The Best Sports Nutrition Supplements for Your Daily Diet

What are the best sports supplements to include in the diet? What tips should you follow to achieve effective workouts?

Sports nutrition with regular classes is recommended to be planned according to certain rules. Here are the main tips:

  • regardless of the supplements taken, be sure to include cereals, poultry, fruits and vegetables, dairy products in the diet – all in a balanced proportion;
  • continue to exercise regularly, at least three times a week – only in this case, the expected effect will be from sports nutrition;
  • First of all, dividing drugs into “heavy” and “light” ones, but into suitable and inappropriate ones – everything is individual here, consultation with the trainer and doctor is important.

Both a beginner and a professional can add sports supplements to their diet. The main thing is to approach the matter thoughtfully and correlate the composition of drugs with the level of load. Also Read: Do I Need Amino Acid Supplements?

Sports Nutrition Recommendations for Muscle Building

To increase muscle mass, it is necessary to supply the body with protein at the rate of approximately two grams per kilogram of body weight. To do this, add eggs, meat and dairy products to the diet. Recommended supplements are amino acids and protein. Tips for taking them:

  • two servings of protein is enough to compensate for the lack of fifty grams of naturally occurring protein;
  • in the morning it is better to take whey protein so that it is absorbed in less than half an hour; in the evening it is better to take casein protein, which is absorbed in a few hours during sleep;
  • muscle tissue is protected from the breakdown of the amino acid BCAA – just take a few grams before and after exercise.

Creatine helps build muscle strength. Here you can start with the monohydrate form, which is recommended to be combined with juice or honey. See also: The health risks of steroids

Procedure for getting rid of excess fat

To avoid excessive weight gain, you must not exceed the required calorie limit. Therefore, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination in order to draw up a personal optimal nutrition program, coordinate it with both the trainer and the doctor.

Key rules for losing weight:

  • the diet should be individual – you can not focus on a template approach;
  • the more calories are missing, the more intense the weight loss will be – of course, within reasonable limits, so as to prevent exhaustion;
  • it is impossible to completely avoid the loss of muscle mass, therefore it is important to strictly follow the developed program and eat regularly;
  • it is important that the diet contains as much protein and complex carbohydrates as possible;
  • fried foods, bakery products, desserts are contraindicated;
  • on the contrary, more attention should be paid to fruits and vegetables, especially for breakfast.

Protein and amino acids should be consumed in the same way as those recommendations that are used when gaining muscle mass. When taking fat burners that reduce appetite and help you follow a diet, you should definitely consult a doctor: almost all of these drugs can raise blood pressure.

Sweeteners are not recommended: their component is almost always sodium cyclamate. Interacting with the microflora of the body, it increases the risk of cancer. See also: Truths and myths about sports nutrition

When choosing sports nutrition among various drugs with a similar effect, you should give preference to proven brands that have been on the market for a long time. You should not buy untested additives, experimental formulations, and even more so expired products or those that collect a lot of complaints. It is better to focus on reviews and recommendations than to experiment on yourself.

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