The best keel resistant cabbage

Cabbage varieties resistant to keel make it possible to harvest a full-fledged crop. As a rule, these are varieties of medium and late maturation. They form heads in the period from 80 to 140 days. The yield is very high and often reaches 5-7 kg per square meter. The main representatives that you can grow for yourself and for sale are described in the article.

Kilo-resistant white cabbage varieties

Kila is an infectious disease caused by both fungi and bacteria. Because of it, swellings and other formations appear on the surface of the roots, which interfere with the flow of water and nutrients.

Such cabbage can be eaten, but the plants will weaken, and the yield will inevitably decrease. There are quite a few cabbages that are resistant to keel. These are both varietal representatives and hybrids obtained by crossing different series. The most popular among summer residents are described in detail in the following sections.

Taininskaya F1

Taininskaya F1 (Taininskaya F1) refers to mid-season varieties, forms a crop after 90 days. If you plant seeds for seedlings in early April, you can remove the heads in the first half of July. The variety is resistant to keel, rarely affected by other diseases.

Gives large rounded heads of cabbage with an average weight of 2,5 kg, but often reaches up to 4 kg. The forks have an attractive presentation, the stumps are of small length. The leaves fit tightly, the root system is well developed.

Attention! This keel-resistant cabbage variety has a versatile purpose. Well suited for first, second courses, has an excellent taste.
The best keel resistant cabbage

Heads retain crispness when fermented

Moscow late

Moscow late (Moscow late) – one of the classic varieties of white cabbage, resistant to keel. It was bred back in 1937 and is widespread throughout the world. Grown in different regions from the middle lane and the North-West to Siberia and the Far East. Ripening later, usually occurs in the period from 120 to 140 days. Much depends on the conditions of agricultural technology and weather.

Late Moscow cabbage is not prone to keel, and is rarely affected by other diseases. It gives large wrinkled foliage, rounded or oval forks, gray-green color, wax coating is weak, but noticeable. The edges of the leaves are smooth. There are few veins, they are rough to the touch.

The best keel resistant cabbage

Moscow late – a classic variety that has been successfully grown for many years

The main advantage of this keel-resistant variety is the large heads. Even the average weight is very large – about 10-15 kg. At the same time, individual specimens reach even 18 kg. The color is classic white with yellowish tints. The taste is excellent, the variety is suitable both for fresh consumption and for fermentation.


Productive (Harvest) – a variety of white cabbage, resistant to keel and other pathologies. Forks are large, reach 4,5 kg. Juicy, with good taste. Ideal for pickling. They ripen for quite a long time – for 150 days.

The best keel resistant cabbage

The yield is high – from 6 to 8,5 kg per square meter

The culture is also distinguished by good keeping quality – subject to storage conditions, it can last until March.


Among the varieties of cabbage resistant to keel, there are both hybrids and varieties. One of the representatives is Hope. Heads are oval, flattened, with a dense structure. Disease resistance is satisfactory. After transplantation, seedlings are recommended to be treated with a fungicide for prevention. It is mainly consumed fresh in autumn, winter and early spring. 4Harvest can be used for fermentation

The bush gives a medium-sized leaf rosette with semi-raised leaves. In diameter, it reaches 60-70 cm. The foliage is medium, with smooth edges. Small to medium wrinkles are visible on the surface.

Tequila F1

Tequila F1 is a hybrid resistant to various infectious pathologies. It ripens in 85 days, heads of cabbage weigh about 3 kg. They have an almost perfect symmetrical shape with aligned edges. Characterized by good keeping quality. can be consumed fresh for a long time.

Winter Gribovskaya

There is also such a cabbage variety that does not get sick with keel, like Winter Gribovskaya (Winter Gribovskaya). It belongs to the middle varieties, ripens in 125 days. The plant is moisture-loving, needs constant watering, although it also tolerates drought. Heads of cabbage are round, weight reaches 4,5 kg. Foliage is pale green, white when cut. It is well transported, the keeping quality is satisfactory – up to three months. Marketable cabbages can be grown for sale.

The best keel resistant cabbage

Variety Winter Gribovskaya gives very large forks


Quilaton is a late maturing hybrid. Forks are fully formed in 140 days. The plants produce a compact, raised leaf rosette. The foliage is small, gray-green in color, has a waxy coating.

The best keel resistant cabbage

The mass of heads of cabbage is quite large – from 3 to 4 kg

The flesh is whitish in cut. Rarely affected by clubroot. The variety is also resistant to other diseases (subject to growing conditions).

Important! The Quilaton hybrid is quite demanding on fertilizers – they must be applied both before planting (during soil preparation), and during the period of active vegetation, the formation of forks.

