The best techniques for treating burns

The best techniques for treating burns

Sunburn, iron or oven accident… A burn can happen quickly! When it is superficial, it is quite possible to treat it yourself. Let’s take stock of the most effective techniques.

Treating a burn yourself: some precautions

The first thing to do when you have a burn is to ” to put out the fire To calm the pain and limit the risk of expansion. For that, pass the burn under lukewarm to cold water, for about ten minutes. Then disinfect with a colorless antiseptic.

Be aware that you can treat a 1er and at 2e superficial degree. On the other hand, if you are burned at 2e deep degree or 3e degree, go to the emergency room or call for help for evaluation or evacuation.

If in doubt about the severity of the injury, if it is spread or located in a sensitive area, go to your doctor, the emergency room or call the emergency services.

Do not use no ice cubes, butter or oil as recommended by certain remedies of grandmother. A fatty substance will keep the burn warm.

If your clothes get stuck to the burn, do not try to take them off yourself.

Do not pierce the blisters, because it opens the door to infections.

Do not use cotton wool, which will stick to the wound.

If necessary, remove watch, rings and other jewelry which interfere with the circulation of blood during edema.

Read also: Burns: first aid

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