The best sorts of blackberry

The wild blackberry is native to America. After entering Europe, the culture began to get used to new climatic conditions, other types of soil. Breeders paid attention to the culture. When breeding new varieties, hybrids with improved characteristics appeared: large berries, lack of thorns, high yield. Now there are about 300 cultivars, most of which belong to the English selection.

Classification of varieties

The best sorts of blackberry

Blackberries have many varieties. Culture is divided according to the structure of the bush into three main groups:

  • Kumanika. The group includes erect plants, characterized by weak bending of the stems.
  • Rosyanika. All creeping plants fall under this definition. The length of dewberry stems can reach 5 m or more.
  • The semi-creeping culture group has few representatives. A feature of the plant is the structure of the shoots. Initially, the branches grow erect, then gradually begin to creep.

Of all three groups, the most popular among gardeners is the kumanika.

By maturity, varieties are:

  • early
  • average;
  • later.

Of the three main groups by maturity, intermediate subcategories can be distinguished: medium-early and medium-late crops.

According to frost resistance, the plant is:

  • stable;
  • moderately resistant;
  • unstable.

The hardy and medium hardy species are suitable for growing in cold regions, but shelter is still required for the winter. Blackberries that are not resistant to frost are best grown in the south.

According to the structure of the stem, plants are thorny and thornless. There is a specially bred repair blackberry. The main difference of the culture is fruiting on the branches of the current year. In autumn, the shoots are completely cut off at the root. Conventionally, blackberries are divided into groups according to large fruits, yield, taste of berries.

Initially, when breeding new products, breeders focused on large fruits. At the same time, winter hardiness of the plant was achieved. The disadvantage of the berry is the thorns that interfere with the care of the plant. Breeders decided to fix this problem. With the advent of thornless varieties, the culture immediately gained popularity. Experiments on the berry plant are constantly ongoing. Breeders change the timing of the ripening of berries, have achieved fruiting culture twice per season.

During the breeding process, the characteristics of many varieties intertwined. The division into groups is considered conditional. The same variety can be frost-resistant, early, large-fruited, shade-tolerant. If the culture is not winter-hardy, then this does not mean that it cannot be grown in the middle lane. It’s just that the plant needs special care, reinforced shelter for the winter.

The most productive varieties of blackberries

The best sorts of blackberry

Gardeners first of all pay attention to productivity. There is no such person who would not like to plant fewer bushes, but to pick more berries. The list of productive varieties is presented in the table.

Important! The yield of blackberries depends not only on the characteristics of the variety, but also how it is cared for.


Terms of maturation

The presence of spikes


Resistance to diseases



Aug. Sept.


10 kg per bush.


The lashes of the bush grow more than 2 m long. The weight of the berry is 4 g. The plant withstands frosts down to -30 ° C.

Ufa local



More than 10 kg per bush.


Ufa local is a selected seedling of the Agawam variety. It excels in frost resistance, sugar content of the fruit. Berry weight 3 g.


Mid July.


Up to 10 kg per bush.


Bushes grow up to 3 m in height, withstand frosts of -40 ° C. Berry weight 7 g.

The best varieties of remontant blackberries

The best sorts of blackberry

The remontant culture is prickly and thornless. The spiny plant is usually of medium height, but the fruiting is high. To get an early big harvest, thinning pruning is done. Up to five powerful branches are left on the plant. Europeans grow remontant blackberries in a closed way, thereby prolonging the fruiting period.

Important! A large number of berries in remontant plants break off branches. When growing a berry plant, the shoots must be securely fastened to the trellis.


Terms of maturation

The presence of spikes


Resistance to diseases



August – October.

The blackberry is prickly, but there are no thorns on the fruit-bearing branches.

Initially low, but constantly increasing every year.


The length of the lashes is about 2 m. The weight of the berry is 14,5 g. The bush is upright, tolerates drought, poor soil. Winter hardiness is high.

Black Magic

Second decade of August. If you leave branches of the second year, they will give birth in July.

The main branches are prickly. The spines are absent near the berries.

More than 6 kg per bush.


Berry weight 11 g. The plant is frost-resistant, bears fruit well in drought. An upright shrub, 2 m high.

Prime Ark 45 (Prime Ark 45)

End of August – beginning of September.

Spines only on the lower shoots.

The variety passed the high yield test in 2009.


Winter hardiness is weak. The weight of the berry is 9 g. For the winter, the roots require good shelter.

Prime Jan

End of August – beginning of September.

Spines on main branches.

The yield is medium.


The bush is upright. The length of the lashes is about 2 m. The size and weight of the berries is average. The plant thrives in poor conditions.

