The best pressure gauges 2022
Рассказываем про лучшие манометры 2022 года, которые помогут следить за давлением в самых различных ситуациях

In many areas of our lives, it is necessary to know how the pressure situation is. In particular, this is very important for motorists. For them, there is an indispensable device. We talk about the best pressure gauges in 2022 that will perfectly monitor tire pressure and help you be more relaxed on trips and not worry about your safety.

Top 10 rating according to KP

Editor’s Choice

1. BERKUT ADG-031 (from 1390 rubles)

From the manufacturer’s description, it follows that the dial gauge BERKUT ADG-031 serves not only to measure the pressure in car tires, but also to reduce it, if necessary. The model has a special valve, designed in which case to release excess air. The device should be paid attention to the owners of all-wheel drive cars who like to ride off-road. Also, the device is claimed to have increased accuracy. To avoid contamination and damage, the pressure gauge is equipped with a special protective cover.


Gauge typeanalog
Maximum measurement value2,5 бар
Additional Informationdivision value: 0.1 Atm/1 Psi
Reliability, accuracy
Not attuned to real values
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2. Wester MTG-100 (from 569 rubles)

Этот цифровой манометр может выполнять сразу несколько функций. Так, он используется для измерения и контроля давления в шинах автомобиля, а кроме того пригоден для работы в качестве переносного фонаря. На аппарате установлена LED-подсветка. Также она оснащена бойком аварийного молотка — для экстренных случаев и лезвием для обрезки ремней безопасности.


Gauge typedigital
Minimum measurement value0,21 бар
Maximum measurement value6,9 бар
The weight130 g
Additional Informationbuilt-in LED flashlight, emergency hammer, seatbelt cutter
Measurement accuracy, functionality
Uncomfortable shape
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3. STARWIND CM-130 (from 840 rubles)

This device is rightfully in the ranking of the best manometers. It has most of the required measurement scales: PSI, Bar, kPa. The error of the first is 0.5 psi, the second is 0,05 bar, and the kPa error is 1. This indicates the accuracy of the device. The model is comfortable to hold. It is powered by AAA batteries. Additional features include a built-in seat belt cutter and a glass hammer. Such additions are designed to help in emergency situations.


Gauge typedigital
Minimum measurement value0,2 бар
Maximum measurement value10,2 бар
Max. Operating temperature+ 50 degrees
Additional Informationdivision: 0.05 bar, 0.5 psi, 1 kPa
Measurement limits3-150psi, 50-1055kPa
Functionality, reliability
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What other gauges are worth paying attention to?

4. Heyner 564100 (from 379 rubles)

Недорогой прибор, призванный контролировать давление в шинах автомобиля. Со своими функциями он справляется отлично. Пользователи отмечают, что модель отличается точностью показаний. Здесь же бросается в глаза приятный дизайн. Стрелка при замере встает ровно, не отскакивает — этим могут похвастаться не все устройства. Изделие не скользит в руках и не создает автолюбителям излишних неудобств.


Gauge typeanalog
Вид прибораdeformational
Principle of operationpneumatic
Minimum measurement value0,5 бар
Maximum measurement value4,4 бар
Compactness, convenience
Few measurement scales
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5. Pennant MN-01 (from 202 rubles)

Этот представитель рейтинга лучших манометров предназначен для измерения давления воздуха в шинах легковых, грузовых машин, а также на велосипедах, мотоциклах, квадроциклах и других видах транспорта. Он работает по стрелочной — аналоговой системе. Металлический корпус придает прибору надежности. Есть кнопка сброса, что тоже удобно. В комплекте идет пластиковый кейс.


Gauge typeanalog
Вид прибораdeformational
Principle of operationpneumatic
Maximum measurement value7,2 бар
Iron case, case included
There may be inaccuracies in readings.
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6. Airline APR-D-04 (from 380 rubles)

The model is designed to measure the pressure in car tires. Among the advantages that the manufacturer calls is a liquid crystal display that shows data, and also allows you to measure pressure in three units: ATM / PSI / KPa. Maximum measured pressure: 7 ATM / 100 PSI / 700 KPa. All readings are recorded.


