The best oil for stretch marks for pregnant women
Cosmetic problems, alas, often accompany the process of bearing a baby. We’ve put together a list of the best oils for stretch marks for pregnant women, as well as discussed with an expert the rules of choice and alternative ways to keep skin firm.

Stretch marks are one of the most popular problems not only for pregnant women, but for all women. However, during the gestation period, when the body of the expectant mother changes shape and size, it becomes especially relevant. Why? The reason lies in hormonal changes: increased levels of estrogen and progesterone, which reduce the release of collagen, which is responsible for skin elasticity (1).

Striae (namely, the so-called cicatricial skin defects in the form of stripes at the sites of greatest stretching) in pregnant women are most often formed on the abdomen, chest and hips. They do not cause harm to health, but can cause serious psychological discomfort for their owner.

As a rule, stretch marks begin to appear from the 24th week of the gestational period. By the way, not every woman in a position deals with them, but the prevalence of the problem is quite wide: according to various sources, from 43 to 88% (2). The situation is aggravated by the fact that striae do not disappear on their own, they cannot be masked, for example, with a tan. What to do? Act proactively.

So that stretch marks do not spoil the appearance and mood, experts recommend eating right (vitamins E, D, omega-3 – yes, sugar – no), it is enough to drink enough clean water, control weight, play sports and use moisturizers.

Rating of the top 10 effective and inexpensive oils for stretch marks during pregnancy according to KP

As far back as ancient Egypt, women used aromatic oils to prevent stretch marks (3). And in pre-revolutionary Our Country, pregnant women rubbed their skin with oil and petroleum jelly, as well as a mixture of cologne, glycerin and water (4).

It’s good that today you don’t need to fantasize and experiment – on sale you can find many creams and oils that help maintain skin elasticity and firmness.

We have selected for you 10 remedies that will help you avoid stretch marks or fight existing cicatricial changes.

1. Bio-Oil Stretch Mark Oil

This is a light oil-based suspension with vitamins and plant extracts. Light, according to the manufacturer, it is made by the unique formula PurCellin Oil, thanks to which the product is quickly absorbed and does not leave greasy marks.

It is recommended to use in the prenatal period to prevent the appearance of stretch marks. In the composition – oils of calendula, lavender, rosemary and chamomile, but in the base – mineral oils, in other words, synthetic.

Advantages and disadvantages

Efficiency (according to reviews, even existing stretch marks are less noticeable), you can purchase any convenient volume
Inconvenient due to the lack of a dispenser bottle
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2. DV NATURE Pregnancy & Postpartum Anti Stretch Marks

The brand specializes in cosmetic oils and oil-based preparations. Including, there is oil for stretch marks for pregnant women, it is also recommended for use in the postpartum period.

Ingredients: almond, wheat germ, grape seed, jojoba oils, as well as essential oils (which create a light aroma), plant extracts – and no fragrances.

Advantages and disadvantages

Natural composition, economical consumption
Can be difficult to find commercially
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3. Weleda Stretch Mark Prevention Oil

The tool does not contain substances that could harm the health of the expectant mother and baby, which means that it can be safely used throughout pregnancy. A complex of oils of wheat germ, almonds and arnica flowers is what you need to prevent the appearance of stretch marks. In addition, it is recommended to use oil during the period of active weight loss. 

Suitable for dry, atopic, sensitive and normal skin.

Advantages and disadvantages

Good composition, economical consumption
High price
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4. Sanosan Anti Stretch Mark Oil

It contains a complex of four active ingredients: grape seed oil, almond, olive oil and sunflower seed oil. It can be a good helper during the gestational period to reduce the likelihood of stretch marks.

A fragrance-free oil that will appeal to pregnant women who react strongly to odors.

Advantages and disadvantages

Neutral fragrance, noticeable effect
Absorbed for a long time, there is no protective cap on the bottle
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5. Music oil from OIL LAB

Oil with a natural composition also contains active ingredients: vitamins A, E, omega-3 and omega-6, as well as niacinamide. This cosmetic product can be used not only on the body to avoid stretch marks, but also on the face, nails and hair. Suitable for all skin types.

Advantages and disadvantages

Natural composition, suitable for all skin types
Difficult to find for sale
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6. Lierac Phytolastil Concentrate for Stretch Marks

The Phytolastil series is based on a trio of components: cuff, ivy and horsetail. The extracts of these plants, according to the manufacturer, affect the collagen and elastin fibers of the skin, helping to keep it elastic. 

The tool is best used to prevent the appearance of stretch marks, as well as to combat already formed stretch marks.

Advantages and disadvantages

High efficiency
High price in the segment, small volume
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7. Anti-stretch mark oil #33 by Adam Laurier

The composition contains a whole “bouquet” of natural oils: jojoba, olive, almond, citrus, macadamia, lavender and mint. The tool helps to maintain skin elasticity, promotes its regeneration, nourishes and soothes the skin. 