Kilazol F1

Kilazol F1 (Kilazol) is another hybrid resistant to various pathologies. In terms of maturation, it belongs to the late representatives. Harvest is formed in 135 days. It has good keeping quality, so it can be stored in winter. 7Suitable for blanks, fermentation


Kilaggreg is another hybrid variety with satisfactory immunity. Gives a harvest in 100 days from the moment of formation of shoots. Heads of cabbage weigh 3-4 kg on average, are quite large, marketable, with aligned edges. 8 The variety is resistant not only to keel, but also to Fusarium wilt. Recommended for cultivation in private households, especially for summer residents with little experience.

Losinoostrovskaya 8

Losinoostrovskaya 8 (Losinoostrovskaya 8) is a well-known cabbage hybrid that is resistant to keel and viral pathologies. In terms of ripening, it belongs to medium varieties – the crop is formed within 90-100 days. The foliage is large, with a light shade. Heads weighing about 3-3,2 kg. The stumps are medium in size, the taste is sweetish. The yield is very high – from 5 to 8 kg per square meter.

If the weather allows, it is better to harvest in the second half of September and up to the first days of October.

The best keel resistant cabbage

Cabbage of this variety is especially useful fresh.

The heads contain a lot of fiber, which improves digestion. Used in regular and dietary menus.

Kilo-resistant cauliflower varieties

Some summer residents successfully grow cauliflower. The culture is unpretentious, grows well both in open beds and in greenhouses, greenhouses. Among the varieties of cauliflower resistant to keel, the following can be distinguished:

1. Clapton F1 (Clapton F1) – a variety that ripens in 80 days. Gives very large heads up to 2,5 kg. You can grow both in summer and early autumn. Heads are attractive, white, not affected by clubroot.2. Clarify F1 (Clarify F1) – a hybrid with good immunity to keel. It matures in 75 days, gives large heads weighing up to 3 kg. It develops normally even in adverse weather conditions. When growing, do not apply too much nitrogen fertilizer.3. Skywalker F1 (Skywalker F1) – a variety of late ripening, inflorescences appear in 95 days. The yield is up to 5,6 kg per square meter. In addition, each head can weigh up to 3,5 kg. Excellent taste, satisfactory keel resistance.4. Fremont F1 (Fremont F1) is another variety with good immunity. Gives large inflorescences weighing up to 3 kg with high density and delicate texture. Milky white coloration.

The best keel resistant cabbage

Skywalker is one of the hybrids with good immunity to keel

Cabbage varieties resistant to keel for the Moscow region

In the climatic conditions of the Moscow region and other regions of central Our Country, cabbage of various varieties and hybrids grows well. Therefore, the choice is quite large. If we highlight the most resistant crops to keel, we get the following rating:

1. Albatross F1 (Albatross) – late ripening, immune to keel, bacteriosis, black leg. You can grow both for yourself and for sale, including on a large scale.2. Galaxy F1 (Galaxy) is another late hybrid with good keel immunity. Heads of cabbage are dense, retain their shape even during long-term transportation.3. Transam F1 (Transam) – Dutch hybrid, gives large heads of cabbage weighing up to 2,9 kg. Ripening goes amicably, the forks are dense and do not crack. The shape is aligned, symmetrical. Has immunity to keel and other pathologies.4. Bingo F1 (Bingo) – late white cabbage with immunity to keel and other diseases. Heads of cabbage are symmetrical, marketable, quite dense.5. Rusinovka (Rusinovka) is a medium-late variety. It is characterized by high productivity, resistance to keel, black leg. However, it can suffer from bacteriosis. It has a very good taste, used fresh and pickled.6. Kalorama F1 (Kalorama) is a hybrid of late maturation, resistant to keel and other pathologies. Summer residents appreciate it for its good taste. Another plus is the attractive appearance. Heads of cabbage are symmetrical, with aligned edges.

The best keel resistant cabbage

Galaxy – a hybrid suitable for growing in the suburbs


Cabbage varieties resistant to keel allow you to save plantings from a dangerous infectious disease. As a rule, these are hybrids obtained from crossing different representatives. They have not only good immunity, but also resistance to adverse weather, temperature extremes and drought.

Reviews of cabbage varieties resistant to keel

Pavlovskaya Irina, 39 years old, Yaroslavl
Kila is a real disaster, many summer residents will understand me. The cabbage becomes small, the taste, according to my feelings, also deteriorates. I was puzzled by the search for varieties resistant to this disease. And I didn’t find better than Moscow later. Plants do not suffer from fungi, and from insects. Only require strong watering – it is necessary to moisten once a week, and preferably twice. If the seeds are of good quality, germination is good.
Dmitrieva Tatyana, 52 years old, Volgograd
There are a lot of varieties of cabbage resistant to keel, and even cauliflower. But among the white-headed ones, I liked only the Winter Gribovskaya. Very juicy and tasty, goes to soups and stews. If fermented, it will be nice to crunch on your teeth. It is better to grow seedlings, sow directly into the greenhouse at the end of April.
White cabbage Moscow late 15. Overview, description Moskovskaya Pozdnyaya 15

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