Prime Jim





The new variety is being tested. It is only known about the culture that the taste of berries resembles mulberries. An upright shrub of medium height. It is recommended to cut the branches for the winter.

Description of varieties of garden blackberries

The best sorts of blackberry

All cultivars, the description of which is presented in the tables, are suitable for garden blackberries. Separately, I would like to consider the Marion hybrid. The raspberry-blackberry culture is taken as a standard by breeders who breed new berries. Bushes are tall. The length of prickly lashes reaches 6 m. Early maturation. The first berries ripen at the end of June. The weight of the fruit is more than 5 g. The berries are fragrant, tasty. The yield is high.

Classification of varieties by maturity

The best sorts of blackberry

To grow a good harvest, you need to choose the right berry according to the ripening time. In the south, even a late culture will have time to ripen. For the northern regions, it is better to prefer early or mid-early varieties.

Early varieties of blackberries

This group includes all blackberries, the berries of which begin to sing by the end of June. The fruits of early culture are usually sour, slightly saturated with aroma. Blackberries are more suitable for processing into jam.


Terms of maturation

The presence of spikes


Resistance to diseases


medana tyberry

June – beginning of July.


The yield is high. The variety is suitable for commercial use.


Raspberry-blackberry hybrid requires shelter for the winter. Spreading bush with long lashes.

Black Bute

Mid June.

Small spines.

The new variety is considered high-yielding.


A creeping shrub that tolerates drought well. Fruiting lasts 1,5 months. Berry weight from 12 to 23 g.

Bedford Giant

Early July.


The variety is high yielding.


Creeping bush. Winter hardiness is high. The mass of the berry is about 7 g.


The ripening of the crop is early, but very extended.

Big spikes.

High yielding variety.


Winter hardiness is average. Shelter is required for the winter. The bush is erect with long shoots.

The middle-ripening

Berries of medium ripening begin to bear fruit when the fruits of the early Blackberry begin to depart. A feature of the culture is the amicable ripening of the crop. The berries are sweet, fragrant, give rich juice.


Terms of maturation

The presence of spikes


Resistance to diseases


Dull (“Dull”).

July August.

Small spines.

High yield. Berries are sold in supermarkets.


The Brazilian variety is moderately resistant to frost, requires shelter. The bush is upright. Berry weight 10 g.


July August.

Large brown spikes.

About 10 kg with plants.


Upright bush with branches up to 2,6 m long. Berry weight 4 g. Average winter hardiness. Withstands frost down to -21°C.

Late varieties of blackberries

In order for the berries to ripen, it is better to grow late berries in the south. Harvesting falls on August – September. Blackberries are great for conservation, it turns out delicious, flavorful juice.


Terms of maturation

The presence of spikes


Resistance to diseases




Large spines.



Michurinsky gift brings berries weighing 11 g. A creeping bush without root shoots.


Aug. Sept.

Lots of small spines.

Up to 5 kg per bush.


The culture of folk selection brings 17 medium-sized berries on one branch. The length of fruiting lashes is 1,6 m.



Small spines.



The length of the shoots reaches 3,5 m. The weight of the berry is 4 g. Winter hardiness is weak.

Winter-hardy varieties of blackberries

Winter-hardy berries are more suitable for residents of cold regions. Most of these crops are thornless and are hybrids. Of the prickly varieties in terms of winter hardiness, Agawam is the leader. Copes with frost Giant (Bedford Giant).

The boss

The best sorts of blackberry

A vigorous bush with small thorns begins to bear fruit in the second year. The ripening of the crop falls on August – September. At the end of the harvesting of berries, fruiting shoots are cut out. The bush is disease resistant. The berries are large, weighing up to 7 g. The fruits can be stored and transported. Blackberries prefer fertile loamy soil and sunny areas.


The best sorts of blackberry

An upright bush grows up to 3 m high. Sweet and sour fruits weigh about 4 g. The yield increases every year of cultivation. On average, up to 10 kg of berries are harvested from a bush. In terms of winter hardiness, Darrow is second only to Agave blackberries. The plant withstands frosts down to -34оC.

Bush blackberry varieties

The best sorts of blackberry

Growing bush blackberries is much easier due to the compactness of the plant. Scourges must be tied up in the same way, but their growth is limited. Among the bush berries, one can distinguish Agavam, Lawton, Chernoplodnaya. The description of these cultures is presented in the tables.

creeping blackberry

The best sorts of blackberry

Creeping berries grow long shoots. Scourges are capable of trailing along the ground, but the berries will rot and make harvesting difficult. Creeping blackberries include: Texas, Black Bute, Giant (Bedford Giant). Description of cultures is presented in tables.

