Life requires us to make quick decisions: this second, now. This leads to the emergence of stressful situations, the result of which is apathy and loss of strength. You can “recharge the batteries” using special procedures and techniques.
Each resident of the metropolis has its own ways to improve performance – more or less effective. Someone prefers to sleep all weekend, others are helped by training, others – meditation. We have found six effective methods for increasing vitality, which will help fill the energy gap and cope with fatigue.
1. Acupuncture
“In medicine, we don’t have the concepts of stress or chronic fatigue. We are talking about slowing down or obstructing the circulation of qi energy through the meridians. It is the energy of life that determines our state and quality of connection with the outside world,” explains Professor Li from the clinic of traditional Chinese medicine “Nature of Life”. “When a person eats improperly, sleeps little, works hard and is influenced by other external and internal factors, the circulation of qi energy in the body is disturbed.”
To restore its normal movement, the doctor acts on certain acupuncture points – areas of the body where the meridians come closest to the surface of the body. Each of the twelve meridians has energizing and calming points. To enhance the effect, in addition to acupuncture, patients are prescribed herbal medicine and various types of massage.
It is noteworthy that one of the main methods of diagnosis in Chinese medicine is pulse diagnosis. According to the pulse on the left hand, the state of the heart, liver and kidneys is assessed, according to the pulse on the right hand, the state of the lungs, spleen, stomach, the movement of qi energy, its excess or deficiency.
2. Xenon therapy
“The inert xenon gas has a powerful neuroprotective and anti-stress effect. It is used to increase efficiency, normalize sleep, reduce pain, treat neurosis and depression,” explains Oksana Chashchina, head of the body aesthetics department of the Fifth Element anti-aging clinic network. — Xeon is a natural gas, it does not have a negative effect and toxic effect on the body. When inhaled, it does not enter into any chemical reactions. In addition, in addition to a positive effect on brain activity and blood circulation, xenon improves the functioning of the liver and heart, helping in the treatment of angina pectoris and myocardial infarction.”
Most city dwellers are deficient in vitamin D due to objective reasons.
Inhalations with xenon are carried out to relaxing melodies in a room with subdued light. From the first breath, the patient is immersed in a state close to meditation or light sleep. The course of therapy is selected individually depending on the problems and comorbidities. The procedure does not require special preparation and takes very little time.
3. Vitamin D injections
Vitamin D, which experts call “sunshine”, plays an important role in the prevention of more than a hundred diseases, ranging from cancer and diabetes to multiple sclerosis and depression.
It is also important for a good mood. Scientists from the University of Oregon studying the effect of vitamin D on young women found that participants in the experiment with low levels of the vitamin were prone to depression, anxiety and loss of interest in life.
“Vitamin D is actually a hormone that the body makes when the skin is exposed to ultraviolet rays. If you are often in the sun, you probably do not need to get extra vitamin D, explains plastic surgeon Andrey Iskornev. “And yet, for objective reasons, most urban residents have a deficiency of vitamin D. Intramuscular injections are called upon to replenish it for at least one month. Slow and uniform absorption of the substance simultaneously contributes to weight loss and increased vitality.
4. Floating
Float therapy is another interesting method for correcting the psycho-emotional state. The procedure takes place in a pool with a high concentration saline solution. You simply lie on the surface of the water without any effort. The temperature in the pool is about 35 degrees, which, coupled with silence and darkness, allows you to plunge into a state of weightlessness.
One session lasting about an hour promotes deep relaxation, normalizes blood pressure and heart rate, improves blood circulation and lymph flow, stimulates the production of endorphins.
5. Cryotherapy
Cryosauna is a special room in which laminar cold is maintained at minus 110 °C. You can safely stay in it for 1-3 minutes, during which the body experiences stress.
“Nature does not provide that a person can get into such conditions, and the body does not have a ready response to such stress. As a result, the release of the necessary hormones is turned on, and the unnecessary ones are turned off. That is, we get all the positive effects of stress and remove the negative ones, ”explains Elena Sergeevna Silantyeva, Deputy Chief Physician for Rehabilitation at Medical Spa Lapino.
In particular, cryosauna stimulates the production of endorphins, happiness hormones, which is why in Europe it is prescribed for the complex treatment of drug addiction, alcoholism and depression.
6. Osteopathy
“The tone is regulated by the central and peripheral nervous system. It directly depends on the degree of comfort in which our body and psyche are, – explains Kirill Mazalsky, chief physician of the Osteo Poly Clinic, a family clinic of osteopathy, vice-president of the Russian Osteopathic Association. – Nature intended that all organs and systems of the body should function harmoniously. Osteopaths work with the body as a whole, and any osteopathic treatment includes work with the nervous system, internal organs and the musculoskeletal system. The harmonious work of these three components provides a good vitality and increases efficiency.