The best films of Ryazanov

Eldar Ryazanov presented the audience with more than 20 magnificent paintings that connected several generations of viewers. Compiling a rating of Ryazanov’s best films is pointless, since each viewer has his own favorite tapes of the great people’s director. We have compiled our list of the best films of Eldar Ryazanov and invite readers to recall the most memorable and vivid works of the master.

10 Carnival Night

The best films of Ryazanov

Opens the list of the best films of Eldar Ryazanov musical comedy “Carnival Night”. This picture has a special meaning in the creative biography of the director. The comedy received tremendous success and in 1956 became the leader of the Soviet film distribution. The film has a brilliant cast, which includes popular actors and entertainers: Gurchenko, Filippov, Zeldin, Ilyinsky.

According to the plot of the film, young workers of the House of Culture prepared a New Year’s entertainment program. But on New Year’s Eve, Comrade Ogurtsov, who was appointed acting director, forbids the performance of numbers that are too “frivolous”, in his opinion, and orders them to be replaced by “serious” performances. The youth decides to teach the bureaucrat a lesson and save the fun New Year’s program.

9. The Hussar Ballad

The best films of Ryazanov

Musical comedy “Hussar Ballad” continues the list of Ryazanov’s best films. The premiere of the film was timed to coincide with the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Borodino. “Hussar Ballad” is a brilliant film debut by Larisa Golubkina, who played one of the main roles.

Shurochka Azarova, brought up by two brave warriors, is not at all like young ladies of her age. She has excellent command of weapons and holds firmly in the saddle. Shurochka’s fiancé, lieutenant Rzhevsky, arrives at the Azarovs’ estate, engaged in absentia to a girl. Having met Shurochka in a male carnival costume, he takes her for a relative of the bride and speaks unflatteringly about her. The girl is outraged by the prejudiced attitude of the young man, but Shurochka really liked the lieutenant. When the news of the beginning of the Patriotic War comes to the estate, the girl runs away from home in a man’s dress and ends up at the headquarters of the corps. Six months later, she again meets Rzhevsky, who is fighting the enemy in a partisan detachment.

8. watch out for the car

The best films of Ryazanov

Film critics consider lyrical comedy “Watch out for the car” one of Ryazanov’s best directorial works. The plot of the picture is based on an urban legend about a noble car thief who stole cars bought with dishonestly earned money by speculators and plunderers of state property.

An excellent cast, real life situations, beautifully written characters and a dynamic plot made the picture incredibly popular with the audience. Innokenty Smoktunovsky surprisingly accurately embodied the image of Yuri Detochkin – a man who notices what others pass by indifferently.

The fact that a monument to Yuri Detochkin was erected in Samara in 2012 speaks about the audience’s love for comedy.

7. The old robbers

The best films of Ryazanov

The list of the best films of Eldar Ryazanov includes a comedy “Old robbers”, in which the main roles were played by Yuri Nikulin, Evgeny Evstigneev, Georgy Burkov, Andrei Mironov and Olga Aroseva. Despite the comedy genre, the picture raises serious questions about the demand for the older generation.

Investigator Myachikov, who has reached retirement age, together with a faithful friend, organizes the theft of a painting from a museum in order to “uncover” the crime and prove his indispensability.

6. Incredible adventures of Italians in Russia

The best films of Ryazanov

“The incredible adventures of Italians in Russia” – adventure Soviet-Italian comedy, included in the list of Ryazanov’s best films. Several Italians fly to the Soviet Union in search of treasures hidden somewhere in Leningrad. In Moscow, they are joined by the guide Andrey, who significantly complicates the life of seekers of untold riches.

5. Cruel Romance

The best films of Ryazanov

The list of the best paintings by Eldar Ryazanov includes drama “Cruel romance”, one of the director’s most controversial films. This is a brilliant film debut of Larisa Guzeeva. The picture was a huge success with the audience, and critics responded extremely negatively about it, accusing Ryazanov of departing from the original version of Ostrovsky’s play.

4. Say a word about the poor hussar

The best films of Ryazanov

Tragicomedy “Say a word about the poor hussar” – one of Ryazanov’s best films, in which the director surprisingly accurately managed to reproduce the atmosphere of tsarist Russia.

A hussar regiment arrives in a small provincial town. Count Merzlyaev also comes here from St. Petersburg to check the reliability of the hussars.

3. Station for two

The best films of Ryazanov

Melodrama “Station for two” is a classic of Soviet cinema and one of Ryazanov’s best films.

Another joint brilliant work of Emil Braginsky, the screenwriter of the film, and Eldar Ryazanov, “Station for Two” in 1983 was included in the competition program of the Cannes Film Festival.

Platon Ryabinin gets stuck without documents at the intermediate station of the railway station. Here, under very unattractive circumstances, he meets the waitress Vera. Delay does not enter into his plans, as he hurries to his father before his trial takes place. But love can strike at any moment, and neither the difference in the social statuses of the lovers, nor the circumstances of their meeting will stop it.

2. Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath!

The best films of Ryazanov

Christmas comedy “Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath!” – a folk picture and one of the best films made by Eldar Ryazanov. This iconic ribbon has become an indispensable attribute of New Year’s celebrations and a source of festive mood for many years. On New Year’s Eve, the protagonist of the picture, after a traditional meeting with friends in a bath, mistakenly ends up in Leningrad and is sure that he is in his apartment. Nadia, the real mistress of the apartment, returning home, finds him sleeping. From a showdown to sudden love, any miracle is possible on New Year’s Eve.

1. Love affair at work

The best films of Ryazanov

Tragicomedy “Love affair at work” occupies a special place in the list of Ryazanov’s films. This picture, without exaggeration, is the property of Soviet cinema. Favorite actors, excellent musical accompaniment, the dialogues of the characters that have come into use and the piercing atmosphere of the autumn metropolis – this picture wants to be reviewed again and again.

The plot of the film is known to everyone – an employee of the statistical bureau Novoseltsev is trying to get a promotion from his boss, a real cracker in a Kalugina skirt …

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