The best ointments for the treatment of balanoposthitis in men
Balanoposthitis in men is accompanied by swelling, redness and pain. To endure and hope that everything will pass on its own is not worth it – you need to immediately consult a doctor. Together with an expert, we compiled a list of effective and inexpensive ointments for the treatment of balanoposthitis and discussed the criteria for their selection

Balanoposthitis is an inflammation of the glans penis and foreskin. The classic symptoms of the disease are pain, swelling and redness. There are other signs: rash and erosion on the glans penis, itching, white plaque (in the case of a fungal infection), an unpleasant odor and discharge.

According to WHO, balanoposthitis is the cause of about 11% of all men’s visits to a urologist.1. Balanoposthitis can occur as an independent problem, or develop as a complication of another disease.

The causes and conditions for the development of balanoposthitis can be various infections, as well as non-infectious factors (for example, injuries, allergies, reactions to medications). Also, inflammation can develop as a result of a systemic skin disease, neoplasms.2. In diabetic patients, balanoposthitis may be the first sign of high blood sugar.

In the preputial sac itself, which is located between the head of the penis and the foreskin, favorable conditions have been created for the reproduction of microbes: comfortable temperature, humidity, alkaline pH value due to the release of sebum3Therefore, even poor hygiene can contribute to the development of inflammation.

Good to know
How is balanoposthitis treated?
Discuss treatment options with an expert
How to quickly and effectively cure balanoposthitis: what ointments and pills can help, and when you can not do without surgery. Find out from a urologist
More about the diseaseHow they treat

Rating of the top 10 ointments for the treatment of balanoposthitis in men according to the KP

For the treatment of balanoposthitis in men, topical agents are often used: ointments or creams. We have compiled a list of remedies with which you can eliminate swelling, pain, burning and itching.

1. Betamethasone

This ointment, which contains the active agent of the same name, has a wide spectrum of action. Betamethasone is used to treat balanoposthitis in men, as well as for other skin diseases: eczema, psoriasis, contact dermatitis.

The drug has an anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictive effect, helps to relieve unpleasant itching. The ointment is allowed for use in children from 1 year old, but you should definitely pay attention to the list of contraindications.

low price in the segment, efficiency, understandable composition.
many contraindications.
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2. Dermoveite

The drug, the action of which is based on the glucocorticosteroid – clobetasol. The ointment helps in the treatment of balanoposthitis and other skin problems that “do not take” less active hormonal substances. Due to the high activity of the active substance, the course of treatment with Dermovate should not exceed 4 weeks.

high efficiency.
high price in the segment of balanoposthitis ointments, not always available in pharmacies.

3. Triderm

Ointment Triderm can help with severe inflammation. It contains 3 active ingredients: the corticosteroid betamethasone, the antibiotic gentamicin and the antifungal agent clotrimazole. The ointment is used not only for balanoposthitis, but also for other dermatoses complicated by infections, especially in the inguinal region. By the way, suitable for children from 2 years.

Available in tiny tubes of 15 ml, and you need to apply twice a day. One package may not be enough for a course of treatment.

a wide range of activities.
small volume, high price in the segment.
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4. Hydrocortisone

The drug of domestic origin contains the hormone hydrocortisone, which has an anti-inflammatory effect.

For treatment at first it is necessary to apply the ointment up to 3 times a day, which is not very convenient, but with a decrease in symptoms, you can reduce the application to several times a week. It is also worth paying attention to a large list of contraindications and possible side effects. Often, the use of a single-component ointment may not be enough to completely get rid of symptoms.

reasonable price, suitable for children from 2 years.
small volume.
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5. Belogent

A drug based on two active ingredients: the hormone betamethasone and the antibacterial substance gentamicin. The ointment can help with balanoposthitis complicated by a bacterial infection. Belogent quickly relieves inflammation and other unpleasant symptoms, but only the doctor decides whether it is suitable for treatment in each case.

effective for bacterial infections, large volume – 40 g.
high cost in the segment.
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6. Clotrimazole-acryquin

This ointment is often prescribed if the development of balanoposthitis is provoked or complicated by a fungal infection. Also, the drug is used externally for other fungal skin diseases. In the instructions for the drug, there is no balanoposthitis in the indications, so the doctor will tell you the mode of use and the duration of the course if he decides to advise this remedy.

low price in the segment, good effect on fungal infections.
helps only with balanoposthitis, complicated by a fungal infection.
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7. Erythromycin

The ointment is intended for the treatment of infectious diseases of the skin and soft tissues. It is an antibacterial agent, has shown good efficacy against chlamydia and mycoplasma. However, the monocomponent composition of the ointment limits its use, and some bacteria may be resistant to erythromycin.

