The best rangefinders 2022
To help all masters, Healthy Food Near Me talks about the best rangefinders of 2022: an overview of models with expert reviews and advice

Rangefinders began their history as an attribute of the navy. Over time, other specialists also acquired a useful device, for whom it was important to determine the distance not by eye, but more accurately. So the devices began to be used by photographers and surveyors. With the spread of laser roulettes, all the masters put them in their suitcases. KP talks about the best rangefinders available for sale in 2022.

Top 10 rating according to KP

Editor’s Choice

1. BOSCH PLR 25 (from 3,2 thousand rubles)

The well-known German brand offers its solution in the category of the best rangefinders of 2022. Surprisingly, unlike most modern instruments, it is assembled not in China, but in Malaysia. Without a special reflector, it measures up to 25 meters. Indicators are instantly projected onto a color display. This one consumes more charge than economical LCDs. Therefore, the factory thought over the auto-off function if no one used the device for five minutes. The device has, though small, but a memory for 10 measurements. It is convenient if there is nowhere to write down the values ​​​​or you do not want to be distracted. You can then calmly calculate everything. Due to the built-in functions, it calculates not only the length, but also the area and volume. There is only one mode button. It may seem inconvenient to someone that you need to constantly switch, instead of one click on the desired button, which is responsible for a specific function. Can measure from the leading or trailing edge of an object. Simple mathematical operations are available – addition and subtraction of values.


measuring range25 m
minimum measuring distance5 см
measurement accuracy2 mm

Additional information: laser, two reference points, color display, built-in memory, battery powered, 90 g.

Case included and intuitive interface
Tight buttons
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2. DEKO LRD110 (from 1,6 thousand rubles)

Equipment for the repair of this brand is sold in large quantities on Asian Internet sites. But some successful specimens also end up in our stores, such as this rangefinder. Due to its price segment and abundance of features, it is in demand in 2022. The device is able to measure not only in a linear perspective. It gives out the area of ​​​​the room, volume, considers the Pythagorean theorem – to measure the height and angle vertically. The user can add the received values ​​to get the desired result. The device is waterproof according to IP54 standard. This is not a very high figure. For comparison, modern “iPhones” it is higher. That is, the rangefinder will probably break if it falls into the water. But from raindrops and in a dusty room, nothing will happen to him. To align the device horizontally, a bubble level is installed. The only criticism of ordinary users is the speed of work. If you need to measure a lot and often, you will have to wait – the device needs time to calculate.


measuring range50 m
minimum measuring distance5 см
measurement accuracy2 mm

Additional information: laser, two reference points, built-in memory, battery powered, 76 g.

Lots of features for the price
Makes calculations slowly
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3. Condtrol SMART 60 (from 3,5 thousand rubles)

Among the best rangefinders of 2022, this one stands out for its performance at a relatively typical market price. The measurement range here is 60 meters, against the standard 50 or even 25. The accuracy is higher. Its functionality is standard for modern devices: area, volume, addition or subtraction of values. But there is a feature that for some reason is forgotten by others – tracking. This is a dynamic or continuous dimension. It is not used so often in repairs, but it is nice to know that the device can display distance changes online. For measuring vertical structures such as windows, doorways, columns, the device must be held strictly horizontal. This is where the bubble level helps. Backlit display, all indicators are large enough. Each function here corresponds to a separate button, so you can figure it out even without instructions. The case is covered with a rubber seal: impact protection and anti-slip function.


measuring range60 m
minimum measuring distance5 см
measurement accuracy1,5 mm

Additional information: laser, two reference points, built-in memory, battery powered, 83 g.

Rubberized case
Screen glare in the sun
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What other rangefinders are worth paying attention to

4. ADA instruments COSMO MINI (from 2,5 thousand rubles)

Laser roulette with a minimum set of functions for the domestic user. Performs measurements up to 30 meters. Can work indoors and outdoors. Although on a sunny day, the laser pointer is not so visible. However, this is the specificity of all analogues. The measurement error here is slightly higher than competitors at 3 mm, but again, when used for normal repairs, this is not critical. There are only three buttons on the case. The main one will turn on the device, the second one is responsible for changing functions, and the third one turns off the power. If the device is not used for a minute, the backlight will go out, and after another two it will turn off by itself. The display is contrasting, all indicators are displayed on two lines: the current result and the last one. On the case there are rubber protectors – protect against falls. Also, the device is not afraid of water splashes and raindrops. Models available for purchase in 2022 have a choice of units. Previously, this was not the case with this device. However, the relevance of the novelty for the market is debatable: we always use the metric, not the foot system.


measuring range30 m
minimum measuring distance5 см
measurement accuracy3 mm

Additional information: laser, two reference points, shockproof case, built-in memory, battery operated, 120 g.

