- Editor’s Choice
- Top 10 rating according to KP
- 1. Kapous Professional Shampoo Gentlemen
- 2. KeraSys шампунь Homme Scalp Care
- 3. Kleona shampoo Male character
- 4. Boy’s Toys Moisturizing Hair Shampoo for Men
- 5. REUZEL Daily Shampoo
- 6. Redken шампунь для мужчин BREWS DAILY
- 7. Alpha Homme Chrome от Estel
- 8. American Crew Shampoo Daily
- 9. Lock Stock & Barrel шампунь Reconstruct Protein
- 10. Kerastase Shampoo Densifique Bain Densite Homme
- How to wash your hair properly
- How to choose a men’s hair shampoo
- Popular questions and answers
As a rule, for men, manufacturers offer hair products with a brutal design and a pronounced aroma. But when choosing, it is important to focus not so much on the outer shell, but more on the effect that you expect from the shampoo. In our ranking, we have collected the best options that are on the market in 2022.
Georgy Alfredovich, brand barber of the Borodach barbershop chain:
— Какой мужской шампунь можно назвать лучшим? Единого ответа нет, всё подбирается индивидуально. Если вам нужно увлажнить волосы зимой, когда они сохнут — это одно. Если избавиться от перхоти — это будет уже другое средство. Очень часто косметику советуют медийные лица или уважаемые люди: «Этот шампунь сделает ваши волосы идеальными!». Тут они, возможно, не лукавят — им могло реально подойти определенное средство, ну или подошел рекламный гонорар. Но все-таки у каждого свои особенности: pH волос, кожа головы и так далее. Тут главное — пробовать.
Editor’s Choice
Открывает рейтинг лучших шампуней для мужчин ROYAL BARBER в черном лаконичном флакончике. Упаковка минималистична, с матовой этикеткой, которая привлекает внимание. Средство представлено в объеме 290 мл с удобным дозатором, что делает его использование экономичным.
The manufacturer notes that the composition contains zinc, and it has an antioxidant effect. Also vitamins B5 and D panthenol are useful and active components.
Пользователи отмечают, что шампунь густой, при ежедневном уходе хватает на 2-3 месяца, он хорошо пенится и имеет запах дорогого мужского парфюрма.
After use, the hair is clean and shiny. This shampoo can also be presented as a gift.
Advantages and disadvantages
Top 10 rating according to KP
1. Kapous Professional Shampoo Gentlemen
Next in our ranking is inexpensive Kapous shampoo. The Professional mark makes us hope that the tool is effective and good. Indeed, it is suitable for deep cleaning – it contains strong surfactants (lauryl sulfate), which are enhanced by a soap base on glucose.
The best option for those who are employed in production and have to deal with an unpleasant odor / dust on their hair.
A product in a tube a la cream: it does not take up much space on the shelf, it is convenient to squeeze out the remnants. The volume to choose from is from 200 to 1000 ml. The reviews advise using for oily hair. But we recommend not to be too zealous. SLS can affect the sebaceous glands, and hello, seborrhea. Combine care with gentle cleansing for a healthy scalp.
Advantages and disadvantages
2. KeraSys шампунь Homme Scalp Care
Korean men’s shampoo KeraSys is claimed to be curative. What is good in the composition, and how does it work? There is zinc here – it dries and regulates the release of sebum. Thyme extract is rich in fruit acids (AHA) – they regenerate skin cells, causing renewal.
This combination helps to cope with dandruff. Although there are enough aggressive surfactants: here are sulfates, and parabens, and dimethicone. We recommend having a skin care balm on hand.
The manufacturer offers the volume of the bottle to choose from (500/550 ml). You can purchase a dispenser, it is more convenient to use it and squeeze out exactly the right amount of shampoo. The reviews clearly praise the smell and effect of silky hair. But with the scalp, difficulties may arise: the fatty type intensifies even more. Choose the right product for your hair type!
Advantages and disadvantages
3. Kleona shampoo Male character
Good news: this shampoo from Kleona is free of harsh sulfates! In practice, this means that you will not “wash” your head, the sebaceous glands will act as usual, and the interval between washing is 3-4 days without problems. Mild soap base of coconut oil and glucosides washes away dirt.
And herbal extracts nourish the scalp (nettle, elecampane, horsetail, honeysuckle). In addition, there is allantoin – it promotes cell regeneration. Be careful with allergies, the component can cause a burning sensation.
