The best pills for heart pain
Pain in the region of the heart or behind the sternum is always an alarming sign. It is impossible to ignore this symptom, it is important to consult a doctor and undergo a complete examination. In addition, to stop discomfort, you should always have the best pills for pain in the heart at home, and take them when discomfort occurs.

Pain in the heart is not a separate disease, but only a symptom that may indicate damage to the heart muscle itself (myocardium), coronary (coronary) vessels that feed the heart or the membranes of the heart, valves. In addition, pain is possible from organs located in the immediate vicinity (lungs, bronchi, pleura, lymph nodes, bones, muscles or ligaments). In any case, if there is pain in the chest area on the left or behind the sternum, this is always an alarming sign.

If the pain is acute, excruciating and is accompanied by other dangerous symptoms (shortness of breath, weakness, cold sweat, pallor), it is important to immediately call an ambulance.

If the pain is dull, occurs periodically, is well relieved by drugs, you should immediately make an appointment with a doctor and undergo an examination to identify the cause of the pain. Only a doctor, after establishing an accurate diagnosis, can select the necessary pills for pain in the heart, which must be taken constantly or when discomfort or pain occurs.

It is difficult to single out the best pills for pain in the heart, since there are a lot of reasons for the occurrence of this symptom. Of the emergency funds, it is worth highlighting nitrates (nitrogricerin), which is taken to relieve acute pain behind the sternum during an attack of angina pectoris. If acute pain after nitroglycerin and when creating complete rest does not go away, discomfort in the chest area does not disappear, but only intensifies, pressure decreases, cold sweat appears, you should immediately call an ambulance.

In this case, you cannot drink any other pills, you must immediately go to the hospital – there is a high probability of developing a heart attack!

If the pills help and the pain syndrome is eliminated, but periodically the pain occurs again, you need an appointment with a therapist, neurologist or cardiologist (depending on the alleged cause), and a full examination with a diagnosis and subsequent prescription of a treatment regimen. This will help prevent recurrence of pain attacks and prevent the progression of the disease itself that causes pain.

The choice of drugs depends on the cause, the characteristics of the patient’s body, age and diagnosis. Different groups of drugs are used that eliminate pain directly by affecting receptors (analgesics), or through certain mechanisms (relieving spasm, increasing metabolism, etc.).

Rating of the top 10 inexpensive and effective tools according to KP

Preparations for pain in the heart are selected based on the type of sensations – acute, cutting, burning pain or dull, pressing, changing its localization, indefinite and inconsistent, associated with stress and excitement.

1. Validol

The drug is available in the form of tablets and capsules, sold in pharmacies without a doctor’s prescription, has been known for many years and has proven effective in eliminating pain in the heart area. The main active ingredient is a solution of levomenthol in menthyl isovalerate.

Indicated for pain typical of panic attacks, which is accompanied by a variety of complaints – sweating, malaise, shortness of breath, panic. Validol is used for pain that changes localization, duration and severity, not associated with heavy physical exertion, which is accompanied by a tingling sensation in the chest, headache and increased heart rate. The general condition, pressure against the background of such attacks is usually relatively normal.

Validol does not need to be washed down, a tablet or capsule is placed under the tongue and slowly absorbed.


  • relieves vasospasm of a stressful nature;
  • eliminates pain during overwork;
  • pain with VVD;
  • vascular spasms associated with hormonal fluctuations (for example, with menopause);
  • after intoxication with alcohol, drugs.

It has a sedative effect, gently dilates blood vessels, relieving spasm.

It has practically no contraindications, it is prescribed with caution to pregnant, lactating and people with diabetes. It is forbidden when driving a car due to the sedative effect. With prolonged use, nausea, dizziness, nasal congestion and lacrimation are possible. They disappear after discontinuation of the drug.

2. Nitroglycerin

Available in the form of tablets, capsules under the tongue, spray, solution for injection. Released without a doctor’s prescription. The main active ingredient is nitroglycerin, belongs to the group of nitrates, peripheral vasodilators (drugs that dilate blood vessels). One of the first and used to this day means that eliminates an attack of retrosternal pain (angina pectoris).

Preparations of the nitrate group, including nitroglycerin:

  • quickly and actively expand the walls of blood vessels, eliminating spasm in the coronary arteries;
  • improve blood flow to the myocardium, improving its nutrition;
  • relieve chest pain associated with spasm.

They act quickly, as soon as they enter the bloodstream, the effect lasts quite a long time. In order for nitroglycerin to be absorbed into the blood as soon as possible, it is taken under the tongue. The action occurs within 3-5 minutes, if necessary, after complete dissolution, you can take an additional tablet.

Important! It is forbidden to take more than 3 tablets in a row with an interval of 5 to 10 minutes. If the pain is not copied, you need to call an ambulance. Myocardial artery thrombosis and myocardial infarction are likely.

It is forbidden to use several tablets at once. The drug reduces blood pressure, therefore, against the background of its use, nausea and headache are possible. Often it is combined with validol to eliminate stress reactions.

