The best pills for allergies
Your nose runs, your eyes water, you constantly sneeze, your skin itches, there is no sleep or rest – all these are signs of an allergy. Allergy pills can help, which will quickly and without side effects improve the condition

Allergy is a mysterious disease in its own way. It is not contagious, it is not provoked by viruses or microbes, but it can significantly disrupt the usual life, causing a lot of unpleasant symptoms, limits the choice of food and drinks, going outside during the dangerous season1. In some cases, if anaphylactic shock or Quincke’s edema develops, it can even lead to death if emergency care is not provided in time.

While doctors and scientists do not know why some people develop allergies. But the essence of what is happening is the excessive aggression of one’s own immune system against completely harmless and harmless substances. It can be house dust, pet hair, grass and shrub pollen, food components. Due to various pathological changes, the immune system forms antibodies in response to these harmless substances, which are called allergens, and an inflammatory reaction occurs in the body.2.

Rating of the top 10 inexpensive and effective allergy pills according to KP

In every generation of antihistamines, there are agents that are widely used in the treatment or prevention of allergic reactions. We talked to experts and chose the most popular, actively used products that can be purchased at pharmacies without a prescription.

10. Allegra

The latest generation anti-allergy drug. The most modern and safe tool that works for a long time and effectively. The drug is based on fexofenadine hydrochloride. Selectively affects only H1-histamine receptors, without affecting their other types. The effect comes quickly and lasts up to a day without side effects (sedative and inhibitory).


  • Pollinosis;
  • year-round allergies;
  • hives;
  • various forms of dermatitis;
  • reactions to insect bites;
  • drug, food allergy.

Important! The drug is not used during pregnancy and lactation, in children of early and school age (up to 12 years).

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9. Born

A fairly popular remedy for seasonal or year-round allergies. It belongs to the third generation drugs, the drug is based on the active substance – cetirizine. Tablets have pronounced anti-allergic properties, block H1-histamine receptors for a long time. The drug does not provoke side effects typical of first and partially second generation drugs. When taking Zodak, there is no drowsiness, lethargy and a decrease in the speed of reactions. Also, the drug does not impair visual function, does not adversely affect the functioning of the heart, liver and kidney tissues.


  • year-round or seasonal runny nose, hay fever;
  • allergic conjunctivitis, various dermatitis;
  • different variants of urticaria;
  • acute angioedema;
  • prevention of food and drug allergies, etc.

Important! The drug is not compatible with alcohol, when taken together, negative effects, inhibitory effects on the nervous system may occur. The drug is excreted from the body for a long time, so it can be taken only once a day.

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8. Loratadine

The drug is an antihistamine action, refers to the means of the 2nd generation. Effectively blocks H1-histamine receptors, eliminating swelling, itching and redness. The drug is effective for rhinitis, conjunctivitis and Quincke’s edema, useful for relieving itching and swelling from the bites of stinging and blood-sucking insects.


  • various forms of allergic rhinitis (both seasonal and year-round form);


  • different forms of urticaria;
  • dermatoses with skin itching, redness and swelling;
  • adjuvant in the treatment of bronchial asthma,
  • pseudoallergic reaction.

Important! The drug has some sedative effect, therefore, when taking it, it is undesirable to drive a car and practice various activities that require high concentration.

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7. Cut out

Antihistamine of the latest generation, available in the form of instant and conventional tablets. The rate of onset of the effect depends on the form of release. The main active ingredient – ebastine, refers to blockers of histamine H1 receptors.

The drug has an antihistamine, anti-allergic effect, eliminates swelling, itching and redness of the skin and mucous membranes. After ingestion, it begins to work within an hour and the effect lasts up to 48 hours. It does not have a sedative, hypnotic effect, does not provoke dryness of the mouth and mucous membranes.


  • various variants of allergic rhinitis (hay fever, year-round rhinitis);
  • food, drug allergies, reactions to household dust, animals;
  • urticaria, which is caused by various allergens;
  • drug allergy.

Important! The drug is not used in children under 12 years of age, during pregnancy and lactation. The medicine is incompatible with alcohol.

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6. Cetrin

One of the most popular drugs for seasonal and year-round allergies. It belongs to the third generation drugs, the main active ingredient is cetirizine. It has a pronounced anti-allergic effect, blocks H1-histamine receptors, but does not cause side effects typical of the first and partially second generation: drowsiness, inhibition of reflexes and reaction speed. Also, the drug does not impair the function of the visual analyzer, does not adversely affect the functioning of the heart, liver and kidney tissues.


  • year-round or seasonal runny nose, hay fever;
  • allergic conjunctivitis, dermatitis;
  • different forms of urticaria;
  • angioedema;
  • prevention of food and drug allergies, etc.

Important! The drug is not compatible with alcohol, when taken together, negative effects, inhibitory effects on the nervous system may occur. The drug is excreted from the body for a long time, so it can be taken once a day.

