The best pills for varicose veins
Heaviness in the legs, swelling, tortuous, translucent veins on the legs are all signs of varicose veins. In addition to cosmetic defects, the disease is dangerous with serious complications. Therefore, it is important to choose the best pills for varicose veins for prevention and treatment.

Veins are blood vessels that carry blood from your body tissues to your heart. In turn, the heart pumps blood to the lungs to absorb oxygen. Oxygenated blood flows through tiny blood vessels called capillaries, where it gives up its oxygen to the body’s tissues. The blood then returns to the heart through your veins. They have one-way valves that help maintain blood flow to the heart. If the venous valves are weak or damaged, blood can stagnate and pool in the veins. This leads to swelling, stretching, deformation of the veins, which gradually forms their varicose expansion.

Varicose veins (or, as the patients themselves often say, varicose veins) are abnormal, swollen blood vessels with deformed valves and reduced tone, which is caused by overstretching, weakness of the venous walls. Varicose veins are externally manifested by protruding blue or purple-violet convoluted vessels on the legs or in the pelvic area. Sometimes small nets of capillaries are visible around the affected veins, which are dilated and superficially located under the skin.

Spider veins and varicose-deformed veins can appear anywhere, but the shins, thighs and genitals, and inguinal zone most often suffer. Deeper varicose veins are not visible, but can cause the skin above them to swell, darken, or harden.

At the very first symptoms of varicose veins, doctors recommend engaging in its active treatment, using both non-drug agents and drugs that strengthen the vascular wall, improve blood flow and normalize metabolic processes in tissues. Among all drugs, it is difficult to unambiguously name the best pills for varicose veins, but there are a number of drugs that have shown excellent results in clinical trials and in practice in complex treatment.

Rating of the top 5 pills for varicose veins according to KP

We have selected a group of drugs that have a complex effect on the veins, helping to curb the development of varicose veins. Although the drugs have been used for a long time and successfully, before using any remedy, it is necessary to consult a doctor and determine the appropriateness of taking certain drugs.

1. Venarus

The drug is available in the form of film-coated tablets, the drug is sold without a prescription. The main active ingredients are diosmin with hesperidin. They belong to the group of venotonic substances and angioprotective drugs. They help restore the tone of the venous walls and improve blood flow in the veins, normalize the functioning of the valves.


  • hemorrhoids;
  • varicose veins of the limbs and small pelvis;
  • chronic venous insufficiency, skin problems in the legs, including trophic ulcers.

The drug has few contraindications, of which it is only an allergy to the components and the period of breastfeeding. Among the side effects, only mild dyspeptic symptoms, a rash on the skin can be distinguished. The drug is indicated for complex and course administration.

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2. Detralex

Available in the form of coated tablets and suspensions for oral administration, there is a gel form for external use. Sold without a prescription, it has a venotonic effect, normalizes metabolic processes in tissues and improves microcirculation. The drug is based on a purified fraction of flavonoids – hesperidin with diosmin. Due to this composition, the drug has a pronounced tonic, protective and metabolic effect.

Indications for admission:

  • hemorrhoids;
  • varicose veins in the legs;
  • insufficiency of venous circulation and lymph flow.

There are few contraindications – among them are an allergy to the components of the drug and lactation. Side effects rarely occur in the form of digestive problems, rashes, or irritability.

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3. Phlebodia 600

The drug is produced in the form of tablets, sold without a specialist prescription. Refers to venotonic and angioprotective agents, the main active ingredient is diosmin. It helps to improve the tone of the veins and relieve congestion, normalize the functioning of the valves of the veins, improve blood circulation and metabolism in the tissues of the legs.

Drug shown:

  • with varicose veins in the limbs and pelvis;
  • in the complex therapy of hemorrhoids;
  • with signs of venous insufficiency, impaired lymph flow.

Of the contraindications for the drug, it is worth highlighting only individual intolerance to the drug, age up to 18 years, pregnancy and lactation. Side effects may include mild indigestion and headache.

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4. Troxevasin

The drug is available in capsules and gel for external use, sold without a doctor’s prescription. The main active ingredient is troxerutin, a drug with venotonic properties that normalizes microcirculation in the affected tissues. The Troxevasin Neo combination contains troxerutin in combination with heparin and dexpanthenol. The medicine helps in normalizing the tone of the veins and improving the nutrition of tissues in the affected area, accelerating blood circulation, and relieving congestion in the legs.

Shown at:

  • treatment of hemorrhoids;
  • elimination of discomfort in case of varicose veins;
  • treatment of trophic ulcers on the skin;
  • elimination of bruises and swelling of tissues.