Consumes batteries quickly
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5.RESANTA DL-30 (from 2,2 thousand rubles)

This is the youngest model in the line of the brand. If you want a more powerful device, then pay attention to the DL-40 or DL-60 models – they are more distant – 40 and 60 meters, respectively. The top device is approximately 1000 rubles more expensive. But we still recognize the younger device as the best rangefinders for 2022. True, it does not have a backlight, which complicates the work in the dark. But the advantage over competitors is the ability to choose not two, but three reference points: at the bottom, top of the device or in the middle – if you put it on a tripod. The thread here is 1/4 – the same on all modern devices for cameras and cameras. Information can be displayed on the screen in meters, feet, inches. 20 cells in memory is a good indicator. It is a pity that they do not make any notes and have to remember.


measuring range30 m
minimum measuring distance5 см
measurement accuracy2 mm

Additional information: laser, three reference points, built-in memory, battery operated, 76 g.

Convenient button layout
No backlight
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6. SNDWAY SW-T40 (from 2 thousand rubles)

Chinese device, the company specializes in the production of various rangefinders. This model is the most affordable in the line. If you order it from China, then it will be 500 rubles cheaper than buying it in our stores. But you have to wait for delivery. Such devices, due to their availability, are often purchased by construction teams. In the reviews, buyers praise the build quality: there are no backlashes, the parts are firmly adjacent to each other. The device works from standard “little” AAA batteries. When you first take one in your hand, the abundance of keys is alarming. There are seven of them here. They are located at a decent distance to prevent accidental pressing. An interesting feature – click after pressing – so that a person in work gloves can understand that the device has worked. True, there are complaints about the quality of the coating and paint – there is a high risk that the marking will come off with intensive use. One of the main quality criteria for the best rangefinders in 2022 is the speed of work. This one performs calculations promptly.


measuring range40 m
minimum measuring distance5 см
measurement accuracy2 mm

Additional information: laser, two reference points, built-in memory, battery powered, 110 g.

Speed ​​metering
Does not measure from corners
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7. INSTRUMAX SNIPER 30 (from 2 thousand rubles)

A manufacturing company from Our Country, but orders its products in China. The device is not particularly remarkable for its characteristics. But easy to use. The housing is protected from dust and splashes. If you do not press anything for three minutes, the laser roulette will turn off. According to the instructions, one battery charge is enough for five thousand measurements. There is a battery status indicator. We recommend this rangefinder first of all not to professional teams, but for private use: housework, repairs. From older devices, the functions of tracking and measuring the volume of a room migrated here. The backlight is constantly on, and since the display is liquid crystal – like on electronic thickets, it does not spend a lot of energy.


measuring range30 m
minimum measuring distance5 см
measurement accuracy2 mm

Additional information: laser, two reference points, shockproof case, built-in memory, battery operated, 100 g.

bright laser
Judging by the reviews, it often fails after the warranty expires.
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8. ELITECH LD 80Prof (from 3,8 thousand rubles)

Among other rangefinders in the brand’s lineup, this one is the most expensive. All because of the record range of 80 meters. Analogues of famous brands for such an opportunity put the price one and a half to two times higher. Although the device is budget, but its characteristics are at the level. The same measurement error is only 1,5 mm. On one set of batteries, the device is capable of performing 8000 operations. The representative of the best rangefinders of 2022 is able to take continuous measurements, it is equipped with a folding bracket to attach it to the corners. The display has a backlight. It’s great that the numbers themselves are lit in blue, which, unlike the standard black, is much better when it comes to measurements in bright daylight. The manufacturer puts a case in the box. The weight of the device is slightly higher than competitors, but not critical. Clear menu and the whole interface as a whole.


measuring range80 m
minimum measuring distance5 см
measurement accuracy2 mm

Additional information: laser, two reference points, built-in memory, battery powered, 139 g.