Gauge typedigital
Вид прибораpiezoelectric
Principle of operationpneumatic
Maximum measurement value7 бар
Measuring accuracy, robust
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7. Digital pressure gauge Golden Snail GS 9203 (from 365 rubles)

Model made in China. But you don’t need to be scared, her characteristics and qualities are acceptable. The manufacturer calls this pressure gauge a portable, high-precision instrument. Like many other devices in this series, it is used to measure and control tire pressure. The maximum measurement value here is 7 bar.


Gauge typedigital
Additional Informationthere is a digital indicator
Maximum measurement value7 бар
Turns on quickly, accurate readings
Not the most comfortable
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8. Dollex MSC-20 (from 589 rubles)

Good quality model. Works with car tires. Among the advantages here is the ability of all digital brand meters to show the result on any pressure determination scale. The cost of the device is affordable, which also attracts motorists. The pressure gauge is very strong, it can work at temperatures up to 40 degrees.


Gauge typedigital
Additional Information there is a digital indicator
Maximum measurement value7 бар
Max. Operating temperature+ 40 degrees
The weight68 g
Measuring range0-100 psi/0-7.0 Bar/0-7.0 kg/cm/ 0-700 kpa
Food3V, CR2032
Working temperature0°C — 40°C
Instrument error+/- 0,5 psi
Точность измерений, подсветка
Fragile construction
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9. Daewoo DWM7 (от 759 рублей)

The DAEWOO DWM 7 digital pressure gauge is another device designed to measure and monitor tire pressure. The device has a stylish design. All the information drivers need can be easily read on the LCD display. In the dark, you can also work with this device – an LED flashlight will help.


Gauge typedigital
Minimum measurement value0,2 бар
Maximum measurement value6,9 бар
Max. Operating temperature+ 50 degrees
The weight56 g
Unitsatm, psi, kPa, kgf/cm²
Battery Type4хLR44
Additional Informationbacklit display; built-in LED lamp; rubber-coated impact-resistant housing
Convenience, design
Plastic quality
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10. Duck M10 (about 480 rubles)

This digital pressure gauge is aimed at the timely determination of the pressure in the tires of a car. Using it is elementary. The owner must attach the device to the tire nipple, look at the screen and record the readings. Errors, according to the manufacturer, can be minimal, for example, 0,5 bar. The screen is backlit, which will help to see the data in the dark. The device works even at high temperatures.


Gauge typedigital
Minimum measurement value0,15 бар
Maximum measurement value7 бар
Max. Operating temperature+ 40 degrees
Unitspsi / bar / kPa
Equipmentbatteries 5xLR44 (L1154) (inside the device), blister pack with instruction manual
Additional Informationthere is a digital indicator
Can be used instead of a flashlight, convenient digital screen
No reset button
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How to choose a manometer

You need to prepare for the purchase of such a device. Do not buy the first available and the cheapest. How to choose a pressure gauge, Healthy Food Near Me was told by a professional driver Vladimir Arseniev. It indicates the importance of the following parameters:

Accuracy of measurements

The most important part. An error of 1% or less is considered acceptable. If more, then you should refuse such a purchase. The pressure is measured in bar. The maximum value for different models is different.

Type of manometer

Цифровые с ЖК-экранами выводят результаты на мониторчик. В некоторых моделях можно задать нужные единицы измерения. Считается, что цифра выдает более точные показания. Аналоговые приборы считаются надежными, но ими нужно грамотно пользоваться. У таких устройств погрешности чаще всего бывают при достижении верхней границы диапазона. Нужно несколько раз проводить замеры, чтобы удостовериться в результате.


Pay no attention to appearance. You are not buying a keychain, but an important thing. Trinkets, as a rule, are used for a short time. Manometers of well-known manufacturers will work properly and for a long time.

Measurement scale

It must be greater than the possible tire pressure. In cars, a sufficient level of pressure will be 2 atmospheres. Pay attention to units of measurement – in our country, atmospheres are considered more familiar. At the same time, in some models, units can be changed.


If you are buying a pressure gauge for a car, make sure it has access to your vehicle’s tires. Often, drivers give money away and find out about it when they start work.

Additional functions

Flashlights, a cutter for seat belts – all this will not be superfluous. Stuff happens on the roads. Therefore, follow the equipment of the device.

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