The best films about aliens

Is mankind alone or are there other intelligent beings in the vast expanses of the Universe? This question worries not only scientists, but also ordinary people. If we allow the existence of aliens, then a serious problem arises – how will they perceive the existence of mankind? Cinema offers viewers different options for the development of the consequences of contact with an alien mind. The best films about aliens – we bring to the attention of readers the possible results of the meeting of mankind with other intelligent inhabitants of the Universe.

10 Something

The best films about aliens

The list of the best films about aliens opens with the 2011 thriller “Something“- a prequel to the 1982 tape of the same name.

The film takes place in 1982. The team of the Norwegian Antarctic polar station discovered an object resembling a spaceship and the frozen remains of an unknown creature. A team of scientists is sent to the place of discovery. The creature manages to break free and escape. “Something” attacks one of the polar explorers and severely injures him. When studying the cells of an alien, it is found that they can change and repeat the appearance of any creature. Now, no one on the station can be sure if an alien “something” is hiding under the appearance of a person.

9. Pacific Rim

The best films about aliens

The ninth place among the best pictures about alien creatures is occupied by a fantastic action movie “Pacific Rim“. The film is interesting not only for its dynamic plot, but also for the fact that director Guillermo del Toro used Japanese mythology to create the image of aliens. The result is an interesting fusion of European and Japanese culture.

In the future, the Pacific Rift became a portal through which giant monsters – kaiju – began to appear on Earth. To combat it, scientists have created mechs – giant robots connected by a neural connection with people. For a long time, the huntsmen (as those who controlled the mechanical creatures were called) managed to hold back the onset of the kaiju. But those with each new attack became more and more intelligent. Caught on the brink of defeat, humanity can only count on the last surviving rangers and their insane plan to save the planet.

8. Independence Day

The best films about aliens

«Independence Day“- one of the best films about aliens, which at one time brought together an excellent acting team.

On July 2, 1996, armadas of giant alien ships attack the Earth. They strike at all earthly capitals and major cities. An attempt to attack enemy ships is defeated – the air force of earthlings is almost completely destroyed. The scientist David Levinson finds a way out – he proposes to infect the enemy’s main ship with a computer virus that can disable the protective field. This will enable the remaining Earth planes to strike. To get on the enemy’s lead ship, the daredevils who decide to take this desperate step will have to use the alien ship stored in Area 51.

At the end of June 2016, a sequel to the film is released. Unfortunately, we will not see Will Smith in it – he refused to participate in the filming of the continuation of the blockbuster.

7. department

The best films about aliens

Youth horror filmdepartment“ranks seventh in the list of the best pictures about aliens. Despite the genre, the film received critical acclaim and was nominated for several prestigious awards.

High school students at Harrington College one day make a terrible discovery – their teachers are not people, but aliens. In the struggle for life, former opponents are forced to unite against a common threat.

Elijah Wood, Josh Hartnett, Salma Hayek and Famke Janssen – the cast of the picture is impressive.

6. Prometheus

The best films about aliens

Ridley Scott, director of the sci-fi thriller Alien, has wanted to make a sequel to the film for years. As a result, in 2012, one of the best pictures about alien creatures was released on the screens – a sci-fi action movie “Prometheus“. It was originally conceived as a prequel to “Alien”, but then transformed into an independent picture.

According to the plot of the film, the Prometheus research spacecraft is sent to the star system, in which, according to scientists, is the home planet of the Creator race, who arrived on Earth thousands of years ago. According to one version, it was they who created humanity.

5. The Edge of the Future

The best films about aliens

«The Edge of the Future“- a dynamic action movie with an unpredictable ending and an excellent cast takes fifth place in the list of the best films about aliens.

Humanity is losing the war against a race of “mimics” who suddenly attacked the Earth. They seem to know how to predict the actions of earthlings and push them further and further. Arriving for press coverage of the impending offensive, Major William Cage finds himself in the thick of things. Killed in battle by a “mimic” of an unusual blue color, he comes to his senses exactly one day before his death. Cage is forced to relive that day over and over again and gradually realizes that he can use his gift as a means of fighting off alien invaders.

4. Men in Black

The best films about aliens

The list of the best films about aliens cannot be complete without a comedy “Men in Black».

The Earth has become a refuge for several thousand aliens, but only a few know about it. To interact and control with alien beings, a special supra-government Bureau was created, whose employees use advanced foreign technologies and wear strict black suits. Regular cop James Edwards is offered to be the newest member of the Bureau. He receives the code name Jay and is placed at the disposal of a veteran secret organization, Agent Kay.

3. District No. 9

The best films about aliens

Among the best pictures about aliens is a fantastic film shot in the pseudo-documentary genre “District No. 9“. She ranks third in our ranking.

In 1982, a huge alien ship appears over the African continent. Mankind does not know what to expect from aliens – peace or war, because no one has appeared from the space ship. A few months later, scientists enter the ship and find thousands of emaciated aliens in it. While the world community decides what to do with them, the uninvited guests are sent to a camp organized for them, called “District No. 9”.

2. War of the Worlds

The best films about aliens

«War of the Worlds“- one of the most successful adaptations of the famous science fiction novel by HG Wells. Tom Cruise starred in the film.

Earth has long been of great interest to Martians. One day they launch an invasion using giant tripod war machines. The troops of earthlings are losing in battles with aliens and ordinary residents can only rely on themselves.

1. Alien

The best films about aliens

The first place in the list of the best films about aliens belongs to the cult film “Aliendirected by Ridley Scott. She received the status of a cult tape, many awards and the love of millions of viewers.

The tug “Nostromo” carries a cargo of ore to Earth. Having received a signal and mistaking it for a request for help, the computer brings the ship’s crew out of suspended animation. According to the instructions, the crew must find its source. The signal is sent by a crashed alien ship. After the search party goes to inspect the starship, it becomes known that this is not a signal for help, but a warning of danger. But the crew members have no idea what horror they will face…

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