250 ml will not last long, but when buying a dispenser, you can stretch the flow. There will be no “cap” of foam, but 1-2 drops will suffice for washing. Be prepared for this. The herbal smell will seem specific to someone, but the main result is clean and well-groomed hair for a long time.
Advantages and disadvantages
4. Boy’s Toys Moisturizing Hair Shampoo for Men
У шампуня Boys Toys сразу заявлена кислотность: pH 5,5 означает, что средство подходит для нормального типа кожи и волос. Кроме того, в составе есть уходовый пантенол и восстанавливающий кератин. Если вы прибегаете к окрашиваниям, этот шампунь поможет восстановить волосы.
Shea butter (shea) nourishes the scalp at a deep level. There are strong surfactants, but at the end of the list: this means the minimum percentage in the composition while maintaining high washing power.
The manufacturer suggests starting with 250 ml and, if you like it, continue with 400 ml. You can choose a bottle with a dispenser, so the consumption will be more economical. Due to the essential oil in the composition, the shampoo has a delicious smell: the perfume composition adds a touch of freshness.
Advantages and disadvantages
5. REUZEL Daily Shampoo
Хотите, чтобы волосы быстрее росли, а перхоть не появлялась? Вашему вниманию мужской шампунь от Reuzel. В нем экстракт мяты сочетается с крапивой, розмарином и гамамелисом. Такой состав обеспечивает приток крови к волосяным луковицам, стимулируя рост. И никакого травмирования кожи головы, только уход!
Может возникнуть приятный холодок — такой эффект оптимален жарким летом.
The volume at the choice of the buyer is from 100 to 1000 ml. By the way, the liter bottle option is suitable for a professional salon with high attendance and corresponding consumption. The shampoo smells great and is very economical. Thanks to the original packaging, it will be a good gift for your beloved man!
Advantages and disadvantages
6. Redken шампунь для мужчин BREWS DAILY
The composition of Redken men’s shampoo pleasantly pleases: salicylic acid solves problems with sebum, proteins strengthen the skin, and glycerin retains moisture. Ideal for most men! The manufacturer allows daily use, but in the presence of sulfates, we would not risk it. If you still plan, do not forget about the care balm.
Бутылка напоминает тару для алкоголя, так что станет забавным подарком мужчине. Можно выбрать объем — 300 или 1000 мл в зависимости от того, пробовали средство раньше или нет. Подходит для использования в профессиональном салоне. В отзывах особо радуются ненавязчивой парфюмерной отдушке, а также говорят о заметной мягкости волос после мытья.
Advantages and disadvantages
7. Alpha Homme Chrome от Estel
Shampoo with the aroma of bergamot and pine needles did not leave anyone indifferent. It also contains vetiver, a mineral complex and green tea. Users note that the shampoo refreshes and nourishes the scalp, and makes the hair silky. And the aroma gives confidence and fortitude.
The product, by the way, is perfect for a gift – it is beautifully packaged. The package design is made in a laconic manner, and is also sold in a set.
Advantages and disadvantages
8. American Crew Shampoo Daily
The legendary men’s shampoo in our selection! American Crew is valued by many for its excellent composition – herbal extracts are complemented by glycerin, which provides nutrition and hydration.
The manufacturer promises UV protection, which is useful in the summer (prevents dry hair and sunburn). The addition of menthol is pleasantly refreshing. Finally, there are no parabens that form a film and harm the skin. The shampoo is suitable for daily use.
Объем бутылочки разнообразен — от 100 до 1000 мл. Расход весьма экономичен, так как достаточно всего 1-2 капель для мытья. В отзывах восторгаются чувством мягкости волос и чистотой кожи головы до 3-х дней. Приятная парфюмерная отдушка не перебивает запах других уходовых средств.
Advantages and disadvantages
9. Lock Stock & Barrel шампунь Reconstruct Protein
Reconstruct Protein Shampoo from Lock Stock & Barrel is suitable for anti-age care. It has what thinning hair needs over the years: keratin, vitamin B5 supplement, proteins. Such a powerful composition nourishes the scalp at a deep level, strengthens existing hair and stimulates the growth of new ones. Another bonus is panthenol – it heals wounds. At the same time, there are no parabens, so there will be no feeling of stickiness and harm to the hair.
You can start with 250 ml, for professional salons we recommend a 1000 ml bottle. Can be selected with a dispenser for ease of use. The reviews talk about the real effect of volume to thin hair. The smell is pleasant, with a thin “milky” fragrance (the presence of proteins affects). With proper use (1-2 drops), an economical consumption is obtained.
