Often, an increase in temperature is a signal that an infection has entered the body, usually SARS or influenza. But colds are not the only causes of fever, although they are the most common. Any acute inflammatory process, tissue damage or skin damage can lead to feverish reactions.
Often, an increase in temperature is also accompanied by malaise, chills, a feeling of heat, headache, nausea, weakness and weakness, additional symptoms inherent in a particular disease. The first thing we remember when we measure the temperature and find it rising is antipyretics. They are sold in pharmacies without a prescription, and help to reduce the temperature, normalize the general condition. But do you always need temperature pills for adults and how to use them correctly, which drugs should you choose?
An increase in temperature provokes the release into the blood during inflammatory processes of special substances – pyrogens. They affect metabolic processes, stimulate a special center of the brain in the hypothalamus (internal thermostat) to increase heat production and warm up the body. In addition to fever, there are other unpleasant symptoms – chills and muscle tremors, headache, weakness. All of them are the consequences of changes in the activity of metabolism for the production of heat and energy.
To reduce high temperature, special drugs are used – antipyretics. They reduce the synthesis of inflammatory substances that stimulate the brain to increase heat production. But it is important to note right away that these are symptomatic remedies, they only affect the fever, without eliminating the very cause of the disease, the infection, but help to feel better in a certain period of time while they work. Often this is enough to find out why the temperature has risen, and to start treating the problem itself.
Antipyretic drugs are divided into two categories:
Antipyretics – they have a pronounced antipyretic, there is a weak analgesic effect, but there is practically no effect on inflammation. These are drugs based on paracetamol.
NSAIDs – These are drugs that have an anti-inflammatory effect, and at the same time reduce pain and temperature. Aspirin is considered the most famous in this group, but it has many side effects, although it is used for fever, today there are many safer and no less effective alternatives. Basically, Ibuprofen has a pronounced antipyretic effect in the same group.
Rating of the top 5 tablets for temperature according to KP
We discussed with doctors the most commonly prescribed antipyretics and determined which ones can be used to lower body temperature.
1. Paracetamol
Paracetamol tablets with the same active ingredient (some manufacturers have capsules, syrups, suspensions, rectal suppositories) are sold without a doctor’s prescription. They are available and relatively safe, effectively reduce the temperature in acute viral infections.
They do not have an anti-inflammatory effect, therefore they are less effective in alleviating the condition of microbial infections, moderately eliminate headaches and malaise. From the moment of taking the pill, the temperature decreases after 30-40 minutes and the effect lasts up to 4-6 hours. It is safe for almost all populations, including pregnant and lactating women, with the exception of people with severe liver damage and chronic alcoholics.
The drug is incompatible with alcohol, exhibits a toxic effect! It is taken only at high temperature, can not be taken for preventive purposes or a course. May lead to severe sweating and temporary hypothermia (low temperature) with malaise and drowsiness. Should not be taken by people who drive a car or are engaged in activities that require extreme concentration.
2. Nurofen
In addition to tablets, it has a release form in the form of capsules, syrup, express and forte release forms, as well as intensive (in combination with paracetamol). It is released without a doctor’s prescription, the main active ingredient of NSAIDs is ibuprofen. It has a powerful antipyretic effect, which begins 20 minutes after administration, lasts up to 8 hours. In addition to fever, the drug eliminates muscle soreness and headaches, reduces nasal congestion, having anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Therefore, it is recommended to take it for microbial infections and exacerbation of chronic inflammatory processes. It is also effective for fever of viral origin.
It has a number of contraindications, including allergies to ibuprofen and other NSAIDs, digestive problems, including gastritis and ulcers, kidney and liver problems. The drug is incompatible with alcohol! Should not be taken with fructose intolerance. Should not be taken by people who drive a car or are engaged in activities that require extreme concentration. Take with caution during pregnancy, only in case of urgent need.
