The best slings for newborns
Sling facilitates and decorates the life of modern parents. But only if it’s the right one. The CP talks about the best models and how to use the sling correctly

A sling is a fabric construction that makes it easier to carry a baby in your arms. The progenitors of modern slings have been known since antiquity, and the modern children’s industry has turned slings into a stylish addition to the image of moms and dads. Nevertheless, the sling is one of the most controversial “must-haves” of modern parents. On the one hand, everyone around is talking about convenience, on the other hand, it has been noticed for a very long time that not every baby wants to be slinged. Only one thing can be said for sure: everyone should try the sling.

From a myriad of slings, fast and may slings, ring slings and ergo backpacks (see “Types of slings” at the end of the text), we have selected for you the best slings that occupy a leading position in the baby market.

For a detailed description of the options marked with an asterisk, see the “How to choose a sling” section below.

Top 10 rating according to KP

1. Kokadi Tai Tai

Mai-sling of the German brand of comfortable scarf weaving*. The sling is made from organic cotton and is perhaps the best choice in its segment for babies from 2 months to 15 kg.

The manufacturer guarantees the correct position of the child and a comfortable position on the adult.

Advantages and disadvantages

comfortable belt with a lock on the lower back, a hood from wind, sun and rain, backrest adjustment depending on the age of the child, soft shoulder straps, wear-resistant jacquard weaving.
high price

2. Diva Milano Basic

The Italian brand Diva Milano captivates with the quality of workmanship. This ergo backpack/sling scarf hybrid can be used for a long time (from 2-3 months to XNUMX years), and it is easy to adjust the length and configuration depending on the weight and height of the child.

Advantages and disadvantages

100% Egyptian cotton, which is hypoallergenic and very pleasant to the touch, synthetic dyes and chemically active components are not used in the production of the sling, long fibers and medium density of the fabric guarantee a long life without stretching the fabric, the sling only stretches diagonally, which provides maximum comfort when wearing older children, a strong lock on the belt, a hood that gathers on an elastic band, it is possible to carry a child behind his back.
available in one size – waist circumference up to 140 cm
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3. May-sling SlingMe

May-slings of the domestic brand SlingMe have earned a lot of positive feedback for their style. They are safe for newborns and can withstand weight up to 25 kg. The product will please with reliable fastenings, adjustable straps, a visor from wind and rain.

Advantages and disadvantages

bright colors and author’s design, back insulated with padding polyester, wide shoulder straps, cotton fabric, headrest, hood fixed with buttons, there is a pocket for small items, inconspicuous breastfeeding, affordable price.
not suitable for use in hot weather
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4. Elleville Zara Sling Scarf

The Norwegian brand Ellevill pleases with an abundance of designs and colors, as well as unsurpassed workmanship. A special charm is given to these scarves by the execution in the Scandinavian style.

Advantages and disadvantages

wide model range, jacquard weaving, all-weather, fabric softness, wide panel, easy winding.
there is not enough width for wearing older children, a small margin of length.
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5. Amazonas Double Diagonal Weave Sling Scarf

The German brand has released a classic cotton sling with a weight of 230 g/m2. The model has no wrong side, does not squeeze the mother’s shoulders and guarantees comfort during long walks. The length can be selected from 4,5 to 5,1 m.

Advantages and disadvantages

organic cotton, long bevels, easy adjustment, photo instructions included
the material requires breaking in, the length of the slings is not suitable for all parents.
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6. Mum’s Era Diamond Weave Sling Scarf

A brand specializing in the creation of clothes for pregnant women and nursing mothers presented a new sling of medium thickness and density. The cotton material has a double diagonal weave. The diamond-shaped pattern provides a special splendor of the fabric. The product is designed for children from 3 to 20 kg.

Advantages and disadvantages

diamond weave, there is a choice of color, two middle marks on the material, shortened bevels, affordable price.
harsh fabric, only the field of washing becomes softer, the fabric is prone to the formation of hooks.
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7. Sling with rings “TeddySling”

It is the optimal ratio of price-quality-physiological fit. One of the few representatives of its class, in which it is really easy to adjust the position of the baby. Slings are made of natural soft materials of special weaving: satin, linen, jacquard and double diagonal.

Advantages and disadvantages

the special strength of the rings can withstand even an adult, natural hypoallergenic materials, the child is in a natural position, beautiful design, a variety of colors.
in some models, uneven distribution of the load on the back, inconvenience to wear in the cold season.

8. Ergobaby360 backpack

Ergobags TM Ergobaby firmly occupy a leading position. Ergonomic shape, intuitively simple design, reliable fixation of all elements, size adjustment with one hand movement – these are the reasons that explain the growing popularity of carrying.

Advantages and disadvantages

ease of use, natural and safe materials, wear resistance, many wearing options, wide belt and straps, hood, a lot of colors, an insert for babies.
high price, lack of a pocket for small things and sucking pads (removable fabric protection for the straps, which the baby can safely procrastinate), a lot of fakes.
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9. Manduca Ergo Backpack

Backpacks of the German brand have proven themselves primarily with German workmanship and thoughtful design.

