The best sanatoriums in Russia with treatment. Ranking 2019

We present to the attention of readers an independent rating of the best sanatoriums in Russia with treatment, compiled according to the reviews of visitors about a particular medical resort institution.

10 Pinery

The best sanatoriums in Russia with treatment. Ranking 2019

Sanatorium-dispensary “Pinery“is one of the best sanatoriums in Russia in 2019. It is located in the small town of Yalturovsk on the banks of the Iset River among a pine forest. The health resort conducts therapeutic and preventive measures in the following areas: treatment of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, obesity, and respiratory diseases.

There are therapeutic showers of the following types: Charcot, circular, ascending, underwater shower-massage. Also, the medical base is represented by a device for dosed spinal traction and vibration massage “Ormed”, physiotherapy, magnetotherapy, laser therapy, inhalation, etc. Visitors live in a double room with all amenities (bathroom, shower and TV) or in a comfortable cottage.

9. white keys

The best sanatoriums in Russia with treatment. Ranking 2019

Medical and prophylactic institution of the Republic of Karelia “white keys“is included in the rating of the best sanatoriums in Russia. The medical and health institution specializes in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, musculoskeletal system, respiratory organs, kidneys, gynecology, type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus.

The medical base consists of a balneary, a mud bath, physiotherapy, a medical and sports complex, a massage room, diet therapy, etc. The main method of treatment is balneotherapy, which consists of therapeutic baths and various types of showers. Mud therapy uses the mud of Lake Gabozero, which belongs to the group of sulphide-silt mud, which does not dry out or irritate the skin.

For guests of the health resort, the following apartments are available to choose from: one-room and two-room suites, double rooms with private facilities and rooms with private facilities per block.

8. Sol-Iletsk

The best sanatoriums in Russia with treatment. Ranking 2019

The rating of the best sanatoriums in the country also includes a medical resort institution “Sol-Iletsk“, located in the Orenburg region. Therapy of the health resort is aimed at the treatment of chronic diseases, infertility, musculoskeletal system, gynecological diseases, dermatitis, respiratory diseases, etc. The medical base specializes in mud therapy and hydrotherapy.

Mud is extracted from Lake Tuzluchnoye, and mineral waters from Lake Razval. The health resort presents the following methods of therapy: treatment with electric current, magnet, cold, phytotherapy, physiotherapy, shock wave therapy and other methods.

7. Mashuk Aqua-Therm

The best sanatoriums in Russia with treatment. Ranking 2019

The rating of the best sanatoriums in Russia includes “Mashuk Aqua-Therm“, located among the Caucasus Mountains in Zheleznovodsk. The main directions in the medical activity of the health resort are the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolic processes, diseases of the genitourinary system, respiratory organs, as well as the musculoskeletal system. In therapy, therapeutic baths and climatotherapy are used.

Various wellness programs are offered to the guests of the hospital. “Mashuk Aqua-Therm” twice became the winner of the “Best Sanatorium of the Russian Federation” award.

6. Spring

The best sanatoriums in Russia with treatment. Ranking 2019

Multidisciplinary resort and preventive institution “Spring“, located in Pyatigorsk at the foot of Mount Mashuk, belongs to the sanatoriums of the highest category. The health resort carries out medical and recreational activities in the following areas: metabolic disorders, ENT diseases, gynecology, diseases of the nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system, dermatological diseases, etc.

For high quality service, Rodnik was awarded the Golden Quality Mark “XXI Century” of the Ruby and Pearl Cross, and was also recognized as the best health resort of the Russian Federation in 2019.

5. Kazakhstan

The best sanatoriums in Russia with treatment. Ranking 2019

Sanatorium-dispensary “Kazakhstan”, located in the city of Esentuki, belongs to the best sanatorium and resort institutions. The medical activity of the health resort specializes in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, metabolism, nervous system, ENT organs, diseases of urology and gynecology.

In therapeutic therapy, therapeutic mud and mineral waters of the Tambukan Lake are actively used. In addition to therapeutic baths, physiotherapy, inhalation, exercise therapy, water aerobics, massage and much more are used. The sanatorium conducts laboratory tests, ultrasound diagnostics, cardiodiagnostics, as well as endoscopic examinations.

4. Zarya

The best sanatoriums in Russia with treatment. Ranking 2019

The rating of the best sanatoriums in the country includes a medical resort institution “Zarya» Kislovodsk city. The health resort has been providing medical and preventive services since 1987. The main medical base is mineral water and therapeutic mud, as well as oxygen therapy, aerophytotherapy, drug therapy, all types of massage, inhalation therapy, laser therapy, reflexology, etc. The sanatorium conducts all types of diagnostic tests and specializes in the treatment of organs of the genitourinary, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and nervous systems.

The institution is located on the territory of a juniper grove, which is located at an altitude of 1 km above sea level. Mountain air and resinous substances exude make the surrounding oxygen salubrious.

3. Green Valley

The best sanatoriums in Russia with treatment. Ranking 2019

health center «Green Valley» Krasnodar Territory is one of the best resorts in Russia, located 500 meters from the Black Sea. The leading medical profiles of the institution are diseases of the nervous system, musculoskeletal system, respiratory organs, and circulatory system. Sea waters are the main healing factor.

In addition, the following procedures are available to the guests of the health resort: balneotherapy, herbal medicine, inhalations, halotherapy, diet therapy, reflexology, etc.

2. Sneaker

The best sanatoriums in Russia with treatment. Ranking 2019

Sanatorium “Sneaker“, located in the Republic of Karelia, is included in the rating of the best health resorts in Russia. It is located 50 km from the city of Petrozavodsk, on the territory of a pine forest. Nearby are Lake Petr and the famous Kivach waterfall. The resort and medical institution offers the best conditions for rest and treatment to its guests.

“Kivach” specializes in the treatment of the digestive system, musculoskeletal system, respiratory system, cardiovascular system, etc. People suffering from chronic fatigue or emotional overwork can also improve their health here.

1. Assy

The best sanatoriums in Russia with treatment. Ranking 2019

health center «Assy» The Republic of Bashkortostan in 2019 leads the rating of health resorts in Russia. The sanatorium and resort institution is located in the valley of the mountain river Inzer, among the wooded slopes of the Ural mountains. The health resort was awarded a gold medal, winning in the nomination “The Best Sanatorium Project”. Assy provides multidisciplinary medical services and treats the musculoskeletal, nervous, cardiovascular systems, gastrointestinal diseases, etc.

Only highly qualified doctors with extensive experience in treatment work in the sanatorium. The main medical base is climatotherapy, balneotherapy, physiotherapy, monitor bowel cleansing, mechanotherapy, massage, etc. The sanatorium organizes an excursion program: it is possible to carry out hiking and horseback riding, visit the Abzakovo ski resort and much more.

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