The best pills for thrush for women
Thrush always occurs at the wrong time, and it is not easy to deal with it. But are there any better thrush pills for women, which ones work more effectively – systemic or local?

From birth, our skin and mucous membranes are inhabited by billions of microorganisms, including fungi. They do not cause any harm to healthy people, but when certain conditions are created, with a decrease in local immune defenses or a general weakening of the body, the development of thrush or candidiasis is possible. This is the growth of opportunistic fungi of the genus Candida, which provokes delicate problems in the intimate area in girls and women. Feelings with candidiasis are extremely unpleasant and irritating – this is burning and itching of the skin and mucous membranes, swelling and redness, curdled discharge. This problem should be treated together with a doctor, since fungal activity is only a consequence of other body problems that need to be identified and treated.

Only after the examination and confirmation of the diagnosis of vaginal candidiasis, the doctor will determine the tactics of treatment and select the best pills for thrush for women. In some cases, this may be local therapy, the use of vaginal tablets or capsules, creams, gels. In advanced cases, with severe symptoms, or with recurrent candidiasis, oral medications may be required to suppress the activity of fungi in the intestines and on the mucous membranes from the inside.

Many women make one typical mistake. They try to cope with thrush with the help of folk remedies or use medications on their own, without taking into account the accompanying problems and the severity of the condition. This is the wrong approach! Although most drugs for fungal infections are sold without a prescription, it is important to see a doctor and be treated with them only under the direction of a doctor.

Rating of the top 5 inexpensive and effective pills for thrush according to KP

Among all drugs against thrush, tablet forms stand out. They can be used both inside, orally, having a systemic effect, and topically, they are introduced into the vagina and fight the reproduction of the fungus in the affected area. It is important not to confuse the forms of the drug when purchasing drugs, otherwise the effect will not be what you expect. Consider both tablets and capsules from thrush.

1. Diflucan

Available in the form of capsules of various dosages, as well as solutions for intravenous administration. It is released without a prescription (with the exception of the solution). The main active ingredient is fluconazole. It is active against most fungi of the genus Candida and cryptococci, therefore it is effective both in acute thrush and in recurrent forms of infection, chronic bacterial vaginosis. It can also be used with a partner to prevent recurrence of the fungus after treatment in a woman.

In acute uncomplicated candidiasis, one high-dose tablet is often enough to completely suppress the infection. In a chronic process, the duration of the course is determined by the doctor. It is highly effective against fungal infection, easy to use, has few side effects. Relief of symptoms occurs within a day after administration.

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2. Nystatin

The tool has been known for many years, it is one of the first antifungal drugs. Available in the form of tablets, vaginal suppositories, ointments for external use, is part of many combined preparations. It is dispensed by prescription of a doctor, it is used in a course, the duration of which is determined by a specialist.

Nystatin is indicated only for the treatment of acute, uncomplicated forms of thrush or its prevention. It helps to fight the reproduction of fungi, while not being absorbed into the blood. According to special indications, it can be used in pregnant and lactating women, it helps to quickly suppress the symptoms of candidiasis, including after a course of antibiotics. The longer the course of treatment, the higher the risk of side effects, among which are mainly digestive disorders (nausea, abdominal cramps).

3. Pimafucin

The drug has several forms of release – these are tablets, vaginal suppositories, topical cream, the main active ingredient is natamycin, a powerful antifungal component. Released without a doctor’s prescription.

Refers to drugs with a minimum number of side effects and a high safety profile, effectively fights both acute, uncomplicated and chronic forms of candidiasis. Allowed during pregnancy and lactation (as prescribed by a doctor), for a partner during treatment of a woman, a cream is indicated for topical application and suppression of fungal growth.

In acute candidiasis, only local forms of treatment are sufficient, with recurrent forms of infection or severe chronic candidiasis, a combination of local forms with oral administration is indicated. The effect occurs a day after the start of treatment, but it is important to complete the entire course prescribed by the doctor in order to completely suppress the activity of fungi and prevent relapse. In parallel, partner treatment is recommended.

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4. Clotrimazole

This is a drug for the local treatment of thrush, is available in the form of vaginal soluble tablets and solutions, ointments for topical use. This drug is part of some combination drugs for topical treatment. Released without a prescription.

The drug is used to treat acute forms of thrush and recurrent pathologies, as part of complex therapy. It is acceptable during pregnancy and lactating, but in agreement with the doctor. It has a small sector of side effects, mainly in the form of increased discharge and discomfort in the intimate area during treatment. In parallel, you can treat your partner using the form of a cream. The medicine is well compatible with other types of drugs, including antibiotics.

