The best remedies for thrush
Every third woman in the world has had vulvovaginal candidiasis at least once in her life. We deal with an expert what are the best remedies for thrush and when treatment is not required

The disease is caused by a yeast-like fungus of the genus Candida, most often Candida albicans. This is a normal resident of our body. A person is inhabited by them from the first minutes of life. The fungus plays an important role in the work of the gastrointestinal tract: it contributes to the fermentation and absorption of food, the formation of feces.

Candida lives in the large intestine, in the mouth, on the skin, in the vagina, along with billions of other bacteria, fungi, and viruses. But sometimes, due to a decrease in immunity (both local and systemic), the fungus begins to grow, and then the very unpleasant symptoms that are known to almost every adult woman appear: itching, burning in the vagina and vulva, painful urination, discomfort during intercourse , redness and swelling of the mucosa, “curdled” discharge from the vagina.

“We still don’t know for sure why a fungus that constantly lives in the human body begins to activate. Although there are certain factors (triggers) that provoke growth, says medical researcherobstetrician-gynecologist Elena Berezovskaya. – This leads to speculation with the concept of candidiasis. In the recent past, it was believed that if budding forms of fungus or pseudomycelium are found in a smear, then this is an active form of candidiasis. It turned out not to be. In the body of a woman in the vagina, there are often non-spore forms of the fungus. And if there are no complaints, treatment is not needed.

Top 5 rating according to KP

1. Ecofucin

Vaginal suppositories are intended for the treatment of candidal vulvitis and vulvovaginitis. This is a drug with a well-studied active ingredient natamycin, to which the prebiotic lactulose is added. Thanks to its unique composition, the treatment of candidiasis gives good results – the symptoms of thrush are quickly eliminated. Lactulose also helps to restore the microbiocenosis of the vagina – an increase in the number of its own, genetically “native” lactobacilli, thereby reducing the number of relapses of candidiasis. One of the advantages of the drug is that it can be used from the first month of pregnancy.

helps eliminate itching, burning, soreness, white curdled or creamy discharge after 1-2 days of use; restores the microbiocenosis of the vagina, increasing the number of its own lactobacilli, thereby preventing the development of relapses of candidiasis; can be used by pregnant women from the first month of pregnancy, and breastfeeding women; affordable price.
not found in all pharmacies; it may be difficult to remove the candle from the package.
Anti-thrush drug with prebiotic
Ecofucin with natamycin in the composition contributes to a faster recovery of patients with thrush. And the prebiotic lactulose helps to establish the microflora in the vagina and reduce the risk of recurrence of thrush
Where to orderFind out the composition

2. Fluconazole

The most common and popular antifungal drug is fluconazole. Most women prefer to take one tablet of the drug (150 mg) than to use vaginal antifungals for several days. This is a relatively inexpensive method. Fluconazole at this dose has virtually no effect on other drugs that a woman can take.

easy to use; one dose is enough.
not recommended during pregnancy; possible side effects: dizziness, nausea, vomiting; not always effective, since fungi actively form resistance to it.

3. Clotrimazole

Topical application of antifungal drugs from the azole group (clotrimazole, miconazole, terconazole) is also popular, but treatment is required from 3 to 14 days. Clotrimazole is the most popular drug from this group. Medicines are also used successfully in pregnancy. Creams, gels, vaginal suppositories are the most common forms of such drugs. They are often combined with fluconazole, especially in recurrent candidiasis. The disadvantage of these forms of treatment is the inconvenience when it is necessary to use the applicator.

a wide range of activities; low price; allowed during pregnancy (from the second trimester).
duration of treatment; inconvenience of use (applicator); may cause allergic reactions.

4. Nystatin

Old drug. There was a period when it was they who treated candidiasis for all women in a row, even when there was no disease, but they simply found spores of the fungus in the vaginal discharge. This caused the fungus to become resistant to nystatin. As time passed, nystatin was almost forgotten, but recently it has started to be used again more often. Often it is combined with triamcinolone. Nystatin often causes irritation of the mucous membranes and skin, accompanied by burning, swelling and even pain in the perineum.

low price; effective against non-albicans fungi, which are not “taken” by drugs from the azole group.
often causes irritation; inconvenience of use (tablets must be used vaginally).

5. Ketonazol

It is used most often for recurrent candidiasis that is not sensitive to other drugs. However, they began to be abused.

treats complicated forms of the disease; works against non-albicans fungi.
affects the liver.

Notice. In the recent past, doctors offered vaginal preparations with boric acid to treat thrush. Boric acid can only be effective in the treatment of a special type of fungus – Candida glabrata, but it is used only topically. The erroneous intake of boric acid inside can be fatal!

