The best ointments for hemorrhoids
Top 10 best ointments for hemorrhoids that you can buy at the pharmacy. Together with doctors, we made a rating of inexpensive and effective remedies and discussed how to choose a good ointment and whether it is worth treating hemorrhoids on your own

Hemorrhoids are a delicate problem with which not everyone is ready to go to the doctor. Against the background of varicose veins of the rectum, itching, burning, discomfort in the anus appears. Violation of blood circulation in this area leads to the formation of hemorrhoids. At an early stage of the disease, conservative treatment with drugs is successfully used. As a local therapy, ointments for hemorrhoids can be prescribed.

The best ointments for hemorrhoids

Of the currently existing preparations, ointments and gels are considered by proctologists to be the most effective for eliminating the unpleasant symptoms of stage I and II hemorrhoids. Ointments presented in pharmacies can be divided into three groups according to the principle of action:

  • healing, painkillers – help tissues regenerate, fight the symptoms of hemorrhoids;
  • antibacterial – disinfect, prevent the development of infection;
  • anticoagulants and venoprotectors – prevent the formation of blood clots in the nodes, have venotonic properties, protect capillaries and improve blood circulation.

Rating of the top 10 inexpensive and effective ointments for hemorrhoids

Important! Any medications have side effects and contraindications. Our list is an overview and does not serve as a guide to action. Before buying drugs, consult your doctor.

The first group of drugs:

relief advance

relief advance

The composition of the ointment Relief advance includes a local anesthetic benzocaine. Anesthesia is the first step in the symptomatic treatment of hemorrhoids in severe pain.

This remedy is indicated for:

  • hemorrhoids,
  • anal fissures,
  • after proctological operations,
  • during diagnostic procedures.

For ease of use, the ointment is equipped with a special tip. Relief Advance is contraindicated in persons with thrombosis and children under 12 years of age.

The best ointments for hemorrhoids



Bufeksamak as part of the Proctosan ointment provides a healing and anti-inflammatory effect, and lidocaine anesthetizes. Ointment is indicated for local treatment

  • symptoms of hemorrhoids I and II degree,
  • anal fissures ,
  • anal eczema,
  • proctitis.

Do not use during pregnancy, lactation and specific inflammatory processes.



A local anti-inflammatory drug that helps get rid of itching and pain in hemorrhoids. Hydrocortisone is the main component of the ointment, which fights inflammation in the anus.

Indications for the use of ointment:

  • haemorrhoids,
  • itching in the anus .

It has no contraindications, except for hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Can be combined with Proctosedyl rectal drops.



A cream based on tribenoside and lidocaine helps to improve vascular tone, relieve pain, itching and burning. The Italian drug is aimed at combating external and internal hemorrhoids.

Contraindicated in pregnant women (I trimester), as well as those who suffer from liver failure or have hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

The best ointments for hemorrhoids

The second group of drugs:



The active component of the ointment is the antibiotic chloramphenicol. Levomekol prevents the development of hemorrhoids due to the destruction of microbes and pathogens.

It is widely used to treat bleeding hemorrhoids and fissures. Wound healing properties help the regeneration of the soft tissues of the anus.

Allergic reactions and children under 3 years of age are the only contraindications to the use of the ointment.



The ointment provokes the work of local immunity, helping to reduce the inflammatory process in hemorrhoids. It is not addictive, which makes it possible to use it for a long time.

Posterizan helps fight itching caused by hemorrhoids and anal fissures. Contains phenol, therefore it is contraindicated for persons with hypersensitivity to this component.

The third group of drugs:

Hepatrombin G

Gepatrombin G ointment

Heparin sodium in the composition prevents the formation of blood clots and has an anti-inflammatory effect, coupled with prednisone. The ointment is prescribed as part of the complex therapy of thrombosed or operated hemorrhoids 1 .

The drug is not used for bacterial and viral skin lesions, as well as in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Heparin ointment

Heparin ointment

The active substance is the same as in the composition of the previous remedy. Heparin ointment stops the inflammatory process in the hemorrhoids, has anti-edematous properties 2 .

The main contraindications are hemorrhagic diathesis, a tendency to bleeding and allergic reactions to the components of the ointment. With prolonged use, due to the ability of heparin to thin the blood, it is necessary to monitor blood clotting parameters.


Troxevasin gel.  Photo: Balkanpharma

Troxerutin as the main component of the drug prevents the development of thrombosis of the veins of the anus. The venotonic properties of the drug, together with the anti-inflammatory effect, make Troxevasin one of the agents used in the complex therapy of hemorrhoids.

With renal dysfunction, long-term use of Troxevasin is not recommended, as in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Heparoid Lechiva

The heparinoid in the composition has a local antithrombotic effect. It is at the initial stage of hemorrhoids that the drug can be useful, as it fights with the expansion of veins in the rectum. Heparoid Lechiva is also indicated for the treatment of phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of the superficial veins and for varicose veins of the lower extremities.

With caution, it is necessary to use the drug in the third trimester of pregnancy, due to the high risk of bleeding.

How to choose ointments for hemorrhoids

A coloproctologist will help you choose an effective ointment for hemorrhoids. A timely visit to a specialist will help get rid of discomfort and pain as quickly as possible thanks to the right treatment tactics. Ointments for external and rectal use are often prescribed together with oral preparations (tablets and capsules). Self-medication can lead to the development of complications: infection of bleeding cracks and knots, thrombosis and other undesirable consequences of hemorrhoids.

Popular questions and answers

When to see a doctor for hemorrhoids?

The embarrassment makes you postpone a visit to a specialist, however, the sooner you start treating hemorrhoids, the higher the chance of doing without surgery. It is better to visit a coloproctologist when the first symptoms of hemorrhoids appear (itching and discomfort in the anus, pain and blood during defecation). The disease is easier to treat in the initial stages (I-II) than in a complicated form with prolapsed hemorrhoids.

Why are hemorrhoids dangerous?

If you do not start treatment in a timely manner, you can face serious complications: vein thrombosis entails bleeding, followed by a bacterial infection. The risk of infection of the blood (sepsis) and other organs increases.

Can I treat hemorrhoids myself?

Coloproctologists-surgeons, like doctors who have repeatedly operated on neglected cases of hemorrhoids as a result of self-treatment, the answer is no. Comprehensive treatment of hemorrhoids under the strict supervision of a specialist will help you get rid of a delicate problem faster.
Hemorrhoids | Piles | How To Get Rid Of Hemorrhoids | Hemorrhoids Treatment
  1. Instructions for use of the drug Gepatrombin G dated 28.02.2019
  2. Zagryadsky E.A. Modern tactics for the treatment of acute hemorrhoids // Stationary-replacing technologies: Ambulatory surgery. 2019. No. 1-2. https://cyberleninkaarticle/n/sovremennaya-taktika-lecheniya-ostrogo-gemorroya

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