The best pills for hemorrhoids
This is a problem that is embarrassing to talk about and even consult a doctor, but it haunts and threatens with complications. Hemorrhoids are a dangerous condition. It is important to choose the best pills for hemorrhoids and deal with the prevention of complications

Hemorrhoids are a serious problem that is not only faced by the elderly. It is quite possible at a young age, including during pregnancy. This is one of the manifestations of varicose veins, enlargement, dilation of the veins around the outer part of the anus or in the lower part of the rectum with the formation of painful knots. The rectum is the outermost section of the intestine that leads to the anus, through which fecal matter leaves the body.

Every person has hemorrhoidal tissue in this area, which is made up of blood vessels, connective tissue, and a small amount of muscle. Hemorrhoids do not always enlarge or stretch, but with age, blood stasis and enlargement of the veins, the appearance of nodes becomes more common, causing what we call hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids can be painful and especially bothersome if they recur, but they are not life threatening and symptoms usually resolve within a few days. There are many effective treatments, including surgery. They are selected by the doctor, based on age, stage of the process, concomitant diseases and additional factors.

Hermorrhoids can be both internal and external.

Internal hemorrhoids. The nodules develop inside the rectum and are usually not visible to the naked eye. Internal hemorrhoids usually do not hurt, but often bleed. In some cases, internal hemorrhoids may protrude through the anus, a phenomenon known as prolapsed nodes. When this happens, the knots usually retract back into the rectum.

External hemorrhoids. Varicose veins form under the skin around the outside of the anus. This is the most unpleasant form of hemorrhoids, it can cause itching and pain, lumps are felt. The nodules may become thrombosed, which increases pain and discomfort.

There are drugs for local treatment of hemorrhoids – these are creams, gels, ointments or rectal suppositories. They act locally to relieve pain, inflammation, itching and discomfort. Often, treatment is supplemented by systemic therapy – drugs for oral administration, which normalize the tone of the venous wall and improve blood circulation.

Rating of the top 10 inexpensive and effective pills for hemorrhoids according to KP

1. Detralex

The tablets are available in two strengths, and single-dose sachets are also available. Available without a doctor’s prescription, the active ingredient is purified micronized fractions of flavonoids, the key of which are diosmin with hesperidin. Due to the complex action of several components at once, it has a pronounced venotonic effect. Among the key effects in hemorrhoids, it is worth highlighting the increase in venous tone in the hemorrhoidal veins, the elimination of congestion in the pelvis and large veins, the elimination of increased permeability of the walls of blood vessels, and the normalization of microcirculation.


  • with acute external and internal hemorrhoids;
  • in a chronic process in the acute stage;
  • with weakness of the venous wall, varicose veins in the legs.

It has no contraindications, with the exception of individual allergies to components, but due to lack of data, it is not recommended for pregnant women. When taken, indigestion can rarely occur.

The course of taking the drug is important, starting with high doses in the acute stage with the transition to maintenance as it improves. Compatible with other hemorrhoid medications.

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2. Venarus

The drug in tablets with two types of dosage is dispensed without a doctor’s prescription. It is based on two active ingredients – hesperidin and diosmin in individually selected doses. It has a venotonic effect, angioprotective properties due to the flavonoid components included in the composition. It helps to normalize blood flow in the rectum and anus, maintains the tone of the walls of the affected veins, improves the permeability of the vascular wall, and eliminates blood stasis inside the venous vessels.


  • with varicose veins of any form;
  • at any stages and types of hemorrhoids;
  • for the prevention of varicose veins.

It has practically no contraindications, with the exception of allergies to components. Acceptable during pregnancy and lactation. Compatible with drugs for local and systemic treatment. Side effects may include headaches, general malaise, itchy skin, and rashes.

The drug is effective in the course of admission, starting with high doses in acute hemorrhoids with the transition to a maintenance dose when it becomes chronic.

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3. Phlebodia 600

Produced in the form of tablets and cream-gel for the feet, it is released without a doctor’s prescription. The main active ingredient is diosmin. It is used in the complex therapy of hemorrhoids, helping to tone the venous walls. The drug helps to keep the veins in the rectal area in good shape, restores the vascular wall, has a weak anti-inflammatory effect and eliminates venous blood stagnation, normalizes metabolic processes.


  • with acute hemorrhoids as part of complex therapy;
  • with chronic form of external and internal hemorrhoids;
  • with varicose veins in the legs.

