The best pills for dizziness
If objects rotate smoothly around you, you are experiencing dizziness. This unpleasant sensation can be a signal of overwork or some illness, and it is important to choose the best pills for dizziness to cope with the symptoms.

Often, with certain diseases, after a head injury or against the background of alcohol intake, people feel dizzy. This is not a single disease, but only a symptom of a number of diseases. It can occur when there is a problem with the inner ear, the brain, or the sensory (sensory) nerve pathways that carry information from the sense organs—ear, eye, or nose—to the centers of the brain.

Dizziness can happen at any age, but it is more common in people aged 65 and older. The condition may be temporary or long-term, especially if it is a sign of inflammation of the middle or inner ear (for example, Meniere’s disease). Accordingly, before choosing pills for dizziness, you need to determine the cause of the problem together with your doctor. In this case, the symptom can be eliminated quickly and effectively.

A person with dizziness may have problems with balance and consciousness, lightheadedness, nausea, pain. Vertigo itself is the sensation as if the room or environment is revolving around the person. Many people use this term to describe their fear of heights, but it’s not entirely correct. Feelings and manifestations will be different (though similar).

Dizziness can happen when a person looks down from a great height, but the term usually refers to any temporary or permanent dizziness that comes from problems in the inner ear or brain. Accordingly, help with dizziness is to find and treat those causes that lead to the problem. And any drugs “for dizziness” is a symptomatic therapy that eliminates only the unpleasant sensations themselves, but, perhaps, does not affect their causes. Therefore, the first step in the treatment of vertigo is a visit to a neurologist or therapist, and if it is pain in the ear, an ENT doctor.

Possible causes of dizziness:

  • pathology of the vestibular analyzer;
  • Meniere’s disease;
  • migraine;
  • neurotic disorders;
  • destructive changes in the cervical spine;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • diseases of the organ of vision;
  • labyrinthitis;
  • vestibular neuritis;
  • cholesteatoma;
  • disorders of cerebral circulation.

Dizziness may be temporary or prolonged, especially if it is a sign of inflammation of the middle or inner ear (for example, Meniere’s disease). A person with dizziness may have problems with balance and consciousness, feel dizzy, nausea, pain. Dizziness itself is the feeling that the room or environment is spinning around the person.

Any medication “for dizziness” is a symptomatic therapy that eliminates only the unpleasant sensations themselves. Therefore, the first step in the treatment of dizziness is a visit to a neurologist or therapist, and if it is ear pain, an ENT doctor.

Rating of the top 9 pills for dizziness

It is important to understand that only a doctor can prescribe a specific medicine. Our review is based on the most commonly prescribed drugs that are used for various pathologies, it is a reference and is not a guide to action. All appointments should be discussed with a neurologist.

1. Drama (Dramina)

The drug is available in the form of tablets, the main active ingredient is dimenhydrinate. It is released from pharmacies without a prescription. The drug is used for motion sickness to inhibit excessive activity and reduce the flow of impulses from the vestibular apparatus. It has an antiemetic effect, suppresses nausea and dizziness when traveling in any type of transport, has a slight antiallergic effect.

It is important to pay attention to side effects from taking it – this is a severe dryness of the mouth and nasal cavity, increased pressure, headaches and sleep disturbances. The drug is prohibited for hypertension, pregnancy and young children (up to 2 years). Has a sedative effect, prohibited when driving a car, incompatible with alcohol.

2. Betaserk

The drug is available in tablets, the main active ingredient is betahistine. Released by prescription. It affects the receptors in the inner ear and the perceiving centers in the brain itself, which receive information from the vestibular apparatus. Helps improve blood circulation in the arteries of the inner ear and brain, saturates the blood with oxygen.

Indications for use will be not only various pathologies of the vestibular apparatus, but also cerebrovascular accidents of vascular origin, provoking dizziness. Helps reduce the frequency of vertigo attacks, reduces their severity, eliminates tinnitus and nausea. It is taken according to the scheme recommended by the doctor.

The drug is prohibited in the presence of peptic ulcer of the stomach or intestines, against the background of bronchial asthma or the presence of pheochromocytoma. Do not take in the first trimester of pregnancy and in childhood.

3. Anvifen

The drug is available in tablets, the active substance is aminophenylbutyric acid. Released by prescription. The drug helps with motion sickness and dizziness when traveling in transport. It has sedative and hypnotic effects, normalizes metabolism in brain cells and blood circulation in cerebral vessels. It has a slight anticonvulsant effect, calms the nervous system, relieving excitability. It is indicated for Meniere’s disease, dizziness due to stress, neurosis with stuttering or enuresis, insomnia and motion sickness at sea, in cars.