Separately, it is worth considering the creeping berry Karaka Black. Prickly blackberry brings large berries weighing 11 g. Average yield, no more than 5 kg per bush. Fruit ripening early. Bushes are planted in the garden, keeping a distance of at least 1 m. Fruiting lasts up to 8 weeks. The berry can be stored, suitable for sale.

Important! When growing Karaka Black in a cold region, the berries are obtained with a strongly pronounced acid.

How to choose the right variety

The best sorts of blackberry

In order for the selected blackberry variety to fully justify its characteristics, the plant is selected taking into account the climate of the region. Almost any crop can be grown in the south. In the middle lane, the situation is similar, only even winter-hardy bushes will have to be covered in the fall. For the northern regions, it is better to choose frost-resistant berries of early and middle ripening. Late blackberries in a short summer will not have time to give all the fruits.

Drought resistance is famous for all blackberries. The roots of the plant are quite long and go deep into the ground. The plant produces its own moisture. However, without watering, the quality of the berries deteriorates.

Productivity is a weighty argument when choosing a blackberry. It is worth considering that at home the indicator will be slightly lower than that declared by the manufacturer. This is due to the fact that most gardeners will definitely make mistakes in agricultural technology.

If you focus on taste, then it is better to give preference to medium and late crops. Early blackberries can be planted 1-2 bushes. The berries of this crop are less sweet and fragrant. The taste of fruits also depends on climatic conditions. In cold regions, blackberries of the same variety will be much more acidic than in the south.

The best blackberry varieties for the Moscow region

The best sorts of blackberry

The climate of the Moscow region allows you to grow all varieties of blackberries, but for the winter you need to organize a reliable shelter. Culture is afraid not so much of frost as of snowless winters.

Early blackberry varieties for the Moscow region

From the early prickly representatives, you can grow a Giant (Bedford Giant). The frost resistance of blackberries is high, but for a successful wintering you need to cover. Well-drought-resistant berries of Black Bute, Eldorado will take root.

Unpretentious and productive blackberry varieties for the Moscow region

By unpretentiousness, Agavem is in the lead. Breeders among themselves culture is called weed. The blackberry quickly adapts to local conditions. Bushes will bear fruit in one place for up to 10 years. The next most unpretentious is Darrow.

The best varieties of remontant blackberries for the Moscow region and the Moscow region

Remontant varieties are excellent for the climate of these areas, as they tolerate cold and little snow winters. The blackberry is not afraid of a long autumn, a protracted spring with night colds. Remontant berries are ideal for areas where there are a lot of rodents: mice, voles, hares. In these areas you can grow Black Magic, Reuben, Prime Arc 45, Prime Yang.

Suitable blackberry varieties for Siberia

The best sorts of blackberry

In the conditions of the Siberian climate, it is better to grow winter-hardy blackberries that bring crops in June – July or early August.

Frost-resistant blackberry varieties for Siberia

Of the varieties resistant to severe frosts, Darrow and Gazda can be preferred. Plants tolerate temperatures below -30оC. Berries can be harvested mechanically. Bushes are planted in a sunny area, protected from the north winds. Excellent in Siberia, Agaves will take root.

Suitable blackberry varieties for early ripening Siberia

Of the early varieties, Eldorado blackberry adapts well to the Siberian climate. So that the plant does not freeze out, in winter the bushes are abundantly covered with snow.

The best blackberry varieties for central Our Country

The best sorts of blackberry

Climatic conditions are excellent for all remontant varieties. In autumn, the aerial part is completely cut off, which protects the bushes from freezing or being eaten by rodents. The roots remaining in the ground are well insulated with mulch and shelter from the branches of a Christmas tree or pine.

The most high-yielding blackberry varieties for the middle lane

Agave blackberries will bring good yields in areas with an unstable climate. The Ufimskaya local and Flint varieties are not inferior in frost resistance and yield.

Blackberry varieties suitable for growing in southern Our Country

The best sorts of blackberry

In the southern regions, you can grow any crop without shelter, even if the plant can withstand only -17оFrom frost. Specifically, from the prickly blackberry, Lawton is considered a southerner.

The video shows an overview of the fruiting of different varieties of blackberries:

Blackberry review of fructification of varieties 2016g


Having decided to start blackberries on your site, it is better to buy seedlings in a nursery. Only in this way is it guaranteed to get exactly the variety that you dreamed about.


Vladislav, Vologda
I give preference only to remontant crops. Blackberry Ruben grows in the country. Fruits great. For the winter, I cut off all the branches at the root. The plant is guaranteed to endure the most frosty winters.
Olga, Krasnoyarsk
Planted two Darrow bushes five years ago. Blackberry will give birth every year without problems. It tolerates winters very well. From the care I do only pruning and garter to the trellis. I feed organic.

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