Of the contraindications, it is worth highlighting the age of up to 18 years and the presence of allergies to the components. Side effects include migraines and nausea.

It is effective with a course of up to 3 months, starting with high doses and gradually moving to maintenance ones. Allowed for pregnant and lactating women.

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4. Vasenit

Film-coated tablets, dispensed by prescription. The main active ingredient is pentoxifylline. Refers to venotonic drugs, helps in the normalization of microcirculation in the rectum and anus. The drug helps to dilate blood vessels and improve tissue nutrition, oxygen content in cells. The active substance helps to reduce the risk of blood clots by changing the rheological properties of the blood. Increases the tone of venous vessels, improves microcirculation in the perineal area.


  • with any form of hemorrhoids at any stage;
  • with circulatory disorders;
  • with varicose veins of the legs;
  • when recovering from a stroke, encephalopathy.

The drug, unlike the previous ones, has a fairly extensive list of contraindications, which includes children under 14 years of age, people with bleeding and acute heart attacks, strokes, and cerebrovascular accidents. It is also prohibited in pregnant and lactating women.

Of the side effects, it is worth noting a decrease in pressure, tachycardia, indigestion and insomnia, fainting. When combined with other drugs, be sure to consult your doctor.

5. Troxevasin

Available in the form of tablets and gel for external use. Sold in pharmacies without a prescription, the main active ingredient is troxerutin. The drug has angioprotective and venotonic effects, has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, stimulates the regeneration of the vascular wall. Protects veins in the rectum from inflammation, restores their elasticity and blood flow, microcirculation, protects blood vessels from external negative influences.


  • with hemorrhoids of any form;
  • with varicose lesions of the legs;
  • with trophic tissue disorders.

Prohibited for admission with allergies to components and gastritis, in the first trimester of pregnancy. Side effects include allergies and indigestion.

For the greatest effect, a course reception is shown. Combined use with vitamin C enhances the effects of the drug.

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6. Diosmin

Diosmin as an angioprotector and venotonic is available in the form of tablets. Clinical studies have shown that while taking the drug, the tone of the veins increases, the average venous pressure decreases and the symptoms of inflammation stop.

Indications for use in adults:

  • elimination of symptoms of lymphovenous insufficiency;
  • treatment of symptoms of hemorrhoids (acute form).

The drug is not recommended for children under 18 years of age and nursing mothers. You should consult a doctor to select the optimal dosage and exclude hypersensitivity to Diosmin components. It is possible to develop dizziness while taking the medication, and therefore it is important to be careful to engage in activities that require increased concentration of attention during treatment.

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7. Detravenol

A drug for the elimination and relief of the symptoms of acute and chronic hemorrhoids in tablet form. Hesperidin and diosmin in the composition of Detravenol have a venotonic effect due to the acceleration of venous emptying.

Appointed for:

  • trophic tissue disorders;
  • hemorrhoids, including chronic;
  • venous insufficiency;
  • for the prevention of changes in the vascular system and veins.

The use during lactation is poorly studied, and therefore the drug should not be used in this group of patients. Allergic reactions to tablets and hypersensitivity to the components of the drug are possible. Negative results of the use of Detravenol in pregnant women have not been recorded.

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8. Angiorus

A venotonic and venoprotective agent based on diosmin and hesperidin. In pharmacies, it can only be purchased in the form of tablets.

Angiorus reduces vein distensibility and venous blood stasis. Against the background of taking the drug, lymph outflow improves, vascular permeability decreases.

Indicated for use with:

  • venous-lymphatic insufficiency;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • cramps, swelling of the legs.

According to the instructions, the drug is not recommended for use during lactation and in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the tablets. Angiorus does not replace local drugs in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

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9. Vasoket

Vasoket is a prescription diosmin-containing drug for the treatment of exacerbation of hemorrhoids. There is only one form of release – tablets. Due to the improvement of microcirculation, venotonic properties and work with venous congestion, the medicine has established itself as an effective remedy for combating inflammation of hemorrhoids.


  • Varicose veins;
  • hemorrhoids in the acute stage;
  • violation of blood microcirculation.

The drug is not prescribed to persons under 18 years of age. During pregnancy, Vasoket is used with caution. The ability of the drug to penetrate into breast milk has not been studied, so taking it during lactation is not recommended. To achieve maximum effect, hemorrhoid therapy should include both local and systemic drugs.

