The best films about autism

People suffering from such a complex disease as autism have their own special world, inaccessible to an ordinary person. They have a hard time in society, but real life examples show what a desperate struggle they can wage with themselves and how strong and courageous they are in defending their rights. The top 10 includes films about autistics, which are considered the best according to the results of the film search.

10 Ben x

The best films about autism The protagonist of the movieBen x“- an autistic young man trying to adapt to life in society. But all his efforts end in failure – classmates laugh and mock him regularly. The young man goes headlong into the virtual world, addicted to a computer game, where he has no equal in skill. Gradually, the real and fictional world are closely intertwined in Ben’s mind and it is already difficult for him to distinguish reality from fiction.

9. Terribly loud and extremely close

The best films about autism «Terribly loud and extremely closeo” is a film about an eleven-year-old boy, Oscar, who suffers from mild autism. The disease is called Asperger’s syndrome, in which you can lead a full existence in society. People suffering from this syndrome often cannot understand some human emotions. The story begins with the fact that Oscar loses his father, who dies during a terrorist attack in New York. A year after his death, the boy stumbles upon messages left by his deceased parent. He begins his own investigation, which should lead to a solution to the tragedy that happened.

8. Adam

The best films about autism «Adamis the story of a young man with autism. The protagonist of the film prefers space exploration to communication with people. In his heart, he still dreams of meeting a loved one who could understand him perfectly. And fate sends Adam a soul mate in the face of a girl named Beth.

7. Nell

The best films about autism «Nell”- a fictional drama about a girl suffering from autism. The main character of the film, Nell, has known no one since childhood, except for her twin sister and mother. They lived in the wilderness, far from civilization. Because of her mother’s speech problems, Nell learned to speak in a language incomprehensible to the average person. The girl is accidentally discovered. The doctor who found her is trying to help her adapt in an unfamiliar world. But Nell is of particular interest to science, so they want to use it for study in the laboratory. A real conflict breaks out between the intercessor and scientists.

6. ocean paradise

The best films about autism «ocean paradise“- a film about an autistic boy named Dafoe. He is 21 years old and his main support in life is his father, who anxiously takes care of him. But fate develops in such a way that the parent learns about the incurable disease that has befallen him. Doctors make disappointing forecasts: the man has only two months left. Worried about the future of his son, he hurries to accustom him to an independent life, since there will be no one to take care of Dafo. But will the hero manage to accomplish this in such a short time allotted to him?

5. What’s eating Gilbert Grape?

The best films about autism «What’s eating Gilbert Grape?is an American drama directed by Peter Hedges. The role of the protagonist Gilbert Grape was played by Johnny Depp, the second main face of the picture was Leonardo DiCaprio, who played the role of Arnie, who suffers from autism. After the death of his father, all cares for the custody of the family are transferred to the shoulders of Gilbert. On his guardianship is a sick mother and a weak-minded brother, who, according to doctors’ forecasts, will die soon. The routine drags the young man into his pool, and he does not see any prospects for the future, since his direct duty is to take care of sick relatives. But everything changes overnight when the hero accidentally meets a girl, Becky, who has ended up in his town.

4. Temple Grandin

The best films about autism «Temple Grandin“- a feature film based on real events about an autistic woman who proved to the whole world that this disease is not a sentence. From childhood, Temple led a desperate struggle for a normal existence in society. She was often visited by panic attacks, which did not allow her to live in peace. One day, while visiting her aunt’s farm, she discovered a special device there that helps to calm down animals experiencing anxiety. At a young age, Temple realized what she was ready to devote her life to. She became America’s leading scientist, designing slaughterhouses where animals were not subjected to unnecessary torment and torture. Claire Danes, who played the role of Temple, won the Golden Globe for Best Actress.

3. I am Sam

The best films about autism The next film about autism “I am Sam“tells the story of Sam Dawson, whose mental development is at the level of a seven-year-old child. The protagonist’s girlfriend gives birth to a child from him, whom she leaves in his care. Despite the difficult situation, Sam manages to raise a daughter named Lucy with the help of acquaintances. The girl does not have any deviations in mental development, she grows up as a healthy, full-fledged child. At the age of seven, Lucy begins to outstrip her father in development, and others notice this. They decide to deprive Sam of the most precious thing he has – his daughters, as the society decides that he can no longer take care of the girl on his own. To defend the rights in court, the lawyer Rita Williams, who is not going smoothly in her own family, becomes the defender of the man. With running a difficult case, she will learn a few life lessons herself.

2. My name is Khan

The best films about autism «My name is Khanis the story of a young man named Rizwan who suffers from Asperger’s Syndrome. This is one of the best films about autism. The protagonist leaves his homeland – India and moves to live with his brother in San Francisco. There he meets a girl, Madrid, with whom he falls in love. Relatives are against the relationship of the sick Rizvan and Madrid, but in spite of everything, young people get married and live happily. The tragedy of September 11, 2001, which caused the death of several thousand people, becomes the main reason why a crack appears in family relationships. Muslims become oppressed and hated in a foreign country. Madrid leaves her husband. Rizvan does not understand what his fault is and goes in search of his beloved wife in order to return her.

1. Rain Man

The best films about autism «Rain Man”- a film about autism and not only, which received high marks from both film critics and viewers. In the list of “Kinopoisk” in the top 250 best feature films, the tape took 74th place. A year after the release, in 1989, the film was awarded an Oscar. Dustin Hoffman also won the prestigious award for his role as an autistic brother. Charlie’s father dies. He is sure that the entire inheritance will pass into his hands, as to the only closest relative. But it turns out that the son gets only the old car of the deceased. The hero learns about the existence of a brother named Raymond, who has autism and is in a hospital. Charlie does not intend to put up with the injustice committed by his father, and is going to win the inheritance in any way. He did not yet know that he would gain something more than money by deciding to kidnap a sick relative. Charlie’s head is rethinking human values, and for the first time in his life he understands that material wealth is not the most important thing.

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