The restaurant industry is increasingly linked to technology, the everyday has become the digital environment and hospitality establishments can and must immediately join this race for differentiation.
We all love technology, and of course, having a smart kitchen is within everyone’s reach right now, and although we will refer to a restaurant, the Gadgets they are practically also useful for any home.
Today we want to present you the best gadgets that will help you totally turn your kitchen into a smart kitchen, even with utensils that you do not imagine could have “Internet”. Yes, they are part of the Internet of things.
We go directly to them.
A smart thermometer
You no longer have to keep an eye on the piece of meat or fish that you have put on the grill, and constantly check its optimal temperature … it is a thing of the past. Now there are smart and wireless thermometers.
You simply place a sensor on the piece to cook, and on your Tablet or mobile, or on your own device, you will receive an alarm when it reaches the optimum temperature. Meanwhile, your chef can worry about other things peacefully.
One of the best is Meater, a gadget that has caused a sensation on social media this past year.
A table that measures the nutritional value of food
Although it is a homemade gadget, the Smart Diet Scale can be used in restaurants with a health-focused theme. Not surprisingly, it is becoming more and more common to make healthy menus or with controlled calories.
You just have to tell the table what foods they are, it will weigh them, and will result in a report of all the nutritional value of the food eaten.
If you put one on each table, you will be able to contribute the real nutritional value of each meal, when it is served. The magic is put by the colored saucers and especially the connection with the mobile device.
A 3D printer in the kitchen
We dealt with food printers recently, with the opening of the first 3D restaurant in London that turned the entire premises, from furniture to food, into a digital artistic creation.
Now XYZPrinting brings us a gadget nothing less than revolutionary: a 3D printer. It works in a simple way; You feed the ingredients and the printer cuts them into a custom shape in a matter of minutes.
You can take your design, or choose one of those that are established there.
If your restaurant is aimed at children, wait for the launch, because without a doubt, it is something fascinating.
Samsung’s smart fridge
Imagine going to the supermarket, in an unplanned round, since you were going to something else, and you happened to buy some things that you were missing, but you want to take advantage of the round. What is missing to buy for the fridge? With the Samsung refrigerator you will not have a problem, because it has interior cameras connected to your mobile, it informs you of the temperature, the status of the food, and it has a touch screen on the outside.
It is integrated into Skype and you can play music. It does not matter if it is a refrigerator for your home or your restaurant, it is one more element of the ‘smart kitchen’ that will be sold to us in the coming years.
If you want to know more news, you can, for example, look for the CES 2016 that took place at the beginning of the year, some of the products that we mention here, were presented at that technological event, and some others are private initiative based on ” crowdfunding ”.
Without a doubt, restaurants are not the same, and they will cease to be what we know today, since the cuisine of the future is already within your reach.
Whirpool’s kitchen of the future
Whirpool, a great brand of domestic technology, has created a kitchen, which may well be signed by Google or Apple: the smartkitchen. It is an integrated kitchen with a ceramic hob and a monitor.
It integrates perfectly with the main social networks, including Skype.
The glass ceramic is automatic, that is, it takes the shape of the utensil you will use, and you can, for example, follow the instructions on the screen.