The Best Methods for Teaching English on Your Own

Hello, my dear and dear readers, as well as blog guests! I think each of you at least once in your life wondered how you can learn English on your own. Is not it? Not surprising, because today knowledge of several languages ​​is not a luxury, but a necessity. No wonder they say: «If a person wants to have what he has never had, he must learn to do what he has never done.» So why not start with English?

Before we start looking at study methods, I want to put a little emphasis on one detail. Do not forget that at the head of all undertakings are not money and time, but desire, purpose and motivation! It is this trio that will give you the opportunity to go through the entire planned path to the end, not to stop halfway (and this is a frequent occurrence), to get a perfect result.

You can learn about how to increase your motivation from the article: “What is positive motivation and how it will move mountains for you.”

We study English. Preparatory stages of self-organization

Step #1

Do you want to learn a foreign language easily? Learn to set yourself the right goal. How? If the teaching of the language is only a mood swing, without any basis, then it is unlikely to lead to a good end result. Before starting the study, you should ask yourself a few questions: “Why do I need English?”, “How much effort am I willing to put in?”, “What do I want to get in return for my efforts?”. Only after receiving an honest answer to your questions, proceed to action!

Classification of goals in language learning

  • Global

Global attitudes also include total changes in life. Such goals are set when they want to get the desired job, move to live or study abroad, find business contacts abroad.

  • Expanding horizons

Sometimes people only want to improve their spoken English, because they often travel, are fond of literature in the original, want to understand foreign music, watch films without translation.

  • Expanding the circle of communication

It happens that a person just wants to start a new round of his life, make new acquaintances, get fresh emotions, arrange his personal life. In this case, knowledge of an additional language is the best fit, because knowledge always raises self-esteem.

Well, if you have made your choice, let’s move on!

Stage №2

The Best Methods for Teaching English on Your Own


It is also necessary to learn English correctly (since you yourself decided to master it) from knowing yourself. Namely, to decide which channel of perception dominates in you, that is, who you are — auditory, visual, or kinesthetic. This will help you understand your strengths and “decorate” a certain routine of the learning process, and, of course, lead to a better result. And so, let’s look at this important issue together. If you:


Then you are a person who more effectively absorbs new information through the ears (hearing). You will learn English faster through reading aloud, participating in dialogues, as well as recording, listening and analyzing your speech. Additional listening to audio books, foreign music, watching movies will come to the rescue.

It is most difficult for auditory learners to learn English on their own, since, today, there are very few “correct” audio trainings. Choose them wisely.


You are a person who absorbs the main amount of information through the eyes (sight). For visuals, there is a principle: “It is better to see once than hear a hundred times.” Therefore, you are recommended to study, use pictures, tables, texts, diagrams. It is necessary to read more, visit English-language groups on social networks, watch films with subtitles. It is easiest for visuals to learn English on their own, since there is enough visualized material on the Internet.


You are an action person. To remember more information, you need to act, write down everything, even small moments. This is facilitated by a pronounced mechanical memory. The technique is simple — write more, combine language learning with other activities (for example, if you are busy with household chores, at this time, pronounce your actions in English), participate actively in dialogues. All this will strengthen and improve your memory, which, of course, will facilitate the process of comprehension in general.

Basic methods for learning English

The Best Methods for Teaching English on Your Own

To begin with, you first need to calm down and not get lost among the huge and diverse number of services for training and additional methods. This richness of information is good, but if you are a beginner, you can easily get lost in this thread. Take a look at some examples of basic training courses and choose the one you like best. I also recommend using online services that have mobile applications.

The core curriculum should include:

  • Speaking
  • Pronunciation
  • Grammar
  • Reading

In addition, you should stock up extra, a grammar book, a vocabulary book and, of course, a dictionary. That’s all that is paramount and necessary to start learning a foreign language! As you can see, nothing complicated.

Additional recommendations for the development of a foreign language

The Best Methods for Teaching English on Your Own

Where to start learning languages ​​is, of course, up to you. But I want to share a few more little tips with you. What instructions must be followed? Namely:

  • Moderation

Try to learn no more than 10 words at a time. And it is better to be based on 10 words a day, during the first week of training. Repeating them systematically throughout the whole time. Add an extra word, once every seven days. This will not only improve vocabulary, but also develop memory.

  • Subject vocabulary

Everything must be recorded, repeated and restored in memory. Each of us has different ways of perceiving, which you already know about, so everything that you choose for yourself is individual.

  • Fastening

Learn to fix all new words in memory, in any way convenient for you. This will help, as a thematic dictionary, and additional aids. There should be no problems with the choice, there is more than enough information.


I also advise you to read the article: “5 rules for the formation of self-discipline skills and the ability to implement them”, This will be useful to you in learning the language.

Also, never hesitate to ask for help if you don’t understand something. It’s a shame not to ask, it’s a shame not to want to know more! And if suddenly, you are overcome by doubts halfway through, and you ask yourself the question: “Do I really need it?” Please remember why you started this path! Always, what a person gets without difficulty will never be appreciated by him. Good luck in your endeavors!

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