The best remedy for scars and scars

A modern woman is constantly striving for perfection: she wants to have an ideal appearance, a successful career, a cozy comfortable home, a strong family. And if we did not have many innovative ways to achieve these goals, it would be difficult to believe that this is possible. It’s no secret that over the past decade, women have begun to turn to plastic surgery much more often, because medicine offers dozens of individual methods for solving various problems, and the cost of such manipulations has become available.

But any surgical intervention leaves traceswhether it is aesthetic surgery, appendicitis removal, or cesarean section. It is worth remembering that no matter how experienced and attentive your surgeon is, the formation of a postoperative scar largely depends on you. From the moment the stitches are removed, the responsibility for the healing process rests entirely with the patient. It is important to follow the doctor’s recommendations exactly, to properly care for the damaged area and, most importantly, to be patient. If you neglect the rules of skin care after surgery, you may encounter problems such as keloid scars, overgrowth of scar tissue, impaired sensitivity and elasticity. And in the end it is necessary to hide the resulting “ugliness” under the clothes, and in fact many scars cause not only aesthetic, but also physical discomfort. These unpleasant consequences can and should be prevented.

For many years, an effective external remedy for the correction of scar tissue is considered to be Kontraktubeks… This transparent gel is virtually odorless and leaves no residue on clothing. All that is required is to gently rub Contractubex into the problem area of ​​the skin in circular motions several times a day. The duration of treatment depends on many factors and should be determined by the attending physician.

Thanks to the triple action of Kontraktubex

– prevents the excessive formation of scar tissue,

– reduces redness, itching and feeling of tension,

– smoothes the scar and improves its elasticity.

The composition of Kontraktubex is developed on the basis of natural ingredients and biologically active substances that gently affect the skin, helping the proper formation of scar tissue.

Contractubex will help, even if you decide to correct a scar that has formed several months or years ago, you just have to be patient. Of course, no drug will completely eliminate the scar, but making it less noticeable, elastic and painless is a task that does an excellent job. Kontraktubeks.

Before use, consult a doctor.

All the information you are interested in can be found on the website

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