Helps in stimulating performance, improves attention and memory, allowed from the age of three.

People with lesions of the digestive system should be taken with extreme caution; it is prohibited during pregnancy. Incompatible with alcohol, forbidden to take when driving a car and work related to the maximum concentration.

4. Vinpocetine

Available in tablets and solution for intravenous administration, the main active ingredient is vinpocetine. Released by prescription. The drug helps in improving cerebral circulation, especially in old age and after strokes, during the onset of menopause to alleviate it. It has the ability to increase the delivery of oxygen to nerve cells in the brain, helps to saturate tissues with oxygen, and eliminates vertigo of vascular origin. Reduces spasms of small capillaries, reduces blood viscosity. It can improve memory and normalize microcirculation, eliminates disorders of the autonomic nervous system, and reduces blood pressure.

Prohibited during pregnancy and in childhood.

5. Tanakan

The drug is available in tablets and solution, the main active ingredient is an extract of the leaves of Gingko biloba, a herbal remedy. Released without a doctor’s prescription. It has a normalizing effect on vascular tone, stimulates microcirculation and blood flow through the arteries, increases the metabolic activity of brain cells and has antioxidant properties. Fights vertigo of vascular origin.

Prohibited for use in people with erosive gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and intestines, in the acute stage of stroke and transient ischemic attacks. Not applicable to pregnant women and children. Among the side effects are allergies and a decrease in blood clotting activity, tinnitus and nausea, diarrhea with a long course of administration.

6.  Aviamarine

The drug belongs to the pharmacological group of H1-histamine receptor blockers, and its active ingredient is dimenhydrinate. The remedy is used for pathologies of the vestibular apparatus: motion sickness in transport, Meniere’s disease. Aviamarin is also used as a prevention and treatment of symptoms of vestibular and labyrinth disorders.

Contraindications : 1st trimester of pregnancy, breast-feeding, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, epilepsy, age up to 3 years, acute exudative and vesicular dermatoses.

7. Memoplant

The drug of plant origin is available in the form of small white tablets, film-coated. The active substance of the product is a dry extract of the leaves of ginkgo biloba, which is used for disorders of attention and memory, dizziness, tinnitus, fear, sleep disorders. The instructions indicate that Memoplant improves cerebral and peripheral circulation.

Contraindications : hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, reduced blood clotting, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the acute phase, erosive gastritis, acute cerebrovascular accident, arterial hypotension, acute myocardial infarction, pregnancy and breastfeeding, age up to 18 years.

8. Ginkoum

Herbal remedy with dry extract of Ginkgo biloba leaves as an active ingredient. The drug helps to improve cerebral circulation and the supply of oxygen and glucose to the brain, has a vasodilating effect, helps to normalize metabolic processes.

Ginkoum is produced in the form of brown capsules and is used for disorders of attention and memory, dizziness, tinnitus, sleep disorders, general malaise arising from cerebrovascular disorders.

Contraindications : reduced blood clotting, erosive gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the acute phase, acute cerebrovascular accidents, acute myocardial infarction, arterial hypotension, pregnancy, lactation, age up to 18 years, hypersensitivity to ginkgo biloba preparations.

9. Vertigochel

A multi-component homeopathic preparation is available in white and yellowish-white lozenges and in the form of drops for oral administration. Indications for admission are dizziness of various origins, including dizziness associated with motion sickness in transport.

Important! Vertigoheel can cause allergic reactions, so it must be taken strictly according to the instructions, and if the condition worsens, immediately consult a doctor.

Contraindications : increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug, pregnancy, breastfeeding, age up to 18 years, lactase deficiency, lactose intolerance.

How to choose pills for dizziness

Given the fact that there are a lot of causes of dizziness, and they are associated not only with the brain itself or the vestibular apparatus, but also with many diseases, it is impossible to say unequivocally which are the best pills for dizziness. In each specific situation, these can be drugs of completely different pharmacological groups and the principle of action. Generally speaking, doctors prescribe a number of medications for the development of dizziness and its accompanying symptoms. It can be:

  • drugs from the group of tranquilizers;
  • diuretics;
  • antihistamines;
  • drugs from the group of calcium antagonists;
  • APF-inhibiting tablets;
  • drugs that dilate the vessels of the brain;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs.

The specific drug and concomitant treatment is selected only by a neurologist, based on the age of the patient, the cause that provoked dizziness, existing contraindications and chronic diseases. It is forbidden to take any drugs on your own.