Cosmetics are packaged in a stylish bottle that will decorate the shelf of any fashionista. This oil is used during pregnancy, including, but if you react to smells, it is better to buy it offline – to make sure that the aroma of this product suits you.

Advantages and disadvantages

Balanced composition, stylish bottle, noticeable effect
Not everyone likes the scent
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8. Oil-spray from stretch marks Mama Comfort

This hydrogenated oil can be a lifesaver for those with dry skin who don’t like regular oils. In addition, it is easily absorbed and does not leave marks on clothes. 

In the composition – almond and castor oil, oat extract and crowberry juice. Due to the dispenser-sprayer, the product is convenient to apply, and it also provides an economical consumption. There is information in the reviews that this oil can leave a sticky feeling, which, however, quickly passes.

Advantages and disadvantages

Light texture, easy to use
May leave a sticky effect
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9. Zeitun Smoothing Body Butter

Fans of Arabic cosmetics are probably familiar with this tool. Oil with a natural composition, the active ingredient is an extract of wheat germ. There is also lemon oil, which helps to even out skin tone, coconut and jojoba oils. The manufacturer claims that this oil helps in the fight against stretch marks and pigmentation, and also makes shallow scars less noticeable.

It will appeal to those who are accustomed to pipette dispensers.

Advantages and disadvantages

Natural composition, convenient dispenser
Difficult to find for sale
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10. “La-cri mama” butter

Among the ingredients of this popular product are sunflower, wheat germ, soybean, rosemary and chamomile oils. Does not contain parabens, sulfates and mineral oils. This remedy, as stated by the manufacturer, is suitable for women with sensitive and dry skin. It is recommended to use regularly during pregnancy to avoid stretch marks, and it can also be used for massage. 

In the reviews there are comments about a sharp aroma – it is better to buy oil offline to make sure that the smell is pleasant to you.

Advantages and disadvantages

Natural composition, low price in the segment
Aroma may be strong
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How to choose oil for stretch marks for pregnant women

The cosmetics market is replete with a variety of creams and oils for stretch marks. The compositions are very different, and the price range is also quite large. How to figure it out?

— I recommend choosing organic products that do not contain silicones, parabens, petroleum products, — comments dermatologist, cosmetologist Azaliya Shayakhmetova. – It is good if the product contains olive, coconut, wheat germ, jojoba oil – they contain a large amount of vitamins A and E, vitamin F. You can also buy these base oils separately, they are excellent alternatives to popular cosmetic products. Be that as it may, the main rule is not to forget to apply the oil regularly!

An important nuance: any means of stretch marks work much better in advance. Therefore, use them prophylactically to prevent the appearance of stretch marks.

Popular questions and answers

Are there alternatives to popular stretch marks treatments? Is it possible to get rid of them forever? These and other questions are answered by our expert – dermatologist, cosmetologist Azaliya Shayakhmetova.

Is it enough just to regularly use oil for stretch marks, or do you need to follow some other conditions?

It is necessary to monitor nutrition: increase the amount of protein (eat meat, fish, dairy products), vitamins A, E (pumpkin, carrots), increase the drinking regimen. You also need to reduce your caffeine intake, limit sugar, as it reduces the production of collagen, the substance responsible for skin elasticity. Do not overeat – avoid sudden weight gain. In terms of skin care, a contrast shower (for blood flow) will help. After a shower, the skin should not be rubbed with a towel, it is better to slightly get wet and apply moisturizing and nourishing oils, emulsions, creams. A competent approach to choosing underwear is important: buy a bra with wide straps or a special one for pregnant women, it is also recommended to wear a bandage. Well, more often walk in the fresh air – this is generally very useful.

What are effective folk remedies to prevent the appearance of stretch marks and fight them?

Scrubbing the skin with a soft washcloth, sugar (or coffee) and oil scrub. You can apply olive or coconut oil to the entire skin – daily.

Is it possible to completely get rid of already formed stretch marks?

Unfortunately, it is impossible to get rid of already formed striae. You can only slightly reduce the severity with the help of lasers, peels, injection methods after breastfeeding is completed.

In which case it is impossible to use oil for stretch marks?

Oils should not be used by people prone to allergies, and before the first use, it is better to do a test on the crook of the elbow and observe the skin reaction during the day.

Sources of

  1. I. Bykovchenko. Modern solution of dermatological problems // Remendium. 2014 No. 9. С.50-53
  2. Al-Himdani S, Ud-Din S , Gilmore S, Bayat A. Striae Distensae: A Comprehensive Review and Evidence-Based Evaluation of Prophylaxis and Treatment. (
  3. O.A. Jarman, G.L. Mikirtichan. Ideas about hygienic care and feeding of children in Ancient Egypt // Pediatric Journal. 2014 №6. pp. 54-60
  4. ON THE. Mitsyuk, V.N. Pokusaev. Pregnancy management in pre-revolutionary Our Country: from traditional practices to medical knowledge // Bulletin of the Smolensk State Medical Academy. 2016 Volume 15 No. 2. pp. 85-93

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