Advantages and disadvantages

anatomically correct fit for a grown-up baby, conveniently adjusted to the size of parents, quickly put on and taken off, wide straps and belt, hood is conveniently fastened on the shoulder strap, reliable fasteners, high-quality straps and fastex fasteners – three-point fastex on the belt will never unfasten accidentally, three years old warranty when purchased from a distributor.
high price, many fakes.
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10. Ergoryukzak “I am near”

Ergo backpacks of the domestic brand “I am near” won the love of parents with their convenience and thoughtful design – parents and doctors took part in their creation. In the design of ergonomic backpacks, the creators took into account the anatomical and physiological changes of the mother in the postpartum period and the child in the process of growth.

Advantages and disadvantages

a wide range of equipment: a hood, a carabiner for a toy, suction pads, a pocket and a bag for small items, convenient use, a well-thought-out design gives the child the most physiological position, natural and safe materials, a variety of colors, affordable price.
the fabric quickly loses its appearance (colors fade, pellets appear in places where they adhere to the body)
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Types of slings

Sling scarf – This is a woven or knitted strip with an average width of 50-70 cm and a length of up to 5 m. Different types of windings allow you to carry the baby in front of you horizontally or vertically, on the hip, behind. The load for the mother is evenly distributed over the back, waist and lower back. Suitable for newborns. But if a woven sling scarf can be used for up to two years, then a knitted one can be used for up to six months. It also has other disadvantages: it quickly stretches and fails; does not provide full support; it is hot in it; it is difficult to regulate.

Ring sling about two times shorter than a scarf sling, since it does not require winding: the sides are obtained due to the fact that one “tail” is tucked into the rings at the other end of the product. It is a little faster and easier to put on and adjust; it is not so hot in it; the baby is easier to feed and transfer to the crib. But after 3-4 months, the child already becomes difficult to carry, since the entire load falls on one shoulder.

This type of sling has a close relative – sling-pipe (also called a pocket or a loop). It is distinguished by the absence of rings, so it will not work to tightly pull the baby to itself and provide proper support. It is better to use such a sling in a vertical position on the hip or half-thigh and after the baby is 3-4 months old. But even better, it is suitable for older babies who are already starting to walk and who often have to be taken out and put back: the sling tube is put on even faster than a sling with rings.

May sling – an intermediate option between a scarf and an ergo backpack. This fabric construction consists of a back and four shoulder straps. It is easy to put on like a backpack, it is well ventilated in the heat, while providing reliable support for the fragile back of the crumbs and even weight distribution for parents. There are models for newborns, from 3 months (they differ in an unregulated back and the absence of a hood / headrest) and from 6 months (reinforced design with an increased back height is designed for children weighing from 7 to 25 kg).

The traditional ergonomic backpack ensures the correct position of the child (back in the letter “C”, legs in the M-position), is easy to put on, allows you to carry even a heavy baby comfortably facing or away from you for a long time, but it is suitable only from 4-5 (approximate parameters) – weight from 7,5 kg and height from 68 cm), and preferably from 6 months, from a period of independent sitting. At this time, the back ceases to be arched, a lumbar deflection is formed. If it is not there yet, and the backpack is too big for the baby, the adult pulls the lines more strongly, which causes a non-physiological deflection of the back of the crumbs. The second problem is the hyper-breeding of the legs (sometimes almost into a twine) due to the back of the carrier being too wide for the child.

Recently, more and more models appear on the market. ergo backpacks for newborns. They feature an adjustable backrest in width and height. But using various inserts (“mattresses”, “pillows”, “panties”) in a classic backpack to remove excess volume is not a good idea. The baby simply clings to his mother, but does not take the correct position from this, besides, he becomes too hot.

Sling tank top with long or short sleeves can appear in the wardrobe only if it is adjustable. Then it essentially does not differ from a knitted sling-scarf and has similar pros and cons. An unregulated T-shirt does not provide support for the child’s spine and head, and also creates an excessive load on the legs due to the blind pocket in which the child is placed.

There are two more types of carriers, but experts advise to refuse their use.

Kangaroo similar to ergo backpacks, but differ from them in a disadvantageous way. Such carriers are not ergonomic: in a kangaroo, the child is “suspended” by the crotch, and the rigid back does not properly support the baby’s spine and neck. An adult also experiences discomfort: the center of gravity shifts, there is no waist support, so you have to strain your back to maintain balance. The heavier the child, the more narrow straps cut into the shoulders.

A similar design with a kangaroo and, accordingly, has disadvantages hipsite with straps. A regular hipsit without straps is convenient for short wear on the hip of a child who already knows how to sit well and begins to walk, that is, from about 7-8 months.

