, not requiring pinching and shaping.

Tomatoes are even, round, red. The weight of each is about 150 grams. Tomatoes have a good taste and firm flesh. Suitable for conservation and processing.

The variety is intended for planting in the middle or northern strip of Our Country, tolerates low temperatures well, does not suffer from late blight.

The Snegiri tomato grown in Siberia can be harvested as early as the 20th of July.

The best tomatoes of Siberian selection for open ground

“Truffle red”

The plant is indeterminate, tall, slightly leafy. In each of the bunches, up to 20 fruits will ripen at the same time. At the same time, the tomatoes are quite large, their weight is from 110 to 150 grams.

The shape of the tomatoes is pear-shaped, longitudinal ribs can be seen on their surface. The color of the fruit is red, the taste is excellent.

The variety is in great demand, even the bushes themselves are of a certain value – they are quite spectacular, they can become an ornament to any plot or garden. The main advantage of the Red Truffle tomato is that it is not at all affected by late blight, and can also withstand temperatures as low as 2 degrees without loss of yield.

You can grow these tomatoes until the first frost, the fruits that did not have time to ripen can be harvested and left to ripen. Tomatoes can be stored fresh until the New Year holidays. Most often, the fruits of this variety are used for fresh canning.

The best tomatoes of Siberian selection for open ground


The variety is intended for planting in open ground or temporary film shelters. Bushes grow only up to 40 cm, so they do not require tying. You don’t have to pinch these tomatoes either, the plant forms on its own.

The maturity of a tomato comes already on the 70-75th day after the seedlings were sown. Such a ripening rate ensures high yields of early vegetables, allows tomatoes to avoid “meeting” with late blight, which spreads after harvest.

The fruit is painted bright red, has a round shape, a smooth surface, weighing about 100 grams. Tomatoes are intended for salads and fresh consumption.

The best tomatoes of Siberian selection for open ground

Advice! The soil for planting tomatoes must be prepared in the fall. When choosing a site for tomatoes, it is better to give preference to where legumes, cabbage, carrots, onions or cucumbers grew in the current season.


The bush is standard, slightly branched, about 45 cm high. The variety is intended for open ground, it can grow in Siberia. Tomatoes do not need pinching and tying, which greatly simplifies their care.

Tomatoes ripen very quickly – after 84 days, ripe fruits can be found on the bushes. Tomatoes are small (about 50 grams), smooth, plum-shaped, red. Differ in good palatability, ability of transportation, long storage.

The fruiting period is extended, which allows you to feast on fresh vegetables until the ripening of late-ripening varieties. Plants perfectly tolerate low temperatures, do not need complex care, therefore they are suitable even for beginner gardeners.

Small tomatoes look great in small jars.

The best tomatoes of Siberian selection for open ground

What is the power of tomatoes

As you know, tomatoes are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. And this is especially important for the Siberian regions, where not all vegetables and fruits can grow.

Eating a tomato from his garden, a person can be sure that his body will receive the necessary dose of vitamins of group A, carotene, amino acids, vitamin C, and several trace elements.

The best tomatoes of Siberian selection for open ground

All these “usefulness” can be stored for a long time. To do this, tomatoes canned as a whole, marinated, added to canned salads, processed into juices, purees, sauces. All this is not only useful, but also incredibly tasty!

The right choice of tomato variety will provide the whole family with the necessary vitamins. For Siberia, you need to choose only special varieties of tomatoes that can withstand the harsh local climate.

Tomatoes open ground in Siberia

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