The best shoulder exercises – advantages, home training, dumbbell exercises

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Shoulder exercises allow you to achieve strong and well-built shoulder muscles. Often times, this is a skipped muscle. Wrong. The most important muscles in the upper body come together in the shoulders. Here are some of the most effective exercises that you can use in the gym or training at home.

Shoulder Exercises – Why Should You Do Them?

The shoulder is formed by the deltoid muscle, which is divided into three parts: front, middle and back. It is important that the shoulder exercises are varied and develop each of the three parts of the muscle. In your training plan, you should remember about the shoulders, because it is thanks to the deltoid muscles that we can build other upper parts of our body. It is in the shoulders that the muscles of the back, chest and arms connect.

Also read: What is Painful Shoulder Syndrome?

Shoulder exercises – at home or at the gym?

A gym, access to a variety of equipment and the ability to work with a trainer help in building muscles properly. However, if we decide to exercise at home, it does not mean that we must have worse results. It’s good to start shoulder training with a more advanced friend who will explain the most common mistakes and show you the correct way to exercise.

Remember that it is better to do fewer sets and repetitions, but in an appropriate and careful manner. A big mistake of people exercising at home is to choose too much load, this may paradoxically reduce the effectiveness of exercises and increase the risk of injury.

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Shoulder Exercises – What Training?

In order to properly and evenly develop all parts of the shoulders, a training plan should be prepared. It is good to plan your training 2-3 times a week as it gives the best results. The shoulder exercises should build up both the front, middle and back of the deltoid muscle.

Most often, people neglect the back part during training. The constant omission of one part of the muscles increases the risk of injury and exposes them to microtrauma. Here are three effective dumbbell exercises, each focusing on a different part of the muscle.

Raises of arms in the descent – stand slightly apart with dumbbells. Place your feet gently outward. Do a torso drop. It should be parallel to the ground. The shoulders should hang and the hands with dumbbells should be close together. The arms (straightened at the elbows) simultaneously raise to the sides to the height of the body, they should form one line together. Stay in this pose for a while, then slowly return to the starting position.

Raising the shoulder to the side – the exercise is similar to the previous one. In it, however, we stand upright, slightly straddling. We grab a dumbbell with one hand. The arm should hang along the body and be slightly bent. With the other hand, you can grab your hip. Then raise the dumbbell to the shoulder line. We stay in this position for a moment, and then slowly lower the arm to the starting position. After the repetitions, we change hands.

Squeezing dumbbells over the head – for this exercise you should sit down with dumbbells slightly apart. Raise the dumbbells in the grip to the level of the chin. Bent arms point outward. This is the starting position. Then we push the dumbbells over the head, hold for a moment and slowly bring them back to the height of the chin.

Dumbbells are a cheap and good solution for people who want to exercise at home. Of course, this device can also be found in every gym. Dumbbells are ideal for building deltoid muscles, and thanks to the possibility of changing the load, we can adjust the weight to our own level of advancement.

Also check: What does shoulder pain mean when lifting a hand?

Shoulder exercises – push-ups

For shoulder training, push-ups look a bit different than in the traditional version. During this exercise, we position ourselves whole as for normal push-ups, but place the legs on a platform.

If we exercise at home, the elevation may be, for example, a chair. The higher the leg support, the more difficult it is to do the push-up, but also the work of the shoulder muscles increases. We do the rest of the exercise as with traditional push-ups.

Shoulder exercises – injuries

The effort of hard training can increase the risk of injury to any part of the body, but the shoulder joint is an area where care must be taken. This means that you need to carefully prepare for arm training to reduce your risk of an issue that may prevent you from using the gym for weeks or months.

This preparation begins with the mobilization of the shoulder joints. Before you touch the weight, spend five to ten minutes gradually mobilizing your joints to activate your muscles and increase your range of motion during training.

This mobilization is part of the warm-up, but not all of it. Before you begin your actual training, you should do a few sets of exercises that you are going to do with very light weights or not at all. This way the arm gets used to the movements.

Then, when you start training, it’s important not to overload yourself. If you start to “fight the weight”, end the series or reduce the weight you are lifting. The risk of injury far outweighs the benefits of forcing the latter repetitions.

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