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5. Erius

The drug is in tablets and syrup. He is the third generation with the active substance – desloratadine. It has a long antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effect, can be used for the treatment and prevention of allergic reactions. It has an antipruritic and anti-edematous effect, does not affect the nervous system and the heart muscle, does not overload the kidneys. The action of the drug begins in 30 – 40 minutes and lasts more than a day.


  • allergic rhinitis, hay fever, conjunctivitis;
  • food allergies, drug reactions;
  • elimination of various forms of allergic dermatoses with edema and itching;
  • prevention of seasonal exacerbations of allergies.

Important! Although the drug does not increase the negative effects of alcohol on the body, you should not take alcoholic beverages during treatment. This can affect the functioning of the kidneys and liver.

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4. Zyrtec

Tablets contain in their composition the active substance – cetirizine. They belong to the second generation of drugs, have a long-term effect and practically do not have sedative effects.

When taken orally, it begins to act within an hour, the effect lasts up to 24 hours or more. It has a decongestant and antipruritic effect, suppresses the release of histamine during allergic reactions, and can be used for prophylactic purposes during the hay fever season. It has a relatively small list of side effects and contraindications, it is used in children (in the form of drops) and adults.


  • seasonal and year-round conjunctivitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis;
  • food and drug allergy;
  • various skin reactions with itching and swelling, redness;
  • as one of the components in the treatment of itching dermatosis and atopic dermatitis;
  • prevention of seasonal hay fever.

Important! If you have problems with the kidneys, you need to take it only after consulting a doctor, it is incompatible with alcohol, the toxic effect on the kidneys may increase.

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3. Claritin

Available in the form of tablets and syrup, the active substance is loratadine. Second generation drug. When taken orally, it begins to work quite quickly, after 30-40 minutes, and the effect lasts up to 24 hours. It does not have an inhibitory effect on the nervous system, so it can be used by drivers and people who need the utmost concentration. Can effectively suppress allergic reactions in the skin, respiratory tract and digestive system. However, if taken for a very long time, it can affect the functioning of the kidneys, so the treatment should be monitored by a doctor.


  • acute allergic reactions to food, medicines, household allergens;
  • seasonal hay fever and year-round rhinitis, accompanied by severe swelling and itching of the mucous membranes, lacrimation, runny nose;
  • urticaria of various origin;
  • skin allergic rashes with itching and redness.

Important! It can be used in children in the form of a syrup, but it is important to control blood and urine tests, for example, in pregnant women according to strict indications. It is forbidden to take the drug together with alcohol, it can show sedative and toxic effects, including on the kidneys.

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2. Tavegil

The drug in tablets is sold in pharmacies without a prescription, the active ingredient in the base is clemastine. It belongs to the first generation of drugs, but unlike many others, it has a fairly long period of action – up to 8 – 12 hours. It is used to suppress acute allergic reactions with severe redness of the skin, swelling of the mucous membranes, itching and general malaise. It is used in the complex treatment of anaphylactic reactions (a solution is administered intramuscularly or intravenously).


  • acute allergic reactions on the skin with swelling and itching (contact dermatitis, reactions to food, drugs);
  • acute respiratory allergies (hay fever, year-round rhinitis);
  • allergic conjunctivitis with itching, burning eyes and lacrimation;
  • food allergies;
  • atopic dermatitis and eczema (as a component of combined treatment).

Important! The drug has a pronounced sedative and antispasmodic effect, is prohibited when driving a car, combined use with alcohol is unacceptable. Very carefully, you need to use the medicine together with drugs for pressure and MAO inhibitors (antidepressants).

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1. Suprastin

The drug in tablets is available at any pharmacy, it belongs to the first generation drugs. The main active ingredient is chloropyramine. It has a fairly pronounced antihistamine effect, the effect when taken in tablets occurs within 20-30 minutes, reaching a maximum by the end of the first hour. On average, the medicine works up to 4 – 6 hours. In addition to the main effect, it affects blood vessels and smooth muscles, reducing swelling and itching, inhibits the action of the central nervous system (CNS), forming a sedative and mild hypnotic, calming effect. In acute allergies with itching and irritability, this is a useful action, but you can’t drive a car or engage in activities that require concentration when taking Suprastin. It also enhances the sedative, inhibitory effect of alcohol.


  • acute allergic reactions on the skin with rash and itching, including when taking medications;
  • allergic rhinitis of both seasonal type (hay fever) and year-round (reactions to dust, wool, mold);
  • reactions to insect bites (including as a component of emergency care for anaphylaxis to the poisons of stinging insects, administered intramuscularly or intravenously);
  • food allergies;
  • various forms of atopic dermatitis and eczema.

Important! For preventive purposes, the drug is not used, it has side effects, the course of treatment should not last more than 5-10 days.

