The best sleep pillows: which ones to choose
When asked which pillow is the best, each company will indicate its name and boldly declare its own product. It is useless to orientate on taste and color. But this device for a night’s rest should be in any case.
The best pillows are comfortable!
Despite the benefits of sleep for children under 3 months, or even up to a year, without this accessory, even they cannot live without it: there is a high risk of encountering otitis media during a runny nose or suffering from regurgitation. But physiologists also proved that the brain feels great on a pillow, and the expression “heavy head” did not come from nowhere – from lack of sleep and sleep disturbance.
And what to say about pillows in which strong girls who do not have best friends cry, under this accessory they hide notes with the names of potential boyfriends in Christmas fortune-telling and just love to arrange a pillow fight or sleeping parties.
A respectable alternative is goose down products (soft, airy, taking the physiological shape of the head and cervical spine). Only the “exactingness” of such models remains inconvenient for potential owners – the likelihood of allergies, the need to purge the product and fight against possible pests.
Rating of the best sleep accessories:
- Whether genetic memory, or a naturally ideal filler – the down of geese, ducks and eiders (seabirds) – is back in fashion. Sometimes the combination of this material with a feather gives a comfortable stiffness.
The disadvantages are high cost and frequent blowing (processing the contents, changing the pillowcase).
- Sheep and camel wool is also relevant. It is elastic, soft, warms, which is appreciated both in winter and with exacerbations of osteochondrosis.
Minus: such products can hardly be called cheap, plus a possible allergic reaction, especially in people who cannot tolerate pet hair.
- Bamboo fiber pillows (which are also used to fill mattresses for children’s beds) round out the top three natural leaders.
Minus – they are unlikely to suit “princesses and a pea” (sometimes they seem tough).
- What are the best pillows? Customer reviews often vote for orthopedic products. They are small (up to 80 cm) and consist of rollers and a main part.
These accessories are filled with special foam. On the positive side: some have a “memory effect” and retain the shape required by a particular person. Minus: about 3000 rubles for bedding is also sometimes too expensive.
- Holofiber – these pillows are priced at 200-250 rubles and with a good recommendation also made it to the tops.
They are elastic, moderately tough, easy to machine wash (one of the varieties of padding polyester). Fungus, mites, moisture and disruption to the shape of the product are not threatened. But getting such a necessary gift for sleep can be difficult.
The best pillows: choose for yourself
We do not believe in love and cry into the pillow at night.
For orthopedic products, the length of the neck is calculated plus or minus a centimeter (they, like holofiber, are suitable even for a child).
The absence of allergic reactions and knowledge about the humidity of the room will also come in handy. But the main criterion is convenience. It is better to lie on the offered specimens and listen to the sensations. They will not deceive, and claims to advisers can be avoided.