😉 Greetings to regular and new readers! Friends, sometimes you need to escape from the daily hustle and bustle and read a good book or Quotes of great men. For example, the best quotes from Dostoevsky. Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky (1821-1881) – famous Russian writer, thinker, philosopher and publicist.
Dostoevsky’s works are inextricably linked with the history of St. Petersburg. The most significant works of the writer include the novels Crime and Punishment, The Idiot, The Demons and The Brothers Karamazov.
In 1869, the most difficult novel, The Idiot, was written, on which Dostoevsky began work in 1867 in Geneva. Then he wrote it in Milan, and finished in Florence.
House in Florence where F.M. Dostoevsky (1868-1869)
The Idiot was finished in this house.
At the entrance to the house where F.M. Dostoevsky
The brightest thoughts and the best quotes of Dostoevsky Fyodor Mikhailovich read here:
Dostoevsky: quotes
“I want to talk to at least one person about everything as to myself”
“You need to learn and read. Read good books. Life will give the rest ”
“A decent person has more enemies than a scoundrel”
“In a heart full of true love, jealousy destroys love, or love destroys jealousy”
“Force does not need foul language”
“Compassion is the highest form of human existence”
“Be the sun, you will be noticed”
“Submit to love – submit to invincible power”
“Look at the children, the morning dawn, the grass, into the eyes of the person who loves you”
“It’s amazing how one ray of the sun can transform a human soul”
“Love is so omnipotent that it regenerates each of us”
“Wine cattle and beasts man, hardens him and distracts from bright thoughts, dulls him”
“I cannot imagine a situation that it would be impossible to find a job for myself”
“It takes very little to destroy a person. One has only to convince him that no one needs the business he is engaged in ”
“Exaggerated self-esteem and conceit are not at all signs of self-worth”
“Good thoughts are better than a brilliant style. The syllable is outdoor clothing; thought is the bodies hidden under it ”
“Humor is the wit of true feeling”
“He who wants to be useful can and will do a lot of good even with shackled hands”
“The world will be saved by beauty”
“If you move towards your goal, but on the way get distracted by every little thing, you will not achieve your goal.”
“Paris is the only city in the world where you can suffer but not be unhappy”
“Life goes breathless without an aim”
“Remember my testament: never invent either plot or intrigue. Take what life itself gives. Life is much richer than all our inventions! No imagination will come up with what the most ordinary, ordinary life sometimes gives you, respect life! “
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