The best herpes pills for adults
Many people are familiar with this unpleasant sensation that occurs when a “cold on the lips” appears – burning, tingling, blistering. The disease can be prevented or its severity significantly reduced if you choose the best herpes pills for adults. They should be taken at the first symptoms

Approximately 90% of the adult population in our country is infected with oral herpes. It is caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1). Most people get oral herpes as children, through kissing, close contact with family or friends.

Herpes in the common people is called “fever” and “cold on the lips”, although this is not quite the correct definition of the disease. Symptoms of oral herpes most often appear on or around the lips, on the wings of the nose, but the rash is not always limited to this area. For some, symptoms may appear between the upper lip, nose, or inside the nose, on the chin or cheeks. In these cases, the pathology is referred to as oral-facial herpes.

The virus is transmitted by direct contact between an infectious area and broken skin (cut or crack) or mucous membranes (in the mouth or on the genitals). Herpes can also be transmitted in the absence of symptoms. During the year for several days, when the virus reactivates but does not cause symptoms, a person can be contagious.

Since this is a viral infection, several approaches are used in its treatment. First of all, specific antiviral drugs are prescribed. Herpes is one of the few viruses against which sufficiently effective direct antiviral drugs have been found. Treatment is supplemented with immunomodulatory drugs and interferon inducers. They help make the exacerbation less long. The most popular herpes pills for adults, along with creams with antiviral activity. While creams only work in the skin, pills help block the activation of the virus inside the body and force it to go “to rest” again.

Although any drugs help in suppressing the activity of the virus, the tablet forms have a number of advantages:

  • they are convenient and easy to use, they can be carried everywhere with you so as not to violate the reception scheme;
  • tablets have a systemic effect on the entire body, so they quickly suppress the activity of herpes;
  • they can be used prophylactically before certain procedures or interventions, they have some degree of immunomodulatory effects.

Rating of the top 10 tablets for herpes according to KP

We discussed with experts the most widely used and best tablets for herpes in adults. However, it is important to remember that the information described below is not a guide to action; all therapeutic measures must first be discussed with a doctor.

1. Favirox

Tablets are available in different dosages, sold by prescription. The main active ingredient, famciclovir, has a pronounced virucidal effect against herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2, it affects other forms of herpes worse, although it is applicable in the treatment of herpes zoster. It is shown to people over 18 years old, the scheme is selected individually, at the initial stage of the development of the infection it is able to prevent the appearance of rashes.

The antiviral effect lasts up to 12 hours, and therefore it is taken twice a day. Compatible with other medicines. It is especially effective for the prevention of relapses with frequent rashes.

It has a number of side effects – it provokes headaches with nausea and diarrhea, a rash on the skin, abdominal pain is possible. Contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation, in children. Do not use for problems with the liver and kidneys.

2. Valtrex

Available in tablets, sold by prescription. The main active ingredient is valaciclovir. It has an active effect on various types of herpes viruses. Effective against oral and genital herpes, eye infections caused by a virus and shingles. The drug is taken twice a day.

Among the side effects are nausea and headache, allergies to components. It is forbidden during pregnancy and lactation, with lesions of the kidneys of the liver, against the background of HIV infection.

3. Acyclovir

The drug is available in tablets, including – in the form of “forte”, is released without a doctor’s prescription. The main active ingredient is acyclovir, which has a virocidal effect against herpes of the 1st and 2nd type. With other types of herpes, the effectiveness is less.

Take up to 4 times a day immediately after meals, with caution prescribed in the elderly. Against the background of taking Acyclovir, you need to take a lot of fluids.

For kidney problems, the dose is selected individually, usually it is 2 times lower. Caution should be used in people with neurological pathologies. Carefully prescribed in pregnant and lactating women. Side effects include headaches and dizziness, allergies, shortness of breath, swelling, and vision problems. The drug is incompatible with alcohol.

4. Isoprinosine

Tablets with the active ingredient inosine pranobex are dispensed by prescription. They have antiviral activity, stimulates the activation of lymphocytes, increases the synthesis of protective immunoglobulins, which enhances the body’s immune defenses. Increases the activity of acyclovir, which makes it possible to use in the treatment of severe forms of herpes.

You need to take the drug up to 4 times a day, in severe forms the dose is doubled. The course of treatment lasts up to 10 days. Prophylactic treatment is possible.

Contraindicated in the presence of urolithiasis and arrhythmia, gout, kidney failure. Side effects – digestive disorders, headache, joint discomfort, exacerbation of gout.

5. Minaker

A drug with antiviral activity, dispensed by prescription, sold in tablets. The main active ingredient is famciclovir. The drug is indicated for any stage of herpes of the first and second types, as well as for herpes zoster. After entering the body, it turns into penciclovir and acts up to 12 hours, inhibiting the reproduction of viral particles inside the cell and DNA replication.

