The best films about the Russian prison and zone

Don’t renounce money and prison, says a Russian proverb. Life is unpredictable and no one can be sure what will happen in the future. This is clearly demonstrated by the best films about the Russian prison and zone, the heroes of which did not expect at all that they would find themselves in prison, where they would have to fight for their lives.

10 Nicknamed The Beast

The best films about the Russian prison and zone

Thriller “Nicknamed the Beast” – one of the best films about the Russian prison and zone. The protagonist of the picture, Savely Govorkov, is a former special forces soldier who participated in hostilities in Afghanistan. Returning home, he gets a job as a bodyguard for a kept woman of a major crime boss Alik. A strong feeling flares up between Savely and the girl. When Govorkov comes into conflict with his employer, trying to protect his friend, he decides to get rid of the opponent by substituting him under the “currency” article. Savely is sentenced to 9 years in prison. A special forces soldier who went through the war in Afghanistan did not break under the blows of fate – Govorkov makes a bold escape from the colony, in the dream of taking revenge on his enemies and saving his beloved.

Interesting fact: real regime officers and convicts from one of the corrective labor colonies of the Komi Republic took part in the filming of the picture.

9. prison romance

The best films about the Russian prison and zone

Drama is among the best films about Russian prison “Prison Romance”. He is a dangerous recidivist Artynov, involved in currency fraud. She is a senior investigator for especially important cases, a smart and beautiful woman who is not used to losing. When these two strong personalities meet, a psychological duel begins between them. Gradually, in an impudent and dangerous recidivist, investigator Elena Andreevna discovers a strong man who begins to aggressively court her.

The plot of the drama is based on the real story of the relationship between the bandit Maduev and investigator Natalia Vorontsova, who helped the criminal organize an escape from the Kresty detention center by handing over weapons to him.

8. Gentlemen of Fortune

The best films about the Russian prison and zone

“Gentlemen of Fortune” – one of the Soviet comedies most beloved by the audience, in which you can see scenes of a Russian prison and zone.

The kindest director of the kindergarten turns out to be incredibly similar to a dangerous recidivist nicknamed “Associate Professor”, who managed to steal a valuable exhibit – the legendary helmet of Alexander the Great. At the urgent request of the police, Troshkin, under the guise of a gangster “Associate Professor”, is introduced into the environment of criminals serving sentences in one of the colonies in Central Asia. He needs to organize the escape of the Associate Professor’s accomplices so that they lead him to the trail of the helmet. Meanwhile, the Associate Professor himself is at large …

7. Bastards

The best films about the Russian prison and zone

The list of the best films about the Russian prison and the zone continues the military drama “Bastards”.

1943, in the midst of the Great Patriotic War. Lieutenant Colonel Vishnevetsky is released from prison to carry out a secret government assignment. A former mountaineer must quickly prepare a sabotage group of young criminals sentenced to death. They will have to interfere with special enemy formations operating in the Carpathians. In a secret mountain camp, Vishnevetsky and his fellow trainers, also released, prepare desperate teenagers for a deadly mission.

6. Lucky

The best films about the Russian prison and zone

Continues the list of the best films about the Russian prison crime drama “Lucky”. In the center of the plot of the picture is Vadim Uporov, convicted on a denunciation for 25 years and sent to one of the Gulag camps. Here he finds himself embroiled in a conflict between two groups of prisoners. A conflict with one of the criminal authorities forces the hero to escape. He is caught and sent to the punishment cell. During the second escape, Vadim meets a girl, Natalia, for whom he decides to seek early release and the removal of a criminal record.

5. High Security Vacation

The best films about the Russian prison and zone

The best films about a Russian prison include a comedy “High Security Vacation”, the main roles in which were played by Sergei Bezrukov and Dmitry Dyuzhev.

Evgeny Koltsov is a former employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who ended up in the zone for the negligent murder of his colleague. Viktor Sumarakov, nicknamed “Twilight”, is a recidivist thief with great authority in the underworld. Fate brings these completely different people together, and they are forced to escape, saving their lives. With the help of an employee of the colony, Koltsov and Sumarokov end up in a pioneer camp, posing as leaders. Communication with children greatly changes the characters, and they become exemplary educators, who are adored by everyone in the squad.

4. Lost in Siberia

The best films about the Russian prison and zone

One of the best films about the Russian zone and prison “Lost in Siberia” tells about the fate of the British archaeologist Miller, who was mistaken by the Soviet intelligence services for an American intelligence agent. Brutal interrogations force him to confess to espionage and he is sent to Siberia, to a Soviet camp. Despite the most difficult trials, the main character does not give up, and love for the doctor of the first-aid post helps him fight for his life.

3. High security comedy

The best films about the Russian prison and zone

“High Security Comedy” – one of the best pictures about a Russian prison. The genre of the film is quite rare – it’s a grotesque comedy. In one of the Soviet strict regime colonies, the authorities decide to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Lenin on a grand scale. It was decided to prepare a performance, the theme of which was the October Revolution. Prisoners were assigned to play the main roles in the play. The convicts liked the idea and, having distributed the roles of revolutionaries among themselves, they begin to get used to the images of their heroes. Encouraged by the example of the fighters for the revolution, the prisoners decide to achieve freedom and plan a mass escape.

2. Lawlessness

The best films about the Russian prison and zone

One of the best films about the Russian zone “Lawlessness” tells the real story of life and life of one of the Soviet strict regime colonies. The plot of the picture is based on the essay of the same name, published in the magazine Ogonyok. In the center of the plot is a conflict between two groups of prisoners. The main mass, living in the position of slaves, no longer wants to put up with this. They are opposed by thieves in law, their sixes and the administration of the zone.

1. Courier to the East

The best films about the Russian prison and zone

Thriller “Courier to the East” – a bright and dynamic picture in which the main character ends up in a Russian prison, becoming a pawn in someone else’s game.

Alan and Arthur have been best friends since childhood. They grew up in an orphanage and did not lose touch with each other, becoming adults. Alan works as a coach in the children’s wrestling section, and Arthur has become the best drug courier of the criminal gang. When the section is closed due to an accident, Arthur decides to help a friend earn extra money by going instead of himself for another batch of drugs, not knowing that this trip is a set-up. Alan is arrested red-handed and sent to a penal colony for 8 years. His wrestling skills were very useful to him in prison in order to survive and escape. Alan’s goal is to avenge himself and his friend killed by the mafia.

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