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How to choose allergy pills

Naturally, a doctor should select a specific drug based on what type of allergy you have, how severe and common it is, and what effects you want to achieve. Plus, the specialist will definitely take into account all contraindications and possible combinations with other medicines that you are taking.

But if there is a need to choose allergy pills in order to reduce symptoms and improve the condition as soon as possible, you can focus on certain data. First of all, what generation does the drug belong to. According to WHO, antihistamines are divided into three generations, depending on the level of activity, side effects and safety profile, the possibility of long-term use4.

With the development of pharmacology, the positive properties in relation to allergies increased, the time of exposure to the active substance was extended, the number of side effects decreased, addiction and the list of contraindications decreased. However, this does not mean that the first generation is bad medicine. Today, drugs of all generations are used, depending on the situation and the needs of the person.

The first generation of antihistamines. These drugs effectively block histamine receptors, due to the activity of which reactions occur. The advantages of these drugs are low cost, availability.

The disadvantage is the short period of action, so they need to be applied often, several times a day. Another side effect that is typical for all drugs is a pronounced sedative effect, so drugs are not allowed for those people who drive a car or work in hazardous industries. But this side effect plays into the hands of situations where allergies lead to severe itching, disturbing sleep and leading to excitability.

An important note – these drugs are usually not used for course treatment, you should not drink them for a long time.

Second generation antihistamines. These drugs have a longer duration of action, they can be used less often – usually 1 – 2 times a day, the risks of side effects are reduced. They are relatively affordable, have a convenient form of reception. Therefore, they can be used for course treatment and prevention of allergic reactions (if they are seasonal). But with long-term treatment, it is imperative to monitor the condition of the heart muscle, side effects are possible. The sedative effect of these drugs is not pronounced, there may be an individual reaction.

Third generation drugs. These are the most modern and safest of all allergy medicines. They form active metabolites of active substances in the body, which suppress the activity of histamine receptors for a long time.

The undoubted advantages of these drugs are that they can be taken for a long time, they act for a long time, so one tablet per day is usually enough. Do not affect driving and do not give a sedative effect.

But the biggest disadvantage is that the drugs are quite expensive, and a course is needed to achieve a pronounced therapeutic effect.

Popular questions and answers

Regarding the treatment of allergies and the use of antihistamines, we spoke with general practitioner, endoscopist, head of the organizational and methodological office Lidia Golubenko.

Why can an allergy appear?
While we can not say exactly what provokes allergies. We can definitely say that hereditary predisposition plays a certain role: if parents suffer from allergies, the risks in children increase to 50-80%. In addition, the immune system suffers from external factors – poor ecology, various foreign substances that enter the body (dyes, preservatives, excess drugs used without a doctor’s permission).

One theory is the excessive cleanliness and almost sterile conditions that we create for our children after birth. This prevents the immune system from getting acquainted with infections and learning, so it reacts sharply to allergens.

What to do if you have an allergy?
The best decision is to go to the doctor. Under the guise of an allergy, various infections, fungal skin lesions and somatic diseases can occur. It is necessary to do allergy tests, determine the specific substance that causes reactions, and only then, together with the doctor, choose the optimal treatment. By the way, it will not always be medicines, sometimes it is enough just to remove the allergen from your life – the reactions will stop.
When is it necessary to call a doctor at home?
An allergy is not such a serious condition as to call a doctor at home. But there is one exception – these are acute anaphylactic reactions that develop with insect bites, taking certain drugs or dangerous food. These reactions develop abruptly and quickly, swelling of the throat or shock occurs, and an ambulance should be called immediately, the person should be taken to the hospital, where dangerous reactions will be removed.

Allergy sufferers with experience generally carry a first aid kit with syringes and ampoules of medicines with them everywhere, which must be injected immediately.

Can I treat myself?
Although most antihistamines are available from pharmacies without a prescription, you should not self-medicate. The drugs, in addition to indications for admission, have a number of side effects and contraindications that only a doctor can evaluate. Therefore, antihistamines should be selected only with a specialist.

Choosing the best pills for allergies is not easy, it is important to take into account the type of allergy – food, skin, hay fever, as well as the age of the patient and the additional pathologies he has.

Any medications have side effects and contraindications. Our rating is an overview and is not a guide to action. Before buying drugs, consult your doctor.


  1. Sidorovich O.I., Luss L.V. Food allergy principles of diagnosis and treatment // MS. 2016. No. 16.
  2. Campbell A., Michel FB, Bremard-oury C., Crampette L., Bousquet J. A review of the mechanisms of allergy // Difficult patient. 2013. No. 5.
  3. Minaeva N.V., Shiryaeva D.M. Pollinosis and auxiliary information resources. breast cancer. Medical review. 2021;5(1):38-42. DOI: 10.32364/2587-6821-2021-5-1-38-42.
  4. Torshkhoeva Raisa Magometovna Allergy and antihistamines // PF. 2008. No. 3.

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