The best films of Nikita Mikhalkov

Nikita Sergeevich Mikhalkov is one of the most famous Soviet and Russian film directors, who is an Oscar winner for the film Burnt by the Sun. In addition, he was awarded such an honorary award as the “State Prize of the Russian Federation” three times for his contribution to the development of cinema. Mikhalkov is also widely known to the audience as a film actor. Nikita Sergeevich took part in the filming of more than 50 feature films and made 35 films.

The top 10 included the best Mikhalkov Nikita films, list which are located below.

10 Black eyes

The best films of Nikita Mikhalkov

“Black eyes” opens the list of the best films of Nikita Mikhalkov. The film is based on the story of the Russian playwright A.P. Chekhov. The main character of the picture, the Italian Marcello, marries for love a rich lady. But years pass, feelings began to fade, and the main character began to get bored. He leaves for a resort, where he has an affair with a Russian young woman. Marcello falls in love like a boy and decides to win the hand and heart of this lady at all costs. The man drops everything and follows his beloved to Russia.

9. Its among strangers, a stranger among its

The best films of Nikita Mikhalkov

“At home among strangers, a stranger among our own” – the debut full-length work of Nikita Mikhalkov, based on the story “Red Gold”, which was written by Mikhalkov in collaboration with Eduard Volodarsky. The picture describes the events of the 20s of the last century, unfolding in a small Russian town. Former white officers rob a train of gold. Former Reds come to grips with the criminals. It so happens that the red fighters suspect one of their comrades of betrayal. Tom can only run to find and return the gold, and thereby prove his innocence in the robbery.

8. 12

The best films of Nikita Mikhalkov

«12» is a film based on the play of the same name by Reginald Rose. The action of the artistic picture takes place in the courtroom, where twelve jurors are hearing the case of the murder by an eighteen-year-old boy of his stepfather, who served in Chechnya. All evidence points to the defendant’s involvement in the crime, and 11 jurors are confident in the guilt of the guy, going to make their final verdict. But one of them does not quite agree with this and invites other jurors to consider the case in more detail. In 2007, the film was nominated for an Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film.

7. Slave of love

The best films of Nikita Mikhalkov

“Slave of Love” – Nikita Mikhalkov’s melodrama about the main character Elena Voznesenskaya, who is the prototype of the actress Vera Kholodnaya. There is a civil war going on. Moscow is already occupied by the Bolsheviks, and in the still calm Crimea, the filming of the movie “Slave of Love” is taking place. During filming, Elena falls in love with cameraman Pototsky, who is an underground revolutionary. Voznesenskaya herself is far from politics, but having become better acquainted with Pototsky and learning about his activities, she begins to admire “a cause for which they can be killed, or even put in jail!”. At the end of the film, Elena’s lover is killed.

6. Unfinished piece for mechanical piano

The best films of Nikita Mikhalkov

“Unfinished Piece for Mechanical Piano” – a drama by Nikita Mikhalkov, based on the works of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. Guests gather at the estate of the widow Anna Petrovna Voinitseva, among them the married couple Alexander and Mikhail Platonov. Anna Petrovna’s stepson introduces his wife Sofya to the guests, in whom Mikhail recognizes his former love. At the end of the evening, Platonov expresses his feelings for Sophia. She loves him back and wants to start a new life with him. Mikhail himself is not ready for such a turn of events. Confused by his feelings, he decides to stage a suicide attempt. The main character is thrown from a low cliff into the river, where the water is knee-deep. The wife runs up to her husband with tears in her eyes and says that she loves him…

5. Relatives

The best films of Nikita Mikhalkov

“Relatives” – a film by Nikita Mikhalkov, filmed according to the script by Merezhko, who wrote it specifically for N.V. Mordyukova. The main character of the film, Maria Konovalova, is a simple rural woman. She comes to town to visit her daughter and granddaughter to help set up family life. Acting out of the best of intentions, Maria Vasilievna causes a stormy protest from her relatives, who do not need such help.

4. Without witnesses

The best films of Nikita Mikhalkov

“Without Witnesses” – a film by Nikita Mikhalkov, based on the play by Sofia Prokofieva “Conversation Without a Witness”. They have been divorced for nine years now. She is raising their teenage son alone. One day he decides to visit his loved ones. The ex-husband finds out that she is going to marry his old friend Shlyakhov. Once upon a time, the main character wrote an anonymous letter of complaint against Shlyakhov. He cannot allow his ex-wife to marry his friend. The hero forces her to refuse marriage, threatening that he will tell his son that she is not her own mother. A woman decides to give up her own happiness for the benefit of her adopted child.

3. The Siberian barber

The best films of Nikita Mikhalkov

“Siberian barber” opens the top three films of Mikhalkov Nikita. The film describes the events of 1885, during the reign of Alexander III. Douglas McCracken, inventor of the Barber of Siberia steam sawmill, comes to Russia with adventurer Jane Calagen, who is to help promote a project to sell a unique machine through her connections with Russian officials, in particular with General Rodlov. In Russia, Jane meets the cadet Andrei Tolstov. Feelings arise between young people. Meanwhile, Rodlov is about to propose to Jane. In a fit of jealousy, Tolstoy beats the general, and the young man is sent to hard labor. 20 years later, the film shows a summer military training camp, where the son of Andrei and Jane is staying.

2. Burnt by the sun

The best films of Nikita Mikhalkov

historical drama “Burnt by the Sun” Nikita Mikhalkov, for which the director was awarded an Oscar, was recognized as the Best Foreign Language Film. The events of the film begin to take place on one of the hot sunny days of 1936. Divisional Commander Kotov, friendly with Stalin, is resting in his dacha with his huge family. Everyone is happy and having a lot of fun, and no one wants to believe that this joy will soon come to an end.

1. five evenings

The best films of Nikita Mikhalkov

Drama “Five Evenings” tops the list of the best works of Nikita Mikhalkov. The artistic picture was shot based on the play of the same name by Alexander Volodin. The main character, Alexander Ilyin, arrives in Moscow on a business trip. There he meets his old friend Tamara Vasilievna, with whom he was in love. It’s been a long 18 years since they haven’t seen each other. During conversations between each other, each of them is trying to prove to the other that everything in his life is good. Already an elderly man and woman are afraid to confess their mutual feelings, which returned to them with the same strength.

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