How to choose remedies for thrush

Candidiasis is not a sexually transmitted disease, but may be similar in symptoms. Therefore, if there is a burning sensation, itching, discharge, you should consult a doctor. After all, it is very important to make sure that it is Candida that is causing the discomfort, and not some other vaginal infection, allergic reaction, or eczema. It is imperative to pass a smear that will determine which type of candida caused thrush, as well as do a sowing to determine the sensitivity of the pathogen to antifungal drugs

Antifungal drugs of various forms are prescribed: cream, ointment, vaginal suppositories, tablets. Often, local candidiasis disappears after 1-3 days (in 90% of women).

If thrush occurs four or more times a year, this is already recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis, which requires serious treatment.

Popular questions and answers

What contributes to the recurrence of the disease?

Reduced immunity due to various reasons:

• taking antibiotics;

• pregnancy;

• use of hormonal contraceptives;

• diabetes;

• non-compliance with the hygiene of the genital organs;

• use of vaginal sponges, diaphragms and intrauterine devices (IUDs);

• use of pads and tampons;

• frequent change of partners, anal sex.

Once chosen a successful treatment regimen for thrush can be used further, without going to the doctor? Or relapses may require different treatment?

Depends on the frequency of relapses and the severity of symptoms. If the frequency of relapses does not decrease, or if they are manifested by a large number of complaints, it is necessary to consult a doctor and conduct an additional examination. Self-medication is not necessary.

Once chosen a successful treatment regimen for thrush can be used further, without going to the doctor?

Depends on the frequency of relapses and the severity of symptoms. If the frequency of relapses does not decrease, or if they are manifested by a large number of complaints, it is necessary to consult a doctor and conduct an additional examination. Self-medication is not necessary.

Should I treat my partner?

If the partner is not worried about anything, then he does not need to be treated. This does not prevent the development of relapses of the disease.

Is it possible to treat thrush with folk remedies?

No, this is not efficient. In the past, women were advised to wash themselves with a solution of baking soda. The fungus grows in an acidic environment, and soda makes the environment alkaline, the reproduction of the fungus is impossible. However, douching also flushes out healthy bacteria. In addition, douching has many side effects. And washing with a solution of soda does not cure, but temporarily relieves the symptoms of burning.

Are there vaccines for thrush?

The NDV-3A vaccine, which is designed to prevent recurrent candidiasis, is being tested in the US, although early results have shown poor efficacy. Another vaccine, rAls1p-N, was tested in mice about 15 years ago, but there is no evidence that it has been tested in humans. A total of 17 antifungal vaccines have been developed, but they have proven to be ineffective.

Is it necessary to restore the flora of the vagina after antibiotic treatment?

Lactobacillus preparations, which are supposedly used to restore the vaginal microbiota, do not have a positive effect. To restore immunity, you need your own lactobacilli, and not strangers from tablets or capsules. It has been proven that the use of fresh dairy products improves the intestinal microbiota, and already through a healthy intestine, the vaginal microbiota improves.

Can thrush recur on the background of contraceptives?

How else can. This is a common side effect of taking hormonal contraceptives. Unfortunately, there are no preventive measures. Immediate treatment of an episode of thrush is usually recommended.

Is there a link between diet and candidiasis?

Nutrition does not affect the occurrence or course of thrush, and this has been proven by many studies. The relationship was found only in people with diabetes. But even with a diet, systemic candidiasis in such people occurs quite often. Therefore, you need to eat varied and nutritious.

Is it true that the Candida fungus feeds on lactobacilli, and with thrush you can not put candles with lactobacilli?

It is not true. There are different types of candida and different types of lactobacilli, but they do not affect each other’s existence. Lactobacilli do not inhibit fungal growth. Candida doesn’t harm bacteria. They practically live and reproduce in the same acid-base environment as aerobic bacteria.

How to treat thrush during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, it is not so easy to choose an effective remedy – the specificity of pregnancy provokes the growth of the fungus constantly. The therapeutic efficacy of most drugs is short-term, so repeated courses are necessary. Usually, vaginal forms of drugs are used, although there is no reliable evidence that fluconazole and clotrimazole in tablet form can cause malformations in a child.

Is it necessary to treat thrush before childbirth?

German physicians treat third trimester candidiasis to prevent oral thrush in infants and nipple candidiasis, but there is no international consensus on this. The presence of candida does not worsen the course of childbirth, does not increase the level of ruptures of the cervix and vagina, as well as postpartum complications. Therefore, treatment is carried out only in the presence of complaints.

How to treat thrush of the nipples while breastfeeding?

It is necessary to analyze the technique of breastfeeding, as it can provoke damage to the nipples. And check for candidiasis in the child’s mouth. In such cases, antifungal drugs can be used in both. Women are advised to lubricate the areola area with an antifungal cream after each feeding. It is important to discuss treatment with your doctor if symptoms do not improve within 2 weeks.

Epilation of the bikini area provokes thrush?

No. However, many women do not know that any hair removal manipulations are accompanied by skin microtrauma. This leads to more irritation, redness, swelling, burning, which in turn can be good soil for the growth of bacteria and fungi. Therefore, after epilation, it is important to keep the skin clean, dry and use moisturizing skin creams more often.

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