Sling bag, which is also called a pseudo-sling. If the baby is carried horizontally, it is not in a physiological position like that of the parents in their arms, but is bent in a crescent, the chin is pressed into the chest. Because of this and the high tight sides, breathing can be difficult. In an upright position, this design does not support the baby in the upper back and under the knees, which creates a load on the spine. In addition, the child cannot be planted deep, the risk of dropping it out of the bag increases.

How to choose the right baby sling

Age, weight and physical skills of the baby. It depends on which type of slings to consider from those listed above.

The size. The sling should be comfortable not only for the baby, but also for the person who wears it. When choosing scarves and backpacks, different points are taken into account.

The main parameter when choosing a sling-scarf is the length (standard width, 60-70 cm, knitted ones are usually narrower, but they stretch). The easiest way to calculate it is to add zero to your clothing size. For example, you wear size 42 – take a scarf 420 cm, 46 – 460 cm, 52 – 520 cm. If your size is “intermediate” (44, 50), then take a longer sling. By the way, if it is assumed that both parents will use any type of winding sling, then focus on the one who is larger. A scarf that is too long can simply be wrapped around you one more time, but you can’t stretch it too short.

A popular size among manufacturers is 470 cm. With a height of up to 175 cm, a person with clothing sizes from 42 to 46 can easily make all basic types of windings. More rarely, very short sizes are found – 2,7-3,7 m (for people of small stature, for simple types of windings or for use as a tippet or bedding) and very large – 5,2-5,7 m (for large parents ).

In any case, check the dimensional grid before buying – even from one manufacturer, it may differ for different model ranges.

In this case, do not forget about the bevels. Manufacturers indicate the size of the sling from the end to the beginning of the second bevel. That is, when choosing the length, it is not necessary to lay a margin for growth and in case of shrinkage, it has already been made due to the length of the second bevel. On average, it is 15-30 cm, but there are models with ultra-long bevels of 50-70 cm. The cut angle also fluctuates – on average from 45 to 80 degrees. The longer the bevel and the sharper the angle at which it is cut, the neater the knot and folds of the hanging ends are. But the usable area of ​​the sling itself becomes a little smaller.

As for ergo backpacks, here the main parameter is the waist circumference and the height of an adult. The reverse rule applies here: if you fit within the numerical parameters for two sizes, manufacturers recommend choosing a smaller size. Then the tapes after tightening will not hang too low, get confused and interfere. For example, for size M, the range is 65-90 cm, for L – 65-100 cm, and your waist circumference is 85 cm (measure in clothes, about 30 cm below the armpits). “Emka” will sit better.

Fabric and accessories. The child comes into contact with the sling with bare skin, so the material from which it is made must be natural, without synthetics, soft but durable, and the fittings must be safe, without sharp corners and joints. It is optimal that she and the sling have one manufacturer or a well-known and proven one.

The best fabric for slings is scarf. The loose weave of the threads makes it delicate, well ventilated, while it is durable, dense, springy and stretches only diagonally, therefore it well supports the fragile body of the crumbs and can withstand quite a lot of weight.

Ordinary cotton or linen fabrics may work for carriers or ring slings, but not for slings. They do not stretch well, are difficult to adjust, do not breathe very well, and are too stiff.

Another type of slings is knitted. They are soft, stretchy fabric simplifies winding, but they have a serious disadvantage – non-universality. Only a baby up to 4-5 months old can hold such a sling, if the cheap fabric does not fail earlier. Plus, it gets hot in the summer. But even hotter in carriers with synthetic mesh, which, according to manufacturers, serve for ventilation. They do not help much – the main heat is created from the contact of the bodies of mother and baby. Moreover, they cause irritation and rub delicate baby skin.

Weaving is not a key factor when choosing a sling, but other things being the same, you can pay attention to it. Classic weaving for slings – double diagonal. It provides load capacity, but the fabric can be stiff until washed or broken in. The choice of designs is limited – plain or striped slings.

Does the pattern on the fabric form diamonds that play in the light? in front of you adiamond weaving – durable and “tenacious” (the same fabric on both sides, due to the relief weaving, when winding, as it were, clings to itself and does not slip).

With the development of industry, slings with jacquard weave. Modern production capabilities make it possible to make such fabrics of different thicknesses and softness for newborns and grown-up babies, and a variety of designs – with ornaments, colors, inscriptions and all kinds of patterns. And they do not have a wrong side, both sides are equally pleasant, beautiful and cling well.

Slings are rare satin or satin weave. They are light and quick-drying, they have an underside, one side is slippery and smooth, and the other is hard, mesh. When winding, there are difficulties – such slings stretch more in one direction. And manufacturers do not recommend wearing them in winter – the delicate fabric wears out quickly from constant contact with the jacket.

Price. A good sling will not be cheap. If the budget is limited, weigh the pros and cons, think – maybe it’s better to do without carrying at all or save money for it than to buy a budget one that will quickly fail, be inconvenient or even harmful?

Design. Of course, it does not affect the main parameters – safety and convenience. But the mother should feel comfortable not only physically, but also psychologically. Indeed, for a long period of time, the sling will become the main part of the wardrobe.

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