Without tests, it will not be possible to establish the exact cause of balanoposthitis, therefore only a doctor should prescribe the drug. He will also prescribe the scheme and duration of application. Usually the ointment is used 2-3 times a day.

low price in the segment, effectiveness against a wide range of bacteria.
does not help with all bacterial infections.

8. Bepanten

A cream that is probably familiar to every mother of a baby. It helps with diaper rash, burns, skin microcracks, abrasions and small cuts, providing a healing effect. Bepanten is often used in the complex therapy of balanoposthitis, as an adjuvant. It is sold in tubes of 30, 50 and 100 ml, and, as you already understood, it is suitable for the whole family.

wide range of action, suitable for the whole family, large volume.
used only as an aid in the treatment of balanoposthitis, high price in the segment.
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9. Levomekol

It is an antimicrobial combined agent with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. Easily penetrates the skin, inhibits the activity of pathogenic bacteria, reduces inflammation, accelerates tissue healing. Ointment Levomekol helps with acute stages of balanoposthitis. But, as with other drugs, you must first consult with your doctor.

low price, easy to find on sale.
does not treat balanoposthitis on its own (it is necessary to use it in combination), it is effective only for purulent inflammatory processes.
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10. Pimafucort

The cream contains 3 active ingredients: the corticosteroid hydrocortisone, the antifungal agent natamycin and the antibiotic neomycin. This combined drug is often used to treat balanoposthitis. It can be prescribed even before test results are available to quickly relieve inflammation and reduce itching.

effective combination.
difficult to find on sale, a wide range of contraindications, can not be used without a doctor’s prescription.
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How to choose ointments for the treatment of balanoposthitis in men

First of all, any external remedy, be it an ointment or a cream, should help to cope with the symptoms of inflammation: relieve swelling, reduce pain and itching. However, only a doctor prescribes the right drug in each individual case.

– As a rule, the cause of balanoposthitis is a microbial pathogen, fungal or viral infection, – notes urologist Victoria Shaderkina. – The background for the development of the inflammatory process can be a decrease in immunity, including after acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, any systemic inflammatory diseases.

The age of the patient also matters: in children, balanoposthitis often develops against the background of phimosis (narrowing of the foreskin), and in older men it can be one of the manifestations of diabetes mellitus. In young and sexually active men, balanoposthitis is the result of sexually transmitted infections. In this case, treatment will be required not only for him alone, but also for his partner. Only a urologist can accurately determine the cause of the disease and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Popular questions and answers

When ointments may not help, how long does the treatment of balanoposthitis and other popular questions answered our expert – urologist, scientific editor of Victoria Shaderkina.

In what cases can ointments help with balanoposthitis in men?

– In almost all cases, balanoposthitis can be cured with medication – with the help of ointments, creams and gels. Surgical treatment is used only in the case of phimosis – narrowing of the foreskin.

What should you pay attention to in the composition of the ointment for the treatment of balanoposthitis?

– An ideal ointment for the treatment of balanoposthitis should contain anti-inflammatory, decongestant, antiseptic, – on a neutral ointment basis.

How long does it take to cure balanoposthitis?

– Usually the first symptoms disappear after 2-3 days of treatment. If this does not happen, you need a second visit to the urologist.


  1. Баланопостит. Методические рекомендации. №47 // ГБУЗ Московский научно-практический центр дерматовенерологии и косметологии. Департамент здравоохранения города Москвы. 2017.*=Rtmx9219NHa4%2Bvl00fQT%2FJ2%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%3D&lang=ru
  2. K.I. Zabirov, V.I. Kisina, L.A. Khodyreva and others. Clinical and diagnostic aspects of some forms of balanoposthitis // Consilium Medicum. 2016. Volume 18. No. 7.
  3. K.I. Zabirov, I.I. Derevianko, N.V. Marchuk. Modern aspects of the problem of balanoposthitis // Consilium Medicum. 2004. Volume 6. No. 3.

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