The best methods for achieving success that will help you finally believe in yourself

Hello dear readers of my blog! Today we will talk about how to believe in yourself and succeed. I already wrote in the article “Top Best Success Quotes and Secrets to Achieve It” that if you believe that you can achieve the goal, then half the way has already been passed. These are the words of Roosevelt, one of America’s best presidents, that really work.

Confidence is not built into us from birth, it develops over time, initially in the parental family. The attention and love of close people gives a feeling of acceptance and significance, which you can later rely on. But not everyone had parental support and recognition in their lives, what then to do if faith in oneself is negligible? I will tell you what you need to do in order to gain confidence in your strengths and actions and what technologies exist.

Thomas Leonard’s formula for success

Thomas created personal coaching and devoted a lot of time to studying the components that go along with the effectiveness of life. Its formula looks like this: 10% + 40% + 50% = 100% where:

10% is our experience, skills, knowledge and skills. Surprisingly, dear reader, but really, our knowledge does not play the most important role in achieving our goals, only thanks to them it is almost impossible to reach heights.

40% is our way of thinking. As you can see, our thoughts have a greater influence on our well-being than knowledge and experience. A positive way of thinking gives energy, resources, while negative thoughts already slow down and set you up for failure.

50% is the environment. The people we constantly interact with have a huge impact on our thoughts, lifestyle, values ​​and priorities. If there are people who are focused on development and achieving their goals next to you, this will also motivate you to move forward, despite the difficulties.

Exercise «Wheel of Life»

The best methods for achieving success that will help you finally believe in yourself


This psychological exercise will help you determine which areas of your life you need to pay attention to, because if some needs are unmet, this will greatly affect the process of achieving your goal. The harmony of each component is important, then success is guaranteed.

So, it is necessary to draw a circle on the sheet and divide it into 8 parts, each of them will be responsible for a certain area: love, rest, self-development, health, work, money, family, friends. And evaluate on a scale of 10 to XNUMX how full each sector of your diagram is. This is the wheel of life, which is very difficult to roll if there are big flaws in at least one sector. Think about how you can increase the missing percentage and what you need to do to keep it.

Ways to get successful results

  1. Definition of goals. To begin with, it is important to recognize your desires, then they take shape in the form of goals, which can later be translated into reality. How to do this, you can read in my article on how to set goals correctly. When you clearly understand what you want and how you will realize your dreams, then you can move on to the next point.
  2. Planning. Now you need to describe the implementation timeline, possible risks, as well as ways to solve the emerging difficulties that you will encounter. Write down your ideas, break deadlines into stages, when there is structure and boundaries, then it is much clearer and easier to navigate. Planning disciplines, as self-control is a good way to get the desired results. And at the same time, be sure to set aside time for rest and other areas of your life.
  3. Activity. In order to get results, you need to make efforts and be active. Otherwise, goals will remain dreams. It is important to start, take the first step, and already on the move it will be easier to support the process of implementing plans.


  • Accumulation of effort. Slowly, step by step, even sometimes failing, but still keep moving towards your goal. This method is good because it is possible to get satisfaction not only from what has been achieved, but also from the process itself, living the joy of every small victory. After all, as the proverb says: «Water wears away a stone.»
  • Dash Method. The pace is different for everyone, and it might be easier for someone to make a sudden breakthrough, having given all their best, a breakthrough forward. The results of this method are visible much faster, but there is a risk of exhaustion or emotional overstrain, so calculate your strengths and resources in advance.

Tips for boosting self-confidence

The best methods for achieving success that will help you finally believe in yourself


There is such a thing as polarity, which means that one whole can have opposite properties. Like a battery, there is a plus and a minus, so every person has polar qualities. If, for example, you often experience fear, you should not immediately characterize yourself as a coward, courage also lives in you, only you may not know it yet.

Try to write down, for example, 5 of your qualities, and then in front of each write the opposite of it. Close your eyes and feel these new traits of character. This exercise will help you discover new resources in yourself and understand that you are a versatile person, and not just an insecure person.


Our attitude to failures is sometimes one-sided, although in fact they are given to us to gain experience, and sometimes they open up more prospects for development. Remember the last unsuccessful difficulty and describe at least a few options that you received in return for the useful, thanks to this loss. I understand that it is very difficult to find at least some grain of good in an unpleasant situation, but believe me, it is there.

Similarly, with the attitude towards yourself, look differently at something that you don’t like about yourself.


Try to compare your achievements and yourself with your former self, and not with other people. We are all different, with different backgrounds, family backgrounds and abilities. Alternatively, observe the lucky people in your environment for a collective image of the necessary behaviors in stressful situations, when it is important to make a quick decision, prioritize and remain calm.

4.Our internal approvals

Write down all your statements that doom you to failure, and instead make positive formulas. For example, “I am confident in myself, I believe in my strength,” and repeat them to yourself as often as possible, self-hypnosis will give strength and faith in a successful outcome, and also create a good mood.

Make a collage with the desired objects, then every day it will be in front of your eyes, reminding you that you should not stop.

5. Victory

Make a list of your victories. Let them be small, sometimes insignificant, but these are your victories. They will motivate you to do something more, you will learn to be proud of yourself and notice that you are able to complete the task and get results.


Improve, develop, replenish your stock of knowledge. Look for new information, then you will always be “on the wave”. Use the experience of other people, analyze your mistakes. Thus, you will expand your opportunities, including professional ones.


As already mentioned, your environment greatly affects your life and worldview. Try to communicate more with people who are result-oriented, have already achieved something and know how to support. In this case, you can ask for advice at any time, rely on their experience and gain recognition by sharing yours.

8. Perseverance and performance

Be prepared for hard work, in order to get what you want, you need to make maximum efforts every day, without giving yourself concessions and a way to retreat. Show resilience and endurance, these are the most important tools in overcoming obstacles, even if failures follow one after another, focus on perseverance. The biggest mistake is sometimes when a person simply expects that everything will work out by itself.


The best methods for achieving success that will help you finally believe in yourself

Believe in your own strength, do not stop and then you will succeed.

You are not alone in this world trying to reach the top. For an example and motivation, I recommend reading my article «Real success stories of big business with a worldwide reputation and how they started.» And then you will understand that the main thing is to go to the end, despite all the obstacles and the lack of support from others.

Good luck to you, dear readers of my blog!

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