10. Venolife duo

The drug is available in the form of film-coated tablets. Flavonoids are prescribed because of the venotonic effect in venous insufficiency and varicose veins. Venolife Duo contains diosmin and hesperidin. Both substances reduce venous congestion, increase capillary resistance, and have angioprotective properties.


  • varicose veins;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • prevention of varicose veins;
  • swelling, heaviness in the legs;
  • venous trophic ulcers.

It is not recommended to take the drug during lactation due to the lack of efficacy and safety studies. Contraindications include allergic reactions to the components of the drug.

Treatment of hemorrhoids should be comprehensive, taking Venolife Duo does not exclude other drugs.

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How to choose pills for hemorrhoids

For systemic therapy, along with local drugs that the doctor selects, pills for hemorrhoids are also used. They affect the entire body as a whole, normalizing metabolic processes and blood circulation, strengthening the walls of the veins and suppressing inflammation, improving the rheological properties of the blood (so that blood clots do not form, but there is no bleeding). All drugs for oral administration are divided into several groups, and this division depends on the active substance in the basis of the drug.

The most effective are two groups of drugs that are used for any form of varicose veins – these are venotonic drugs and angioprotective drugs. They can be:

  • with flavonoids (diosmin, heperidin), which have anti-inflammatory and venoprotective effects;
  • with the content of rutin – this is a synthetic analogue of natural flavonoids;
  • with the content of pentoxifylline, which activates microcirculation in small veins and capillaries;
  • with the content of plant extracts and extracts that have a complex effect on the venous wall.

The drugs are used in the treatment and prevention of varicose veins, including damage to the veins in the legs and hemorrhoidal plexuses. The drugs have several effects on the disease at once – they strengthen weakened venous walls, protecting the venous walls from various harmful external factors, improve blood flow, and prevent congestion inside the vessels.

Popular questions and answers

We asked questions about hemorrhoids and their elimination gastroenterologist, therapist Vera Samsonova.

Why can hemorrhoids appear?
Hemorrhoids can be caused in several ways, often by straining to empty the bowels, especially when constipated. Lifting heavy objects, along with other activities that can cause tension in the abdominal wall and intestines, can also lead to hemorrhoids. Increased abdominal pressure during pregnancy and being overweight are additional factors.

There are several conditions and habits that cause hemorrhoids, including:

● chronic constipation or diarrhea;

● too much stress during bowel movements;

● prolonged sitting on the toilet.

Chronic constipation and prolonged sitting can affect blood flow in the rectal area, causing blood to pool in the vessels, leading to hemorrhoids.

Factors that increase your risk of developing hemorrhoids include:

● lack of fiber in the diet;

● obesity – being overweight can put pressure on the hemorrhoidal tissue;

● aging – as we get older, the connective tissue of the rectum and anus becomes weaker, which can lead to protrusion of hemorrhoids;

● Pregnancy – as the fetus grows and puts pressure on the abdomen, the veins in the rectum and anus may become enlarged. The problem usually goes away after birth.

What to do if you have hemorrhoids?
The appearance of blood in the toilet bowl after a bowel movement is undoubtedly alarming, but this is only one of the main symptoms of hemorrhoids. Other symptoms:

● scarlet spotting on toilet paper or in stool after a bowel movement;

● itching and burning around the anus;

● pain in the perineum, especially when sitting;

● pain during bowel movements;

● one or more hard, painful lumps around the anus.

If you experience any of these symptoms of hemorrhoids, avoid excessive straining, rubbing your anus, which can increase irritation and itching, and can even lead to bleeding. Also, try using damp toilet paper instead of plain paper.

Can I treat hemorrhoids myself?
Fortunately, most forms of hemorrhoids can be treated at home or with simple medical procedures at the doctor’s office, depending on the type and severity of your symptoms. Prevention of constipation is key in the treatment of hemorrhoids. And diet and lifestyle changes, especially eating more fiber, can help reduce the symptoms of hemorrhoids. But avoid laxatives, which can cause diarrhea and worsen hemorrhoid symptoms.

To ease the discomfort caused by hemorrhoids, here are a few things you can do at home:

● take a sitz bath;

● use an ice pack;

● avoid straining when defecation;

● clean your anus thoroughly and keep your skin clean after every bowel movement;

● sit on soft surfaces to reduce swelling and prevent new hemorrhoids from forming;

● Take your doctor’s prescriptions if necessary.

Try over-the-counter creams, ointments, or pads containing hydrocortisone or witch hazel. They can reduce swelling, pain, and itching.

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