Contraindicated in hypotension, shock, acute infarction with a pronounced drop in pressure, pulmonary edema, glaucoma, increased intracranial pressure, allergies to nitrates. Side effects include skin rash, nausea, and dizziness.

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3. Corvalol

Produced in the form of tablets and drops for oral administration, it is dispensed from pharmacies without a doctor’s prescription. The main active ingredients are ethyl bromisovalerianate, peppermint oil and phenobarbital. The drug is indicated for the appearance of pressing pains in the heart, a feeling of heaviness, stabbing or cutting pains. Tablets are taken under the tongue or diluted 20 drops of the solution in a small amount of water, taking orally.

Important! If after 15-20 minutes the pain does not go away or gets worse, you need to call an ambulance.

Corvalol is indicated for the following conditions:

  • stress and neurosis, depression;
  • with VSD;
  • overwork, stress;
  • during the off-season with weather changes.

The drug has a sedative, vasodilating, anti-stress effect, has a slight hypnotic effect.

It is forbidden to receive when driving a car and work that requires extreme concentration. Incompatible with alcohol. It is not used in children under 18 years of age, pregnant and lactating people, people with serious damage to the kidneys and liver. Side effects when taken – a decrease in pressure, dizziness, tinnitus, with frequent and prolonged use, it can provoke dependence and withdrawal syndrome.

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4. Novo-passit

Available in the form of tablets and syrup, dispensed from a pharmacy without a prescription. Belongs to the category of herbal sedative drugs with a combined composition. It is indicated for vague pains in the heart, accompanied by anxiety, depression, occurring against the background of weather changes, fatigue.


  • stressful situations;
  • overwork, unrest with pain in the region of the heart;
  • pain on the background of VVD;
  • period of menopause with cardialgia;
  • as part of complex therapy in patients with cardiac pathologies.

Solutions should be used with caution – they contain ethyl alcohol. The drug is incompatible with driving vehicles, taking alcoholic beverages. During the period of treatment with the drug, you should not stay in the open sun and visit the solarium. Caution should be taken in diabetes.

Prohibited during pregnancy and lactation, in children under 12 years of age, after cranial injuries and alcoholism, digestive pathologies, epilepsy.

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5. Cardiket

Produced in the form of tablets of prolonged action, released by prescription. The main active ingredient is isosorbide dinitrate. Belongs to the category of nitrates, has a pronounced vasodilating property. Reduces pressure, mainly lower, expands spasmodic arteries, the action occurs within 15 – 20 minutes.


  • prevention of heart attacks and angina attacks;
  • elimination of pressing pains in the chest;
  • complex treatment for heart failure.

The drug is not effective as a first aid measure for an attack of angina pectoris. Contraindicated in the presence of hypotension, cardiogenic shock, increased intracranial pressure, glaucoma, after recent head trauma.

Side effects from taking – dry mouth, low blood pressure, headaches, dizziness. With prolonged use, a withdrawal syndrome is possible, so the dose is reduced gradually.

6. Eltacin

The drug is available in the form of tablets, it can be bought at a pharmacy without a doctor’s prescription.

The drug restores myocardial function and reduces tissue hypoxia. Eltacin is a mixture of amino acids (glycine, glutamic acid and cystine). These amino acids normalize redox processes and oxygen utilization in tissues.


  • increases the body’s resistance to oxygen deficiency;
  • increases physical performance;
  • improves the quality of life of patients with chronic heart failure (increasing social adaptation, improving the psycho-emotional state);
  • accelerates the recovery of working capacity after intense physical exertion in children.

The method of application and dosing regimen of a particular drug depends on its form of release and other factors. The optimal dosing regimen is determined by the doctor.

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7. Cardionate

The drug is available in the form of capsules, you can buy it at the pharmacy by prescription.

Increases efficiency, reduces the symptoms of mental and physical overstrain, activates the immune system, protects the heart muscle.

In case of acute ischemic damage to the myocardium, it slows down the death of tissues, shortens the recovery period.

In heart failure, it increases myocardial contractility, increases resistance to physical activity, and reduces the frequency of angina attacks.


  • reduced performance;
  • pain in the heart;
  • physical overstrain (including athletes);
  • postoperative period to speed up rehabilitation;
  • as part of combination therapy for coronary artery disease (angina pectoris), chronic heart failure;
  • alcohol withdrawal syndrome (in combination with specific therapy);
  • disorders of cerebral blood supply.

Contraindicated for children under 18 years of age, pregnant and lactating women, patients with liver and kidney failure.

8. Ethoxydol

Available in ampoules and tablets, the doctor prescribes the medicine.

Ethoxydol has anti-ischemic properties, improves blood flow in the ischemic zone, limits the zone of ischemic damage, reduces the level of total cholesterol and low-density lipoproteins.

It has an antitoxic, nootropic, anticonvulsant effect, increases the body’s resistance to stress. Eliminates increased anxiety, tension and fear.


  • coronary heart disease (as part of complex therapy);
  • complex therapy of ischemic stroke;
  • encephalopathy;
  • mild and moderate cognitive impairment.

The course of treatment is not limited. The drug is not prescribed for children under 18 years of age, pregnant and lactating women and patients with hepatic and renal insufficiency.