Top features at a low price
Inconvenient battery compartment
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9. Leica DISTO D510 (from 46,2 thousand rubles)

When we prepare our reviews, we try to give readers not just a list of the most preferred models, but also to acquaint them with the whole variety of the device market. When working on material about the best rangefinders of 2022, we could not help but talk about a professional device. For domestic use, it does not make sense to buy this. But if, by the nature of your activity, maximum accuracy, convenience and speed of measurements are important to you, then you should take a closer look at this “Leica”. It has 14 measurement modes, and the error does not exceed 1 mm. Serious protection against moisture and dirt. Built-in digital camera and Bluetooth module to synchronize with the application. The maximum distance is up to 200 meters. Smart Horizontal mode allows measurements over obstacles. The only complaints from users are the convenience of the case and the tight buttons.


measuring range200 m
measurement accuracy1 mm

Additional information: laser, four reference points, built-in memory, shockproof housing, battery operated, 198 g.

The most powerful device among all rangefinders
High price
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10. Nikon Forestry Pro (from 23 thousand rubles)

A rare representative of an optical rangefinder today. You can read about their advantages below in the section where we will talk about how to choose a device. This device is intended primarily for use in forestry, for example to determine the height of a tree. One of the newest models as of 2022. It is capable of measuring at three points: at the corners and the horizon. There is a target priority system: you choose one of the far points that the device has hooked. The result is shown on both the internal and external LCD monitor. The internal one is less informative, but it allows you to read all the indicators without taking your eyes off. The monocular has a sixfold magnification and consists of several layers of optics so that the brightness does not fall. And you can work with him with glasses. The design is waterproof. At a depth of one meter, the device can withstand up to 10 minutes. Although it is not designed for underwater use.


measuring range500 m
measurement accuracy1000 mm

Additional information: optical, one reference point, battery powered, 210 g.

High quality optics
Too complex for home use
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How to choose a rangefinder

We talked about the best rangefinders that are presented on the market in 2022. To advise readers on how to choose a device, we asked an employee of the online hypermarket Vsevolod Zaitsev.

Optical rangefinder

Applications: sports, hunting, tourism, construction.

Prices: from 7500 rub. up to 20 rubles

It is also called light. The principle of measurement is to visually aim at the object. Distance is determined by the speed at which light travels to and from an object. Inside there is a photodetector element and a device for determining the time. In the eyepiece, the user sees the final distance.

The optical rangefinder is capable of working at long distances, for example, for the RGK D600 model, it reaches 600 m with a reflector. Also, some instruments are capable of measuring the distance to a moving target.

Laser rangefinder

Applications: construction, repair, interior decoration, installation work.

Prices: from 2 000 rub. up to 100 rubles

Also applies to the light type. However, it also has visible radiation. Due to this, it is much more convenient to “catch” the measuring point, since there is a target indicator. The laser rangefinder also performs the function of a calculator and data storage. The user can calculate the area or volume of the object. The values ​​are shown on the display, and the battery charge is enough for 5000 measurements.

The measurement range can be from 20 to 100 m. Larger values ​​are needed for outdoor work. It is important to pay attention to the error. For example, for ADA Cosmo MINI it is 3 mm, which is quite acceptable for home repairs. If you need a more accurate rangefinder, consider the CONDTROL Smart 60 with an accuracy of 1,5mm. It is good if the device has several measurement points – from the front or rear edge of the case, or also from the outrigger for hard-to-reach places and corners.

What features to look for when buying a rangefinder

  • The number of modes according to your tasks.
  • Maximum distance: if you work only indoors, then a minimum of 30 meters will suffice.
  • Rubberized housing to protect against drops and splashes.
  • Convenience of the battery compartment – for many devices it is problematic to open it.
  • The number of buttons and ease of pressing. Decide how comfortable it will be for you: switch everything with one key or have a separate one for each mode.
  • A sound signal about the end of the measurement, because the display is not always in front of your eyes.
  • The memory of the device, so as not to rewrite the values ​​​​at once, but to enter them after.
  • The backlight of the display and the size of the digits are important for people with poor eyesight and for those who will be working outdoors.

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