The best medicine for the flu
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Acute respiratory diseases are common throughout the world. Influenza and other respiratory viruses cause illness in nearly 500 million people every year. But this does not mean that the disease is inevitable; it is possible and necessary to fight the influenza virus.
When faced with any infection, including a virus, an immune response is formed in the human body, in many cases a very long (or even lifelong) action. That is why we do not repeatedly get sick with rubella, mumps, etc. But in the case of the influenza virus, the situation is different, since influenza viruses constantly change their structure. As a result, the immunity formed when meeting with one type of virus is completely useless when meeting with another type. The same reason makes influenza vaccination rather ineffective.
Outbreaks of influenza are observed both during the cold season and during transition periods, that is, in autumn and spring.
In spring it is especially difficult, since winter vitamin deficiency, lack of sunlight, dry air in the premises make the body vulnerable to infections. Often, it is in early spring that the flu begins abruptly and is very difficult:
- the temperature rises to 39-40 degrees in a matter of hours;
- an increase in temperature is accompanied by pain in muscles, bones, etc.;
- severe sore throat, swelling of the nasal mucosa and a persistent runny nose are exhausting to a complete breakdown;
- high fever can cause vomiting.
In addition, against the background of a general weakening and a viral infection, complications such as pneumonia, bronchitis, otitis media and others may occur.
How can you beat the flu? And is it really necessary to do this?
Flu can and should be treated
AnviMax will help defeat the flu.
A harmful, but at the same time very tenacious belief is “folk wisdom” that the flu should not be treated, they say, it will pass by itself. The flu may go away, but the complication will remain, because it is the untreated flu that leads to the development of complications. Therefore, it is necessary to treat the flu! And it must be treated correctly and purposefully, that is, first of all, by acting on the cause – the virus, and only secondly – on the symptoms.
That is, for the effective treatment of influenza and ARVI, a drug is needed that has antiviral and symptomatic activity. The combination drug “
The preparation contains the following components:
- rimantadine, which can neutralize viruses;
- paracetamol, which has analgesic and antipyretic effects;
- rutoside, which improves the condition of the vascular wall;
- calcium gluconate, which supports capillary circulation;
- loratadine, which acts against tissue edema;
- vitamin C, which increases the body’s defenses.
The components of the AnviMax preparation not only neutralize the virus and relieve symptoms (runny nose, cough, swelling, etc.), but also protect the cardiovascular system, the load on which during the flu is very high.
A drug “
Four different flavors – lemon, lemon with honey, raspberry and blackcurrant – allow everyone to choose their favorite drink. Before using the drug, you should consult your doctor.
* There are contraindications, consult your doctor before use.