The best remedies for stomatitis
Stomatitis can manifest itself in different ways and differ in the degree of damage, therefore, to combat it and to heal the mucosa, the specialist must choose the right remedy. Discuss with the dentist the most commonly prescribed drugs

If ulcers and irritated oral mucosa began to bother, then most likely it is stomatitis. Today it is one of the most common dental diseases. Stomatitis is bacterial, viral, fungal, chemical and allergic. In each case, adequate therapy is required, so the CP has compiled a review of the means for the treatment of stomatitis.

Rating of the top 5 inexpensive and effective remedies for stomatitis according to KP

Stomatitis can have a different form and degree of damage, therefore, to combat foci of inflammation and to heal the mucosa, the specialist must choose the right remedy. During treatment, drugs in the form of tablets, gels and solutions from the following groups can be used:

  1. Antiseptics
  2. Antiviral drugs
  3. Regenerating agents
  4. Antifungal drugs
  5. Antibiotics.

1. Antiseptics

If the cause of stomatitis is an infection, then it is advisable to use an antiseptic solution to fight germs. With the help of rinsing, the patient at home can disinfect the oral cavity. Pharmacies offer a wide range of such products. Rotokan is considered one of the effective drugs by dentists. This is a combination product with a natural composition. Active ingredients – extract of chamomile, calendula and yarrow. Due to the anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties of herbs, Rotokan solution helps with inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, including stomatitis. The only contraindication is an allergic reaction to Rotokan components. In addition to topical application, the solution is taken orally as part of the complex treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. A prescription is not required to purchase Rotokan.

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2. Antivirals

When stomatitis is viral in nature, the doctor selects an antiviral agent for treatment. One of these drugs is Panavir Inlight, whose task is not to allow the virus to spread. It is available in the form of a gel and spray, dispensed from a pharmacy without a prescription. The composition contains a heteroglycoside of plant origin, which is obtained from the cells of potato seedlings. The manufacturer indicates the complex work of the drug: both antiviral and bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and immune-stimulating action. Against the background of application, inflamed tissues are regenerated. During pregnancy, the drug is approved for topical use, but during breastfeeding in any dosage forms is contraindicated.

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In addition, for the treatment of viral stomatitis, doctors also strongly recommend the use of other antiviral drugs, such as Acyclovir, Zovirax or Cycloferon.

3. Regenerating agents

To restore the damaged mucosa, wound healing agents should be used. Effective regenerating agents include Methylarucil with the active substance of the same name. This ointment for the treatment of the affected oral mucosa helps the work of local immunity and heals tissues. The course of treatment can be up to a month. Use with caution in children under 3 years of age. Contraindications include hypersensitivity to dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine. Treatment with Methylarucil can be combined with antibiotics and antiseptics.

4. Antifungals

Antifungal drugs are needed if stomatitis is provoked by fungal infections. For the treatment of candidal stomatitis, Flucostat is prescribed. Fluconazole – the active substance in the form of capsules – contributes to the destruction of thrush pathogens not only in the genital tract, but also on the oral mucosa. The drug is contraindicated in children under 18 years of age and during lactation. A prescription is not needed, but a doctor’s consultation is necessary before use.

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5. Antibiotics

Self-medication in case of stomatitis is unacceptable due to the risk of serious complications. Only a specialist can prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics during the treatment of bacterial inflammation of the oral mucosa. Often the drug Amoxiclav appears in the list of appointments. The composition includes Amoxicillin and clavulanic acid, active against many bacteria. Antibiotics always have an impressive list of contraindications and they are dispensed from a pharmacy by prescription, Amoxiclav is no exception. The doctor will determine the dosage and duration of use. The drug is presented in two forms of release: tablets and powder for suspension.

How to choose remedies for stomatitis

Until you go to the doctor, you can independently use natural antiseptics for rinsing, for example, a decoction of chamomile. However, the rest of the drugs are selected exclusively by the doctor after the cause of stomatitis is identified. Proper treatment will help to quickly get rid of ulcers, irritation and soreness in the oral cavity.

Popular questions and answers

Why does stomatitis occur?

The main cause of any disease is a decrease in immunity. Against this background, the oral mucosa becomes vulnerable to viruses and infections. Stomatitis is caused by:

• fungi of the genus Candida;

• staphylococcal infections;

• herpes virus;

• poor-quality oral hygiene;

• diseases of teeth and gums.

Is it possible to treat stomatitis with folk remedies?

Folk remedies can be effective only at the initial stage. Home treatments may temporarily relieve symptoms, but may not address the underlying cause. In the future, only an integrated approach will help get rid of stomatitis and avoid relapses.

Why is stomatitis dangerous?

In addition to the fact that stomatitis causes inconvenience when eating, bleeding gums occur. The infection has a negative effect on the tonsils. Some types of stomatitis are highly contagious and easily passed on to others. Timely treatment will help to cope with stomatitis as quickly as possible.

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