The best films about animals

Cinema about animals is a category of films that leaves no one indifferent. And all because they show that animals, just like people, are able to love, rejoice, experience and suffer, to be true friends. These films teach to be kinder and more responsive.

This ranking includes best animal moviesaccording to moviegoers.

10 We bought a zoo

The best films about animals

Family comedy “We bought a zoo“opens a list of the best art pictures about animals. The film is based on a true story and was filmed during the first year of Benjamin Mee’s memoirs. The book tells the story of the rescue from the collapse of the Dartmoor Zoo. Only the director moved the action from England to California, the rest of the events unfolded strictly according to the book. The protagonist, widowed Benjamin Mee, is left with two children: a little daughter and a teenage son. It is difficult for the family to survive the loss, besides, Benjamin was out of work, and the eldest son is expelled from school for bad behavior. He decides on drastic changes: to leave the metropolis and settle in the provinces in a big house with children. That’s just the house that Benjamin liked was sold along with the zoo, in which there were still 200 animals that were on the verge of death. Benjamin decides to buy and take a desperate step – to restore the zoo.

9. Bear

The best films about animals

Artistic picture “Bear“is located in ninth place among the best films about animals. This film tells a touching story about a bear cub who lost his mother. Left to itself, a small beast roams the forest expanses, and somewhere nearby there are hunters who came here for prey. The kid runs into a wounded bear. Soon they will meet people.

8. Life of Pi

The best films about animals

Adventure drama “Life of Pi“occupies the eighth line among the best films about animals. The cargo ship is shipwrecked. A boy named Pi manages to miraculously escape. He gets into the boat, being in the neighborhood with a tiger, an orangutan and a zebra. The tiger kills all animals. Finding himself with him in the endless expanses of water, the boy will have to find a common language with a wild beast, which does not really want to obey the will of man. A small man and a Bengal tiger… what lies ahead – a struggle for survival or a strong friendship? Out of 11 Oscar nominations, the film received 4 statuettes of the American Film Academy.

7. Red Dog

The best films about animals

Melodrama “Red Dog“ranks seventh among the best films about animals. In a quiet, unremarkable mining town, where life is calm and not in full swing, a cheerful smart dog appears. No one suspected that with the advent of the dog, the province would come to life. The red pet becomes a universal favorite and friend, having managed to change many human destinies.

6. Beethoven

The best films about animals

The list of the best films about animals includes the family comedy “Beethoven“. The protagonist of the picture becomes a St. Bernard dog, who was sheltered by one kind and friendly family. The dog immediately became the favorite of the family, except for its head, the rational George. But the charming pet, who loves Beethoven’s music, soon won his hearts too. It soon turns out that the dog escaped from the laboratory where experiments are being carried out on animals and, most likely, they will want to get Beethoven back.

5. Free Willy

The best films about animals

Adventure drama “Free Willy“occupies the fifth position among the best films about animals. A baby killer whale has been separated from its mother and placed in an amusement park. They gave him the nickname Willy. It was expected that the animal would bring a good income to the owner. But the plans did not materialize, and the owner decides to kill Willy in order to get a decent insurance compensation. But difficult teenager Jesse, who has become a real friend for the whale, learns about the mercantile plans and decides to release the animal.

4. K-9: Dog work

The best films about animals

The fourth place among the best films about animals is the crime comedy “K-9: Dog work“. The protagonist of the film, police officer Michael Dooley, is under the gun of a drug dealer because he always sticks his nose into his drug business. As an assistant, Michael’s friend gives him a service dog named Jerry, who works with drugs and is well trained in the smell of heroin. But as it turned out, this animal is not so easy to work in pairs. Jerry is a dog with character who performs her duties when she wants to. But she gladly takes part in the destruction of Michael’s home and personal life.

3. Dolphin story

The best films about animals

«Dolphin story”opens the top three best films about animals. This story is based on real events. A boy named Sawyer finds a wounded dolphin on the shore. He is taken by the rescue service. A seriously injured dolphin is doomed to have its tail amputated and is destined to remain in a marine animal hospital until the end of its days. The animal is cured, and he finds new friends here. Sawyer visits a dolphin every day, who received the nickname Winter. In order to return Winter to a full life, her new friend and brilliant prosthetist decide to return to the dolphin its lost part – the tail. But how will the wild animal react to this?

2. White captivity

The best films about animals

The second line in the list of the best films about animals is the drama “White captivity“. The events of the artistic picture unfold in the snowy expanses of Antarctica. A scientific expedition is sent in search of a large meteorite. But then a strong snow storm begins, and all members of the expedition are forced to evacuate from the local station. People managed to evacuate. But here eight sled dogs chained with chains were left to their own devices. They were supposed to be picked up in a few days, as soon as the weather conditions normalized. But nature ran amok, and then came the Antarctic winter. For six months, the dogs will have to learn how to survive on their own in harsh conditions.

1. Hachiko: The most loyal friend

The best films about animals

«Hachiko: The most loyal friend” tops the list of the best films about animals. This sad and tragic story spread all over the world. A university professor on his way home discovers a purebred puppy at the subway station. Since the dog is quite valuable, the main character understands that she just got lost. He begins searching for the owner, but it turned out to be in vain. The man decides to keep the dog and gives him the nickname Hachiko. A warm friendship develops between the dog and the new owner. Hachiko faithfully and devotedly waits at the subway station for her owner every evening. But soon a tragedy occurs: the teacher dies. Days, weeks, months, years will pass, and the devoted dog will still come to the station with the hope of meeting the owner, because Hachiko is the most faithful friend.

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