Advantages and disadvantages
10. Kerastase Shampoo Densifique Bain Densite Homme
Shampoo from Kerastase does not just cleanse the skin and hair from dirt. Thanks to its rich composition (glycerin, B vitamins), it prevents brittleness and hair loss. In addition, it promotes growth – so it is optimal for anti-age care. There is SLS in the composition, so we would recommend combining it with other skin care products.
There is an opportunity to “try” a small volume – with a fatty type, it can be difficult, so start with 250 ml. 1000 ml is suitable for those who liked the shampoo, as well as for professional salons. Packaging with a lid is not convenient for everyone, you will have to get used to it. But with proper use, you will get the main thing: voluminous, healthy hair and economical consumption!
Advantages and disadvantages
How to wash your hair properly
First, wet your entire head completely. The water reacts with the shampoo and it turns out the same “cap” of foam that removes dirt.
Secondly, squeeze out the desired amount of shampoo. Budget ones will take a third of the palm, premium ones – 1-2 drops are enough. Rub in the palms, beat until foam on the head. Carefully walk through all areas, starting with the crown. At the same time, do massaging movements – this will better cleanse the sebum and develop blood flow to the hair follicles. Especially true for hair loss! Do not forget the area behind the ears (for some reason they don’t always remember about it), temples and forehead – here the glands are the most active. No squirming movements, only fingertips and palms.
Thirdly, do not save time – washing should take at least 3-5 minutes. So you get rid of dirt completely, and the skin will receive a pleasant massage.
Important! The water should be warm, but not hot. Otherwise, the epidermis suffers from extreme temperatures, the glands begin to actively develop a protective barrier. You end up with dandruff and oily hair the next day. You can complete the washing procedure with cool water – it “glues” the hair scales, preventing brittleness.
How to choose a men’s hair shampoo
- By skin and hair type. Do not be fooled by advertising of universal means! Oily scalp needs a drying component, dandruff, on the contrary, “calms down” with vitamins and a complex of oils. Everything is individual. Struggling to determine your type? Go to your hairdresser or smart stylist.
- By composition. Спору нет, сильные ПАВы вроде SLS или SLES способны «вымыть» загрязнения вроде автомобильной гари или угольной пыли. Но от такого воздействия нарушается гидролипидный баланс. Проще говоря, естественная защита кожи. Поэтому мы рекомендуем выбирать безсульфатные средства.
- By price. Here everyone chooses for himself whether to use the suite or go to the nearest market for shampoo. But you should understand: saving on cost, you also save on health. Cheap products are full of “chemistry”. In addition, luxury products are less consumed: 1 drop is enough to wash the entire head.
Popular questions and answers
As an expert Georgy Alfredovich – brand-barber of the network of barbershops Borodach. Charismatic and experienced, he knows the approach to each client. We are so impressed that we regret a little: why weren’t we born as men to get to Georgy’s salon?
What shampoo would you call the best men’s, what should be in the composition?
Повторюсь, очень важно смотреть на состав шампуня. Но если вы этого не делаете, а волосы при этом выглядят великолепно и хорошо себя чувствуют — значит, уход верный. Российские мужчины относятся очень консервативно к кремам для лица и рук, шампуням, сывороткам для бороды. Бытует мнение, что если заняться этим вопросом вплотную, то ставишь под сомнение свою мужественность. Очень ошибочно. Уход помогает сохранить молодость и внешний вид надолго.
Is there a division into “male” and “female” shampoos, in your opinion?
Give advice on how to choose the right shampoo for a man.
— Первые пару дней на голове может быть «атомный взрыв»: внезапная реакция, странные ощущения. Потерпите, а потом делайте вывод.
— Если после 2-3 мытья пошли изменения в лучшую сторону, пользуйтесь дальше и ждите.
— К сожалению, единого правила нет, все индивидуально. Кому-то требуется время, у кого-то волосы сразу идеально выглядят.
– Avoid all-purpose products! Many simplify care by shampooing themselves, the dog and the car, roughly speaking. This is wrong, because such funds are too “leached”. They wash off sebum from everything, including the head. And if the skin there is tender, you can end up with gigantic complications up to the disease.
– Separately, about “folk remedies” – there are a lot of tips on the Internet, which is worth rubbing your head with garlic / fish oil / toothpaste and so on. Avoid this if you want really healthy and beautiful hair.