They make an interesting liquor in France called “Captured Pear” (Poire Prisonniere). A regular fruit brandy with a regular William pear, but… with a whole pear in the bottle. Not an interesting drink at all, but memorable. “M” – marketing. We care little about marketing, because everything homemade should be, first of all, tasty. Here we offer you recipes for DELICIOUS pear liqueurs.
They make an interesting liquor in France called “Captured Pear” (Poire Prisonniere). Plain fruit brandy with regular William pear. A completely uninteresting drink – pear liqueur without a pronounced taste and aroma of a pear. If the product is “so-so”, how to sell it? That’s right, make a beautiful wrapper. The French in such cases, as they say, ate the dog. They put a whole pear inside the bottle, which, as you understand, cannot be taken out of there. It’s all about ingenuity, pears are grown in a bottle – that’s the whole trick. It looks something like this:
“Captive Pear”
Of course, you can do something similar for the sake of showing off, but not for the sake of a delicious drink. To prepare a delicious pear liqueur, all you need is a couple of pears, some spices, a bottle of quality alcohol and a little patience. The rest, that is, proven recipes, we take care of ourselves.
Be sure to try making pear liqueur – an unprecedented pleasure.
They also make amazing wine and cider from pears. Look for recipes here and here respectively.
By the way, you can use different alcohol here, from state-owned vodka to well-purified moonshine of double distillation. Edible alcohol is very well suited, which can first be diluted up to 70% – this is exactly how much is needed to extract all the essential oils. You can also prepare elite drinks on a pear, using cognac, rum or whiskey as an alcoholic base. You can take any pears: summer, winter, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that they are ripe and as fragrant as possible.
Pear vodka liqueur recipe
- 2 large pears, peeled
- a pinch of ground cinnamon or 1-1,5 cm from the stick
- 1 bud of carnation
- 700 ml of vodka
- 250 ml of sugar syrup
Peel the pears and grate on a fine grater (you can finely chop). Place the pears in a liter jar, add spices and pour vodka. Infuse for 2 weeks in a dark, cool place, and then drain. Cook a simple syrup: take 1 liter of water and 1 kg of sugar (can be converted to the desired volume), heat the water and dissolve the sugar in it. Add 250 ml of syrup to pear infusion and leave it to age for 2 months in a dark place.
Recipe note. It turns out a very light liquor with a delicate pear aroma. If you like more intense drinks, see the recipes below. If you add more cinnamon, for example, a whole stick, then it will finally kill the taste of the pear. It is better to add a pinch of ground coriander and nutmeg.
Pear liqueur on alcohol with almonds
- 1,5 kg ripe pears
- 1 kg of sugar
- 1,5 liters of water
- 1,5 liters of alcohol 70%
- pinch of cinnamon
- 30 g almonds
- 2 button Gvozdik
- 1 vanilla pod (or vanilla sugar/extract)
Peel the pears and cut into small pieces. Put the sliced pears in a two-liter jar, add vanilla, almonds (you can directly with the skin, or you can peel it after pouring boiling water over it), cloves and cinnamon. Fill with alcohol, diluted with our calculator up to 70%. Set in a dark cool place for 10 days, shake occasionally. Then strain through a sieve and 2 layers of damp gauze.
Boil syrup from 1,5 liters of water and 1 kg of sugar, let it cool. Mix syrup and pear tincture, cork tightly and wait another 10 days, then strain the liquor again through several layers of gauze, and then bottle. You need to withstand the drink for at least 2 months, preferably six months. This liquor has a more pronounced taste and aroma of pear, which, however, depends on the variety and maturity of the fruit.
Liqueur “Baked pear”
Pears ripen delicately. Skip the moment and their flesh will turn into a grainy porridge, and harvest early – you will get something closer to an apple, crispy and tart, with a subtle aroma. Hence the popularity of baked-boiled pears. Heat treatment of fruits adds sweetness and aroma to them, it softens hard fibers and increases juiciness. This liqueur allows you to taste all the charm of a baked pear, but without heat treatment. As with all pear liqueurs, you just need to mix all the ingredients together and wait a bit.
- 6 ripe pears, finely chopped
- finely grated zest of 1 lemon
- finely grated rind of ½ orange
- 1 cinnamon stick, crushed
- 1 vanilla pod (or vanilla sugar or extract)
- 500 ml of vodka or moonshine 40-50%
- 600 ml dry white vermouth
- 250 ml simple syrup
In a jar of a suitable volume, crush the pre-chopped pears. Add lemon and orange zest, cinnamon stick, vanilla (16 g vanilla sugar or 2-3 tsp vanilla extract), vodka and vermouth (you can use homemade) to them. Mix everything well, close the jar tightly and leave in a dark, cool place for a week. After the set time has elapsed, strain the infusion through several layers of gauze, you can squeeze it out slightly, but it is not desirable – it will be difficult to filter, and the fruits soaked in alcohol and spices can always be used for desserts. Add a simple syrup to the strained infusion, filter the drink if necessary and pour into clean bottles. Store in a cool place. Exposure is welcome, but not more than 3 months. Liquor perfectly savors in its pure form from small glasses.
Pear on cognac (Editor’s choice)
- 4 large, ripe pears
- 2 vanilla pod
- 500 ml of cognac
- 500 ml of water
- 500 g sugar
First you need to wash two pears, do not peel them, but remove the core with seeds. If you still find vanilla pods, then they also need to be cleaned of seeds. Pears cut into small pieces and put together with vanilla in a liter jar, then fill them with cognac (or any fruit brandy to your taste). After two days of infusion and periodic shaking, vanilla will need to be removed from the cognac, and the pears should be left to infuse for another 3 days.
In this recipe, it is vanilla pods that are used, although they are not easy to get in the CIS. The difficult thing is that in the process of infusion, the pods must be removed from the infusion after a couple of days, which cannot be done with vanillin, vanilla sugar and extract (by the way, you will find its recipe under the first recipe for Kalua coffee liqueur). Therefore, here you have to experiment and find the best taste for yourself.
Next, take the remaining two pears, peel them from seeds and core, finely chop. Put the pears in a saucepan, add water, sugar and put the saucepan on the fire. Bring the water to a boil and cook the syrup for 5 minutes over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Let the syrup cool down and, together with boiled pears, add it to the first infusion. It is enough to keep the drink for another 2 days, but we recommend waiting at least a week. After the pear liqueur must be filtered and bottled. Let it rest for a week or two and serve.
Pear liqueur on cognac is the choice of our editors.
There is another interesting recipe, which, in principle, is not much different from the previous ones. You need to take 6 ripe pears, zest of 1 lemon and syrup, boiled from 0,5 liters of water and 0,5 kg of sugar. While the syrup is cooling, you can add a few pieces of peeled ginger root or a vanilla pod to it. Place all ingredients, including syrup, in a 2-liter jar and top up with vodka, cognac, rum or whiskey. Leave for 4 weeks, shaking every couple of days. Then the drink must be filtered through a sieve or several layers of gauze, bottled and aged for 6 months.
All pear liqueurs described in this article can be additionally filtered through a cotton filter or even drained from the sediment after aging. Bon Appetit!