9. Preductal

Available in the form of capsules, contains trimetazidine dihydrochloride. Released by prescription. In acute attacks of angina is not prescribed.

The original drug supports the energy metabolism of the heart during ischemia, reduces the severity of intracellular changes, and reduces the size of myocardial damage.

Indicated for long-term therapy of coronary heart disease:

  • prevention of attacks of stable angina pectoris as part of mono- or combination therapy.

The drug is taken orally 1 capsule 1 time per day, in the morning, during breakfast. Capsules should be taken whole, without chewing, with water.

Do not prescribe to children under 18 years of age, patients with renal and hepatic insufficiency, patients with Parkinson’s disease, symptoms of parkinsonism, tremors, restless legs syndrome and other movement disorders.

10. Sidnofarm

Available in tablets, it has an analgesic and antiarrhythmic effect, prevents thrombosis. Released by prescription.

The drug makes it possible to prevent angina attacks, which are characterized by severe pain in the region of the heart, which has a compressive character. It also applies to:

  • complex treatment of chronic insufficiency of the functional activity of the heart;
  • reduces blood pressure and the risk of blood clots;
  • has antiarrhythmic and analgesic effect;

The dosage regimen and duration of therapy are set individually. The drug is taken orally, regardless of the meal. The tablets are swallowed whole, without chewing and with a sufficient amount of liquid.

The action of Sidnopharm begins to develop after 15-20 minutes from the moment of administration and lasts from 1 to 6 hours.

Children under 18, pregnant and lactating women, patients with low blood pressure, patients taking sildenafil.

How to choose pills for heart pain

Naturally, the doctor should select drugs for pain in the heart. He may prescribe several different groups of pills that help with certain types of pain and diseases that cause pain. The following classes of drugs are used:

Nitrate group – these are tools that help prevent attacks of pain behind the sternum with angina pectoris, help in recovery from heart attacks. They dilate blood vessels, reduce pressure, so they cannot be used for hypotension, collapse and shock, if cardiac tamponade is suspected.

Drugs from the group of peripheral vasodilators They dilate blood vessels and improve blood circulation. They help to slow down the progression in chronic heart failure, but are not used for edema and in childhood.

Sedative and reflex drugs – they well relieve stress pain, manifestations of cardioneurosis, VVD. It can not be used for violations of cerebral circulation, low pressure, in childhood.

group of beta blockers – are indicated for the treatment of hypertension and associated pain in the heart. They are taken for a long time, with a strictly individual dose selection. Prohibited in the presence of a slow pulse and shock.

calcium channel inhibitors – are indicated in the treatment of the heart after a heart attack, the elimination of arrhythmias and ischemic conditions, are prohibited in AV blockades.

Popular questions and answers

Regarding heart pain and its causes, we talked with general practitioner, endoscopist, head of the organizational and methodological office Lidia Golubenko.

Why can a heart hurt?

It is impossible to unambiguously and without examination name the exact cause of pain in the heart. In addition, the appearance of pain in the left side of the chest does not mean at all that it is pain of the heart, other organs that are located nearby (and even far enough away, for example, in the abdominal cavity) can make themselves felt.

Doctors identify several potential causes of heart pain. Some require immediate medical attention. Others are more benign and can be treated at home (having previously been examined), taking medications prescribed by a doctor and periodically coming for follow-up examinations.

Some of the common causes of cardiac and non-cardiac pain include:

● acute heart or vascular diseases;

● stable or unstable angina pectoris (these are pains during exercise or at rest);

● heartburn, acid reflux (reflux of acid from the stomach) or GERD;

● muscle tension and damage, bone problems (ribs, vertebrae, sternum);

● osteochondrosis;

● problems of the respiratory system.

Naturally, the most serious cause of chest pain is a heart attack, with which the pain is very strong, excruciating, with cold sweat, fear, shortness of breath and severe weakness.

What to do if you have a heart attack?

You should contact your doctor immediately at the first sign of heart problems. Do not use home remedies as first aid. If the pain is new or unusual, an examination and medical diagnosis is needed to begin the necessary treatment.

When should you call an ambulance?

The main concern when experiencing chest pain is a possible heart attack. People should be aware of the symptoms of a heart attack and seek immediate medical attention if a similar problem is suspected. Symptoms, in addition to chest pain, may include the following:

● pain in other areas of the upper body, including the neck, jaw, or arm;

● shortness of breath;

● nausea;

● blurred consciousness;

● cold sweat.

Women should know that they are less likely to experience severe chest pain during a heart attack. They are more likely to experience intense pressure or tightness in the chest than pain. Women are also more likely to experience other heart attack symptoms than men.

Heart attacks require urgent medical care. If you think you may be having a heart attack, call your doctor right away.

Angina pectoris, which is severe pain resulting from blockage or narrowing of the coronary arteries, may also require medical attention and treatment.

Can I treat myself?

Home remedies have a place in the treatment of minor chest pain when the cause is known and it is not a serious pathology. On the other hand, any serious cases, such as a heart attack or angina pectoris, require an immediate emergency call.

If there is any doubt, home treatments should be avoided and a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible.

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