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5. Klion and Klion-D

Tablets for the treatment of thrush for both oral and topical use (in the form of Klion-D). The basis of oral tablets contains metronidazole, in the local form of the drug – a combination of metronidazole with miconazole. Available on prescription, used as a course for recurrent or chronic thrush, you can combine the two forms to achieve a more stable and faster result.

The local form of the drug has a complex effect – bacteriostatic and antifungal, which helps in the treatment of complex forms of vaginosis. It has a number of contraindications and special instructions for admission, therefore it is prescribed only by a doctor. It is forbidden in the first trimester of pregnancy; in the presence of diabetes, it is prescribed with extreme caution. To achieve a lasting effect, a full course of treatment is necessary, even if all the symptoms of thrush disappear at the beginning of therapy. It is used at night, before going to bed, well tolerated, has a minimum of side effects.

How to choose thrush pills for women

Today, pharmacies offer a wide selection of different drugs that are directed against fungal infections, including candidal infections. All drugs are divided into two large classes:

  • medicines that have a systemic effect on the body – they are taken orally and are in the form of capsules or tablets;
  • topical drugs that act directly at the site of infection – these include creams, gels, ointments, solutions and vaginal suppositories (candles), soluble tablets or capsules.

When choosing tablets or other forms of drugs for thrush in women, you should consult a doctor. He can prescribe drugs not only with antifungal action, but also restoring the microflora, having an anti-inflammatory effect, combined agents. The selection should be based on the following criteria:

  • the main active ingredient that suppresses the growth of Candida fungi;
  • dosage of the drug and the frequency of its administration, the duration of the course;
  • the rate of absorption of the components and the speed of onset of effects;
  • possible side effects that can be extremely unpleasant;
  • list of contraindications.

Today, several groups of antifungal drugs have been identified that help in the treatment of thrush. They affect the pathogen in different ways, have a different spectrum of effectiveness in acute or chronic thrush.

Polyene preparations (for example, Nystatin or Levorin) are of natural origin, affect yeast, destroying their cell membrane, and help in the prevention of fungal infection. May not be suitable for recurrent forms, fungi form resistance to them.

Triazole agents (for example, Diflucan or Flucostat) help in suppressing the reproduction and growth of fungal colonies, are removed from the body for a long time, the course of treatment is short, suitable for chronic forms of infection.

Imidazole preparations (for example, Ketoconazole or Clotrimazole) help to disinfect the mucous membranes, penetrate deep into them, helping to fight recurrent forms of fungal infections.

macrolide drugs (for example, Pimafucin or Natamycin) have a wide spectrum of activity in mixed flora and a small number of side effects.

Combined funds – These are drugs that combine several components at once – antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial. They help eliminate chronic and severe, neglected fungal infections.

Popular questions and answers

We asked questions regarding the choice of tablets for thrush for women pharmacist, teacher of pharmacology, editor-in-chief of MedCorr Olga Zorina.

Why can a woman have thrush?

There are many reasons for the development of fungal vaginitis. These are changes in the hormonal background during puberty, pregnancy, lactation, against the background of various health problems, endocrine pathologies (thyroid problems, diabetes mellitus). Provoke thrush can be prolonged, especially irrational use of antibiotics, self-medication with various drugs, frequent douching with antiseptic solutions, change of sexual partners, stress and frequent SARS. Recurrent candidiasis is possible with immunodeficiencies, inflammatory processes in the female genital area, with strict diets, and obesity.

What to do if a woman has thrush?

The most important thing is not to try to be treated on your own, but be sure to consult a doctor and confirm the diagnosis. Under the guise of thrush, many different infections can occur, including those that are sexually transmitted. In addition, candidiasis can be accompanied by bacterial vaginosis (violation of the vaginal microflora), and in parallel with the suppression of fungal activity, it is necessary to restore the balance of beneficial microbes. The doctor usually prescribes a number of drugs, and not just suppositories or tablets for thrush. At the end of the course, control tests are necessary to confirm the cure.

Is it possible for a woman to treat thrush herself?

No, in some cases, even if there are symptoms of thrush, self-treatment may not cure the infection, but only suppress the activity of the fungus for a while. In this case, any provocateur will lead to an exacerbation and the formation of chronic candidiasis. It is difficult to treat, fungi form resistance to antifungal agents, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to select them. Treatment of thrush should always be done only by a doctor.

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