The drug is effective in herpetic neuralgia, recurrent forms of infection for treatment and prevention.

It is forbidden when breastfeeding and pregnancy, with problems with the kidneys and liver. Against the background of the reception, digestive disorders, headaches are possible.

6. Amiksin

Amiksin is an over-the-counter antiviral drug in the form of tablets. The drug is suitable for the treatment of herpes infection, including relapses. Contains tilorone, which acts as an immunostimulant – an inducer of the formation of interferons.

It is not used during pregnancy, lactation and if there is an allergic reaction to the components of Amiksin. Used by persons over 18 years of age. Allergic reactions are possible, and therefore the treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

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7. Zovirax

Another drug with acyclovir in the composition for the treatment of herpes simplex virus. It is most often used in the form of an ointment for topical use, there is still a tablet form.

May be used during pregnancy under medical supervision. The drug passes into breast milk, so during lactation it is prescribed with extreme caution.

With pathologies of the kidneys, Zovirax is contraindicated. In the form of tablets, it is allowed for children only from 3 years old.

8. Normomed

Medicine in the form of syrup and tablets for the treatment of herpes in children and adults. Contains a synthetic purine derivative – Inosine Pranobex. It is a stimulant of the body’s defenses and a non-specific antiviral drug, it is dispensed from a pharmacy by prescription.

The effect of the drug on pregnant and lactating women has not been studied, so they should refuse to use the drug. Also contraindications include:

  • gout;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • arrhythmia;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • children up to 3 years;
  • body weight less than 20 kg.

9. Arpeflu

Arpeflu tablets are taken for recurrent herpetic infections. The active ingredient is umifenovir hydrochloride with antiviral and immunomodulatory properties.

Do not use in children under three years of age and with galactose intolerance. A prescription is not required for purchase, but it is better to determine the dosage and duration of treatment with your doctor.

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10. Lipster

Antiviral drug against herpes virus types 1 and 2. Contains acyclovir triphosphate, which prevents the synthesis of viral DNA. There are two forms of release: cream for topical use and tablets for oral administration.

Contraindications include hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. The safety and efficacy of use in children under 12 years of age have not been adequately studied.

The course of treatment is at least 4 days, the doctor selects the exact dosage and treatment plan.

How to choose herpes pills for adults

Herpes infection is a serious problem. Therefore, it is better to choose drugs together with a doctor. The doctor will assess the frequency of relapses and their severity, the prevalence of rashes and select the most effective drug.

It is also important to consider the age of the patient, comorbidities and the convenience of the dosing regimen, possible side effects and contraindications.

Popular questions and answers

Regarding the development of herpes and its treatment, we talked with general practitioner, endoscopist, head of the organizational and methodological office Lidia Golubenko.

Why can herpes appear?
This viral infection typically has a chronic lifelong course. Up to 90% of people worldwide have at least one form of HSV – type 1 or 2. Symptoms are usually the most severe the first time you have cold sores. It occurs in the form of herpetic stomatitis or influenza-like infection (usually in childhood).

After the first outbreak, your body should be producing antibodies and you may never have a relapse. But many people suffer from herpes that comes back.

At least a quarter of people with oral herpes experience recurrences. Again, as in the first episode, each person’s symptoms are different. Lesions may appear as a blister or group of vesicles, painful sores. Symptoms of recurrence with rashes last an average of about 8 to 10 days.

The recurrence rate decreases over time. Exposure to ultraviolet rays, colds, overwork, stress and other factors that reduce immunity can cause rashes on the lips.

Many people will experience “prodrome” or warning symptoms prior to an outbreak. This is an itching, tingling, or painful sensation in the area where the sores will develop. The prodrome often occurs within 1 to 2 days. During this time, treatment should be started in order to shorten the time of illness.

What to do if you have herpes?
Antivirals can speed up healing, especially if you take them at the first sign of an outbreak. Your doctor may advise:

● cream that you will apply to the wounds;

● pills that you will take from the first hours of an exacerbation.

Some home remedies may help you feel better during your treatment:

● cold, wet compresses on the wound area;

● pain medications such as paracetamol and ibuprofen;

● cream with analgesic effect with benzocaine or lidocaine (if there is no allergy to anesthetics);

● lip balms and creams to keep moisture in the skin.

Can you treat herpes yourself?
The doctor should deal with the treatment, but the prevention of exacerbations is the task of the patient himself. To reduce the risk of another outbreak:

● get enough rest and sleep – lack of sleep weakens your immune system, so exacerbations occur more often;

● Use a lip balm with sunscreen – look for SPF on the label.

Talk to your doctor. If you get ulcers frequently, you may need to take rounds of antiviral medicines.

To avoid spreading the virus when you have herpes:

● do not kiss with children and other adults;

● separate tableware, glasses, towels;

● do not give your lipstick or lip balm, razors (if we are talking about men) to anyone.

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