3. Ibuklin
The drug of combined action, combines the antipyretic Paracetamol and the NSAID Ibuprofen. Sold without a prescription, it combines the virtues of both drugs to reduce fever and alleviate cold, inflammatory symptoms. The drug has a rapid effect, the temperature begins to decrease after 20-30 minutes, it is characterized by a long and pronounced antipyretic effect, lasting up to 6-8 hours. Eliminates malaise and muscle soreness.
Contraindications for admission – problems of the liver and kidneys, digestive diseases, especially ulcerative lesions and gastritis. Prohibited when driving vehicles and the need for maximum concentration, incompatible with alcohol.
4. Rinza
The drug in tablets, which has a complex anti-cold effect due to its composition. Caffeine helps to enhance the effect of the antipyretic component, stimulates metabolic processes. Paracetamol reduces fever and reduces muscle soreness. Phenylephrine reduces swelling of the mucous membranes and nasal congestion, chlorphenamine has an antihistamine effect, relieves swelling and inflammation. Due to this composition, the symptoms of a cold are reduced for up to 12 hours.
It is contraindicated in pregnant women, people with hypertension and atherosclerosis, diabetics who take antidepressants, have problems with the kidneys and liver, and are incompatible with alcohol. Against the background of taking Rinza, you should not drive, it has a weak sedative effect.
5. Aspirin
It has many forms from regular tablets to effervescent soluble. It belongs to the group of NSAIDs, the active substance is acetylsalicylic acid, it has a powerful antipyretic, analgesic effect. Doesn’t affect inflammation much. The drug has a pronounced effect, coming from 15 – 20 minutes, especially in effervescent forms and lasts up to 6 hours.
However, it often provokes allergies, it is forbidden for asthmatics and allergy sufferers, people with digestive problems, liver damage. When taken, stomach pain, heartburn, nausea are possible. It is necessary to apply only in cases where there is no alternative, other drugs work worse.
Incompatible with alcohol, should not be given to children under 15, should not be taken during pregnancy, can lead to dangerous bleeding.
How to choose temperature pills for adults
When choosing drugs for high fever for yourself, you need to know certain rules so that the medicine is effective and does not harm the already suffering body. Naturally, the most correct choice is a medical one, and ideally, a doctor should recommend drugs to lower the temperature. But the fever often takes you by surprise, and you still need to get to the doctor, and for this you need to first improve your condition. When choosing the best temperature pills for adults, they are guided by the following principles:
- it is important to take into account the expected nature of the temperature – SARS, influenza, intestinal infection or exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
- take into account your illnesses in order to avoid complications in the treatment of drugs;
- carefully read the instructions for the drug, especially the section on side effects and contraindications;
- choose funds not according to the promises of advertising, but according to their effectiveness, taking into account the composition and action of all components (especially for combined powders);
- do not buy medicines on the advice of friends or acquaintances, in case of doubt, consult a doctor for advice.
In addition, it is worth choosing antipyretics, based on the fact that you do not need to bring the temperature down to the standard 36,6 ℃, you need to lower it to safe numbers. You need to take antipyretics if you feel unwell and the fever is above 38,5 ℃, you cannot tolerate the fever, you are very ill, or there is a high risk of decompensation of chronic diseases.
Popular questions and answers
About an increase in temperature, with the causes of this condition and methods of dealing with fever, we talked with pharmacist, teacher of pharmacology, editor-in-chief of MedCorr Olga Zorina.
● infectious caused by viral infections – influenza, coronavirus, SARS, intestinal viral infections;
● infections caused by microbial flora – tonsillitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, intestinal infections, skin inflammation;
● postoperative complications, consequences of injuries with inflammation, tissue infection;
● somatic inflammatory diseases;
● autoimmune processes;
● cancerous lesions.
In addition, the causes of fever can be overheating of the body, metabolic disorders, endocrine disorders and certain types of medications.
If the fever is well tolerated, there are opportunities to get sick at home, you can get by with non-drug methods to reduce the temperature – rubbing the skin with a damp towel with warm water, taking a cool shower.
Antipyretics should be taken in case of malaise, high fever exceeding 38 ℃.
Antipyretics should not be taken for more than 3 consecutive days if the fever persists.