Among the contraindications are allergies to the components of the drug, open wounds and skin ulcers with exudation. Side effects include local allergies, nausea, and malaise.

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5. Venolek

The drug is produced in coated tablets, sold without a prescription. The main active ingredient is diosmin, a drug to improve the tone of the veins and normalize microcirculation in the affected tissues.

Indicated for use with:

  • hemorrhoids;
  • varicose veins in the lower extremities;
  • with insufficiency of venous circulation;
  • for the prevention of congestion in the legs.

Among the contraindications, only allergy to the components and age up to 18 years are highlighted. Side effects include skin rashes and mild digestive upset.

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How to choose pills for varicose veins

The drugs used in the treatment of varicose veins cannot completely and radically eliminate changes in the veins. However, they become part of complex therapy, significantly slowing down the progression of pathology and the development of complications. In the early stage of the disease, venotonic and angioprotective drugs help to establish blood flow inside the lower extremities, preventing symptoms such as swelling, tired legs and spider veins, appearing tortuous superficial veins. Medications are only part of the treatment, complemented by lifestyle and nutritional changes. In advanced cases, microsurgical and minimally invasive interventions are indicated while taking drugs that improve the outcomes of therapy.

Popular questions and answers

We asked questions about varicose veins and their elimination gastroenterologist, therapist Vera Samsonova.

Why can there be varicose veins?
When the walls of the blood vessels weaken, the veins swell, causing the blood to stop and collect inside the vein. Normally, blood flows through a vein in one direction towards the heart. Varicose veins become a new way of blood flow.

Symptoms usually appear before the age of 40 and may include:

● swollen, twisted clusters of purple or blue veins;

● swollen legs, ankles and feet;

● muscle spasms, throbbing, soreness or pain in the legs;

● feeling of heaviness in the legs;

● pain behind the knee;

● itching around the vein;

● rapid fatigue of the muscles on the legs;

● gradual discoloration of the skin on the legs with pigmentation;

● skin ulcers.

What to do if you have varicose veins?
Treatment for varicose veins includes medical and non-medical treatments. The goal of therapy is to relieve symptoms and prevent further complications. Medical therapy includes surgical and non-surgical treatment of varicose veins.

Surgical interventions:

Operation Trendelenburg. This is a surgical procedure in which the great saphenous vein and femoral vein are tied off near the junction of the femoral vein. The recurrence rate for this procedure is high.

Removal of veins. Under anesthesia, the saphenous vein is cut out by making incisions in the skin and removed.

Ligation of the veins. The saphenous vein is tied off through small incisions in the skin to prevent blood stasis.

Cryosurgery. The probe is inserted through an incision in the skin to freeze the saphenous vein.

Endovenous thermal ablation. High frequency radio waves are sent through the catheter to create intense heat in the vein to close it.

Non-surgical therapy:

Sclerotherapy. A sclerosant can be used to shrink, clog veins. The sclerosant can be absolute alcohol or sodium tetradecyl sulfate, which can be administered through a catheter.

Vitamins of group B. Riboflavin, folic acid, thiamine and biotin help treat and prevent varicose veins.

Conservative therapy. In addition to interventions, conservative therapy also helps prevent complications.

Recommendations for varicose veins:

● often raise your legs above heart level to avoid swelling;

● wear compression stockings as they can relieve pain and swelling – these should be replaced every 3 to 6 months and are available in sizes that can be adjusted to your exact leg size;

● moderate or low-intensity exercise – avoid strenuous exercise as it may aggravate the condition;

● Consume foods that aid in a quick recovery – fiber-rich foods such as whole grains that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties such as tomatoes, apples, cherries and apricots. Foods rich in magnesium such as almonds, cashews and peanuts. Natural diuretics such as cucumber and asparagus. Avoid salty, sweetened, canned, and processed foods;

● Massage the affected skin with apple cider vinegar to help improve blood circulation. Massage with cypress oil can also increase circulation.

When should you call an ambulance?
Varicose veins are a chronic, slowly progressive disease. Except in rare situations, when a blood clot breaks out of a vein and enters large vessels (for example, with pulmonary embolism), the condition does not require emergency intervention.
Can I treat myself?
Self-medication is better not to practice, but preventive measures should be taken daily. Prevention of varicose veins is simple. Steps to take to prevent varicose veins:

● do not sit or stand for a long time without moving, regularly change standing or sitting position, take a break and walk for a while if you have to sit for a long time;

● lose weight to relieve pressure on the legs;

● exercise regularly;

● regularly check your shins and thighs for lumps;

● stop smoking;

● avoid injury to the lower extremities, raise the legs above the level of the heart during sleep;

● avoid wearing tight clothes and high heels;

● Avoid sitting cross-legged.

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