What day is it ? What will the date be tomorrow? What weather is it ? By offering them concrete benchmarks to find their way through time, the perpetual calendar helps children answer all these everyday questions.
When does a child start to find his way through time?
Going back to the past, projecting themselves into the future, situating themselves in the present… not easy for the youngest to find their way around on a daily basis and to differentiate between today, yesterday and tomorrow. the perpetual calendar is therefore a tool of choice.
Learn the concept of time
The notion of time is acquired gradually, from 2 years old. Around the age of 3, toddlers begin to learn the basics: little by little, they are able to tell the difference between yesterday and tomorrow. But for them, time remains largely abstract…. From the age of 4, they can distinguish morning, afternoon and evening. After 5 years, the seasons take on meaning. Then around 6 years old, they know how to identify the days, and around 7 years old, the notions of hours are acquired.
Understanding the passage of time
As they grow older, the child gets better and better at situating themselves in a given week, over a period, a year … We can help them find their way around by buying or making a support that will allow them to visualize this time that escapes them. . With a perpetual calendar, children from 3 to 7 years old will understand it better, while having fun.
What exactly is a perpetual calendar?
The expression “perpetual calendar” can refer to very different objects, either in their functionality or their form. Their common point: they can reuse From one year to another.
What does it look like?
In wood, fabric, cardboard, magnetic … the perpetual calendar can be made in different materials.Colors et forms also differ from model to model. On the aesthetic level, there is something for everyone! There are even calendars with the effigy of the heroes of the youngest, such as the Wolf, heroes of the books published by Auzou. The organization is more or less sophisticated depending on the age group of the child handling the calendar. In kindergarten, the child will use small removable elements to indicate the day, the weather, the activities… such as illustrated magnets, stickers, felt labels. As soon as he is at CP, he will be able to write a few words. There are also calendars with quotes, formulated specifically for children.
Why adopt a perpetual calendar?
In addition to being pretty and playful, the perpetual calendar helps children acquire the main notions related to the passage of time:
- Figures
- Hours
- The days of the week
- The months
- Seasons
The most advanced models also make it possible to mark the highlights of the day, the activities of the week, the important moments such as birthdays, Christmas, school holidays … The whole family thus has access to the schedule of the child at a glance, and can even organize his week, even his month, for the most elaborate models.
How is the perpetual calendar used?
The perpetual calendar creates a educational and fun daily meeting with the child, and helps him to find his bearings in a week and in his daily life. In short, to become a real master of time!
A landmark in the long run
Depending on the model, the perpetual calendar can also indicate the weather. By focusing on the weather of the day or of the week, it shows the child the changes of season and helps him to find his way over a whole year.
A perpetual calendar for what purpose?
There are many models, from basic to the most sophisticated, depending on the concepts that we want to highlight for the child: the days, the activities, the weather … Each has its specificities and brings its share of surprises!
For the little ones
Better to go for a very solid and as colorful as possible, to make them want to linger. Some are very basic and only offer one or two starters, like the days of the week. Others are more elaborate and include different accessories to tamper : arrows to turn to mark the hours, the weather or the seasons, abacuses to count the days, cursors to touch to change the day… The motor aspect is often very popular with the little ones.
For ages 5 and up
Seasonal calendar, weekly calendar, calendar clock… each model has its interest. Some are quite comprehensive, but perhaps less readable. It’s up to you to decide what will appeal the most to your children.
Purchase: which calendar to choose?
You must first select the in matters of that will best suit the child, depending on his age: calendar in wood, fabric, magnetic surface… As it will be handled on a daily basis, choose a model that is as solid as possible. The stand can hang on the wall or be placed on a school desk or accessible furniture. It’s up to you to imagine what will work best with your little tribe.
Our selection of perpetual calendars: here are our 10 favorites.
Creation: how to print your own calendar?
It is also possible to make your own perpetual calendar. For this DIY you need cardboard, markers and paper, in order to create the different labels specifying the day, the month … Start by creating three circles in the cardboard of different dimensions, which you will glue one on top of the other: one large for 12 months of the year, medium for days of the month, and smallest for days of the week. For the slider, use a strip of paper folded in half and hollowed out in the center, then cut out two windows, one at the days of the week and the other at the months. Tie the three circles, drilling a hole in their center and using a Parisian tie to secure them at the same time as the slider.
Children can participate by coloring the different labels and creating themselves labels to place with patafix, to indicate their extracurricular activities for example. To your papers and scissors!
On Mômes par Parents, discover lots of ideas for making your child’s perpetual calendar!
To make yourself also: a nice posterto learn the days, months and seasons. It’s here !