If the problem is related to the brain itself, the most commonly used:

  • nootropic drugs that help in accelerating the metabolism in the cells of the cerebral cortex, helping to saturate them with oxygen;
  • if the cause is in various diseases of the nervous system, antipsychotics can help, which suppress psychomotor agitation, inhibit the activity of nervous processes;
  • with motion sickness or side effects from drugs, antihistamines can be used, which have a sedative effect;
  • with migraines, Meniere’s disease and some problems with blood vessels, antispasmodics will be effective, which relieve spasms of blood vessels and improve blood flow to the brain.
How Medication Can Cause Dizziness and Vertigo

Popular questions and answers

We asked neurologist of the highest category Evgeny Mosin about dizziness and the choice of drugs for it.

Why can dizziness appear?

Dizziness can be caused by a variety of conditions, which usually involve an imbalance in the inner ear or problems with the central nervous system (CNS). Conditions that can lead to dizziness include the following:

Labyrinthitis. This disorder can occur when an infection from the middle ear or nasopharynx causes inflammation of the labyrinth, part of the inner ear. This area contains the vestibulocochlear nerve. This nerve sends information about head movement, body position, and sound to the brain. In addition to dizziness, a person with labyrinthitis may experience hearing loss, tinnitus, headaches, ear pain, and vision changes.

Vestibular neuritis. The infection also causes vestibular neuritis, which is inflammation of the vestibular nerve. The disease is similar to labyrinthitis, but does not affect a person’s hearing. Vestibular neuritis causes dizziness, which may accompany blurred vision, severe nausea, or a feeling of imbalance.

Cholesteatoma. This non-cancerous growth develops in the middle ear, usually due to repeated infection. When it grows behind the eardrum, the tumor can damage the bony structures of the middle ear, leading to hearing loss and dizziness.

Meniere’s disease. This condition causes fluid to build up in the inner ear, which can lead to bouts of vertigo with tinnitus and hearing loss. It is more common in people between the ages of 40 and 60. The exact cause is unclear, but it may be caused by narrowing of the blood vessels, a viral infection, or an autoimmune reaction. There may also be a genetic component, which means that the disease occurs in certain families.

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). To understand the problem, one must know that the inner ear has structures called otoliths that contain fluid and particles of calcium carbonate crystals. Against the background of the development of BPPV, the crystals move and fall into semicircular channels. There, each fallen crystal during movement touches the sensory hair cells in the lumen of the semicircular canals. As a result, the brain receives inaccurate information about the position of the person, and dizziness occurs. People usually experience periods of dizziness that last less than 60 seconds, but nausea and other symptoms may also develop.

Dizziness can also occur with:

● migraine;

● head injuries;

● surgical interventions in the ear area;

● perilymphatic fistula, where fluid from the inner ear seeps into the middle ear due to a rupture of one of the two membranes between the middle ear and the inner ear;

● shingles in or around the ear;

● otosclerosis, when the problem of the growth of the bones of the middle ear leads to hearing loss;

● ataxia, which leads to muscle weakness;

● stroke or transient ischemic attack, which people sometimes refer to as a mini-stroke;

● cerebellar or brain stem disease;

● acoustic neuroma, which is a benign growth that develops on the vestibulochochlar nerve near the inner ear;

● multiple sclerosis.

Prolonged bed rest and the use of certain medications can also lead to dizziness.

What to do if you get dizzy?

Some types of vertigo go away without intervention, but the person may need treatment for the underlying problem. A doctor may, for example, prescribe antibiotics for a bacterial infection or antivirals for shingles. Medications are available that can relieve some of the symptoms. These medications include antihistamines and antiemetics to reduce motion sickness and nausea.If other treatments fail, surgery may be needed, especially for BPPV and acoustic neuroma.

But you can’t take anything on your own, be sure to contact a neurologist or ENT.

Can you get rid of dizziness yourself?

There are some steps you can take at home to help relieve dizziness and limit its effects. But these are not drugs, but lifestyle changes.Steps that may help reduce dizziness include:

● lying still in a quiet dark room with severe dizziness;

● sitting down on a chair or resting on objects as soon as dizziness appears;

● careful execution of movements that can cause symptoms: standing up abruptly, turning or tilting the head;

● squatting down instead of bending over to pick something up;

● if necessary, use a cane when walking;

● sleep with head up on two or more pillows;

● devices in the house to turn on the light when getting up at night to prevent falling.

Anyone who experiences dizziness should not drive a car or use a ladder. This is dangerous with serious consequences.

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